scared away是什么意思 scared away的中文翻译、读音、例句

scared away是什么意思 scared away的中文翻译、读音、例句

scared away通常被翻译为"网络"的意思,作为名词时有"吓倒"的意思,在线读音是[scaredaway],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到38个与scared away相关的句子。

Scared away的翻译

例句:Anyway, then he get all scared and he says, "Shut up. (then he get all scared Shut up.)


例句:Jaime scared away the men easily enough, while I wrapped her in my cloak. (詹姆赶跑了那两人, 我用自己的衣服裹住她. Jaime scared away the men easily enough, while I wrapped her in my cloak.)


scared away一般作为名词使用,如在scared(a. 害怕的, 担惊受怕的, 惊慌的, 吓坏了的)、scared into(吓得某人去做某事)、get scared(感到害怕\n受到惊吓\n胆怯\n恐惧)等常见短语中出现较多。

scareda. 害怕的, 担惊受怕的, 惊慌的, 吓坏了的
scared into吓得某人去做某事
get scared感到害怕\n受到惊吓\n胆怯\n恐惧
run scared战战兢兢\n[法] 尽力拉票
running scared[网络] 持续惊恐;夺命枪火;双星赶月
scared off吓跑
scared shitless[网络] 吓坏的
scared stiffna. 吓得僵住了\n[网络] 小生梦惊魂;吓呆了;吓死了
scared straight[网络] 现身说法;吓正了;恐惧威慑


1. For a Maasai warrior, lions are nothing to be scared of. (翻译:lions are nothing to be scared of.)

2. And when they took your license away, even scared as I was (翻译:当他们撤消你的执照的时候 虽然我很害怕... ...)

3. It's better than locking your heart away, too scared of getting hurt. (翻译:这是不是锁定你的心脏好 走了,太害怕受到伤害。)

4. And people are scared, which is why you want this to go away quickly. (翻译:每个人都心惊胆颤 这恐怕就是你想尽快了结的原因吧)

5. Yeah, we probably scared him. (翻译:we probably scared him.)

I just scared myself. (翻译:I just scared myself.)

7. there's no one in here,let's go. you scared mommy. (翻译:你吓坏妈咪了 You scared mommy.)

8. Scared my driver half to death. (翻译:Scared my driver half to death.)

9. Look, I know she scared you... (翻译:I know she scared you...)

10. You bribed or scared Bill away... and then took it out on my dog! (翻译:你贿赂比尔或把他吓跑了, 然后就除掉了我的狗!)

11. Eve! Jesus, you almost scared the courage out of me. (翻译:you almost scared the courage out of me.)

12. You scared me to death! Don't ever stay away that long again! (翻译:你要把我吓死了 再也不许在外面呆那么久了)

13. What is everybody scared of. (翻译:你们都怕什么 What is everybody scared of.)

14. I'm scared you're going to take it away from me, and you're scared I'm going to take it away from you. (翻译:我害怕你会从我手中夺走它, 你害怕我会从你手中夺走它。)

15. And every time I talked about walking away, it was because I was scared! (翻译:而且每一次我说话 关于离开的步行, 因为我被惊吓了,所以它是!)

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