salix wilsonii是什么意思 salix wilsonii的中文翻译、读音、例句

salix wilsonii是什么意思 salix wilsonii的中文翻译、读音、例句

salix wilsonii在中文中有"紫柳"的意思,还有紫柳的意思,在线读音是[salixwilsonii],salix wilsonii是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与salix wilsonii相关的句子。

Salix wilsonii的释义


例句:Salix L. plants are main parts of landscaping tree species and their medical parts have been widely used for a long history in China. (柳树是园林绿化的重要树种,各部位在民间药用历史悠久。)


salix wilsonii一般作为名词使用,如在Salix wilsonii(n. 紫柳)、wilsonii([网络] 天师栗;川桂;三峡槭)、Euonymus wilsonii(n. 长刺卫矛)等常见短语中出现较多。

Salix wilsoniin. 紫柳
wilsonii[网络] 天师栗;川桂;三峡槭
Euonymus wilsoniin. 长刺卫矛
Elaeagnus wilsonii[网络] 少果胡颓子
Eleutherococcus wilsonii[网络] 狭叶五加
Gentiana wilsoniin. 川西龙胆
Glochidion wilsoniin. 湖北算盘子
Hydrocotyle wilsoniin. 鄂西天胡荽
Hypericum wilsoniin. 川鄂金丝桃
Leontopodium wilsoniin. 川西火绒草


1. Salix alba has the highest water use efficiency (WUE). (翻译:白柳的水分利用效率最高。)

2. The microscopic structure of salix mongolia were studied, and its fiber shapes andchemical components measured. (翻译:本文分析了沙柳木材的显微构造,测定了沙柳木材的纤维形态及化学成份。)

3. Effects of medium components on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Picea wilsonii Mast (翻译:培养基组分对青杄离体花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响)

4. lt studies the structure and glue property of Salix mongolia, and low poison UF resin used in particleboard of Solix Mongolia. (翻译:研究了沙柳材的地造,胶接特性和适用于沙柳刨花板的低毒脲醛树脂。)

5. The result declares that transmission of VP in willow stem (salix babylonica) plantlet can be evoked. (翻译:结果表明,该方法可诱发副溶血弧菌在柳茎植株上的传播。)

6. We still skim the back waters of ponds and streams for the seed of Betula , Acer Salix and Populus species . (翻译:我们仍然要在池塘的静水上和溪流中捞取桦木,槭树、杨、柳等树的种子。)

7. Salix, with about 400 species, grows in Europe, Asia, north America and the northern fringe of Africa. (翻译:柳属约400种,分布于欧洲、亚洲、北美洲和非洲北缘。)

8. Ken to the Song Dynasty in Henangu an Qixian office, Salix integra transplant will come from the introduction of Willow Technology. (翻译:宋代河南杞县知县调至固安任职时,将杞柳移植而来,引进柳编技术。)

9. A study on the relationship between stem anatomical structures and sapflow velocity of Robinia Pseudoacacia L. And Salix babylonica L. (翻译:洋槐和垂柳树干液流速度与解剖结构的关系。)

10. Gu an Willow: Salix integra mainly based on materials, hand-woven arts and crafts and daily necessities. (翻译:固安柳编:系以杞柳为主料,手工编成的日用品与工艺美术品。)

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