scherrer formula是什么意思 scherrer formula的中文翻译、读音、例句

scherrer formula是什么意思 scherrer formula的中文翻译、读音、例句

scherrer formula的中文解释是"谢乐公式",还有谢乐公式的意思,单词读音音标为[scherrerformula],scherrer formula是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到95个与scherrer formula相关的句子。

Scherrer formula的中文翻译


例句:This is the molecular formula of diazine. (这是氯哒嗪的分子式。)


scherrer formula一般作为名词使用,如在scherrer([人名] 谢勒)、scherrer constant(谢乐常数)、scherrer equation(谢乐方程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

scherrer[人名] 谢勒
scherrer constant谢乐常数
scherrer equation谢乐方程序
difference formula差分公式
diffraction formula衍射公式
diffusing formula宣剂
digestive formula消食剂
digital formula指序


1. CO is the formula for carbon monoxide. (翻译:CO是一氧化碳的分子式。)

2. That little concoction is my own special formula. (翻译:那瓶调制品是我自己的独门配方 That little concoction is my own special formula.)

3. "It hasn't produced a lot" of activity so far, Scherrer said, "but it's still churning up new fields. " (翻译:谢瑞说:“到现在为止,太阳上的活跃区并不多,新的区域还在生成中。”)

4. The formula for the eveness of trains distribution is deduced. (翻译:推导出求列车分布均衡度的计算公式。)

5. Completely formula is strictly in accordance with AAFCO and NRC's formula and experimental standards, specifically for the nutritional needs of pets. (翻译:严格按照美国的AAFCO和NRC的配方和实验标准,专门针对宠物营养需要设计完全营养均衡的食品配方。)

6. For this experiment, the researchers were able to use an existing solar concentrator located at the Paul Scherrer Institute. (翻译:这部设备,研究者们能够使用宝雪若学院内已有的太阳能集中器。)

7. It's the chemical formula for fertilizer. (翻译:是氮 磷酸盐 碳酸钾的缩写 是化肥的化学公式)

8. This formula will be on the mid-term, so remember it! (翻译:这个公式大家要好好的记住 这一次的期中考一定会出哦)

9. You think your formula can make, well, this visible? (翻译:你是说你的配方能让 呃 这个看得见? You think your formula can make, well, this visible?)

10. Why change a winning formula? (翻译:为什么改变游戏规则啊? Why change a winning formula?)

11. But the message was a chemical formula for a nootropic compound. (翻译:但信的内容 But the message 是关于一个健脑药成分的化学式 was a chemical formula for a nootropic compound.)

12. On the count of three, whatever we've got, formula, no formula, let's just put it on the table, (翻译:我倒数三下 不管我们有什么,配方,还是没配方 我们就挑明吧)

13. Importing a custom field's formula imports only the formula text and appends it to any previously applied text in the Edit formula box. (翻译:导入自定义域的公式,只是导入公式文本,并将公式文本添加到“编辑公式”框中任何以前应用的文本中。)

14. A report by Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute estimates that dams are the most potentially hazardous source of energy. (翻译:瑞士PSI研究所的一份报告揭示了水坝是第一潜在风险源。)

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