saltar是什么意思 saltar的中文翻译、读音、例句

saltar是什么意思 saltar的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Saltar la cuerda es una forma divertida de hacer ejercicio.(跳跳绳是一种有趣的锻炼方式。)

2. El gato saltó sobre el sofá.(猫跳上了沙发。)

3. El atleta saltó por encima de la valla.(运动员跨过了栅栏。)

4. La pelota saltó sobre la malla.(球弹跳在网上。)

5. El corazón me saltó al ver a mi amigo de la infancia después de tantos años.(看到多年未见的童年朋友,我的心里感到兴奋。)

6. La noticia hizo saltar el precio de las acciones.(这则消息导致股价上涨。)

7. No puedes simplemente saltar las reglas.(你不能简单地违反规则。)

8. Los niños saltaban de alegría cuando se anunciaron las vacaciones de verano.(当宣布暑假时,孩子们欢呼跳跃。)

9. Saltar a la vista que se trata de una obra de arte.(显而易见,这是一件艺术品。)



例句:Climb Huayna Picchu, find another altar. (爬上Huayna Picchu,你会发现另外一个圣坛。)


例句:Okay, so the table is the altar, and the lamp is... (好了 这张桌子当作是圣坛 灯当作是...)


1. There is an altar for incense in the temple. (翻译:神殿里有一个供着香的祭坛。)

2. They cover a screen in front of the altar called the iconostasis. (翻译:它们覆盖了这个位于祭坛前 面的隔板,它被称为圣像屏。)

3. The altar was flanked by two Christmas trees. (翻译:圣坛的两侧有两棵圣诞树。)

4. Thereafter, people have got used to calling the paintings of deities hung on the Daoist liturgical altar as altar painting. (翻译:后来人们习惯将道教用于法事活动时悬挂于神坛的神像画,也称为水陆画。)

5. My daughter's headed to the altar, and there's no groom? (翻译:拜托 我女儿都要走向圣坛了 可新郎却不知所踪?)

6. If the boy drank altar wine, he can't continue as an altar boy. (翻译:如果那孩子偷喝圣酒 他就不能继续担任祭坛侍童)

7. Hao Ming left me crouching at the altar. (翻译:郝萌把我一个人丢在了圣坛 她落了什么东西吗?)

8. Are you aware that there's a weird EM field... in the altar stone? (翻译:你知道巨石柱群的祭坛石台里 有块非常奇怪的电磁区吗? 我知道)

9. Because STS-200 is a delicate, top-secret satellite recovery that's why. (翻译:因为 S T S 2 0 0 是最高机密 所以不能)

10. Not ten minutes from the altar, they'll all be like, (翻译:等婚礼之后吧 刚下圣坛不到十分钟 所有人都会问)

11. After only a few days together, we rushed to the altar. (翻译:在一起相处了几天后 我们就结婚了 After only a few days together, we rushed to the altar.)

12. He knelt as a suppliant at the altar. (翻译:他跪在祭坛前祈祷。)

13. No, Carl here is interested in being an altar boy. (翻译:卡尔想来做你的辅祭 {\3cH202020}Carl here is interested in being an altar boy.)

14. My fiance left me at the altar. (翻译:我的未婚夫在婚礼上把我给撇下。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}My fiancé left me at the altar.)

15. I used to be an altar boy. (翻译:我做过祭台助手 I used to be an altar boy.)

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