sanderlin是什么意思 sanderlin的中文翻译、读音、例句

sanderlin是什么意思 sanderlin的中文翻译、读音、例句

经过查阅,没有该词汇存在,可能是一个拼写错误。最接近的单词可能是 "sanderling",具体内容如下:



词组搭配:sanderling bird(沙锥鸟)




1. The sanderling is a small wading bird that feeds along beaches.


2. The sanderlings are famous for their habit of running back and forth on the beach as the waves recede.


3. In winter, sanderlings gather in large flocks on tidal mudflats and sandy beaches.


4. The sanderling has a distinctive plumage design that changes with the seasons.


5. Sanderlings migrate long distances every year, flying from their Arctic breeding grounds to as far south as South America.


6. The sanderling is a popular bird for birdwatchers due to its active and inquisitive behavior.


7. The decline in coastal habitats has resulted in a decline in sanderling populations in some areas.





例句:And go back to Til-gang lin and wait for the case to fade out (回调景岭要等事情淡了些才好出来 And go back to Til -gang Lin and wait for the case to fade out)


例句:Lin Wai Min. American chinese (就是林惠民,美国华侨 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Lin Wai Min.)


1. Mr. Lin is a dexterous surgeon. (翻译:林先生是位技术纯熟的外科医师。)

2. Mine, I'm afraid, is beginning to look like the Paris Catacombs. Speaking of closets, did you find anything before you ducked into Sander Lee's? (翻译:说到衣橱 你钻进Sander Lee 的储藏室前 有发现吗?)

3. Yang Lin is in Shanghai. (翻译:杨琳在上海报道。)

4. The recovery in advanced economies is still relatively fragile," Sander said. (翻译:发达经济体的复苏仍然相对脆弱。)

5. Max was meeting Mae Lin that night. (翻译:Tha lady from the Embassy?)

6. Shu Pei lin, you're on next! (翻译:林黛玉... 快点啦... 出场啦...)

7. The Lin Chi Herb is protected by a Magic Crane (翻译:灵芝草是由南极仙翁的仙鹤守着 你斗不过它的)

8. It has nothing to do with the quality of your pictures... only with Frau Sander's lack of organizing ability. (翻译:和你的画的质量无关... ...只是弗洛. 桑德 缺乏组织能力)

9. Henceforth, at all occasions, Mao's name was to be linked with Lin's, to be referred to as "Chairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin" . (翻译:从今以后,林的名字总是跟着毛的名字,像“毛主席和林副主席”。)

10. State versus Li Lin for loitering. (翻译:-46A 州政府以街头滞留罪起诉Li Lin)

11. Ms. Lin has been hired to run the new exhibit opening at the Metropolitan Museum Of History. (翻译:Lin女士被聘策划 纽约大都会历史博物馆举行的艺术展)

12. Sander did not respond to repeated requests for comment and her namesake company declined to comment. (翻译:桑达没有回应多次的置评请求,吉尔-桑达公司也拒绝置评。)

13. Lin Dan, are you known to your friends as Da Guar ? (翻译:Lin Dan, 你认识象大官的朋友吗?)

14. As a critic pointed out in 1959, "There are Sander types, Sander characters everywhere." (翻译:正如xx年一位评论员指出的那样,“到处都是桑德的类型与桑德的人物。” )

15. So will you please ask Mr. Lin what he's doing in front of that store? (翻译:所以 你能问问Lin先生 他在那家店前面干什么吗?)

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