scissors grip是什么意思 scissors grip的中文翻译、读音、例句

scissors grip是什么意思 scissors grip的中文翻译、读音、例句

scissors grip的中文解释是"剪刀把手",其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,读音为[scissorsgrip],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到47个与scissors grip相关的句子。

Scissors grip的词典翻译


例句:The range consists of a variety of scissors from children scissors to scissors for tailors, hairdressers etc. (该系列包括各种剪刀,从儿童剪刀到裁缝、美发师用的剪刀等。)

例句:- Hand me the gun, grip first. (- Listen, I, uh... - Hand me the gun, grip first.)


scissors grip一般作为名词使用,如在scissors(剪刀 )、grip(紧握 )、to grip([网络] 吸取的英文)等常见短语中出现较多。

to grip[网络] 吸取的英文
dissecting scissors[医] 解剖剪
dressing scissors敷料剪
dummy scissors[网络] 假剪刀
enucleation scissors眼球摘除剪
embryotomy scissors[医] 碎胎剪
enterotomy scissors剖肠剪


1. Do keep a grip and never crack stiff upper lip and arch the back (翻译:Do keep a grip and never crack 气定神闲,精神焕发 Stiff upper lip and arch the back 沉着冷静,弯腰鞠躬)

2. KartRider gem stone scissors cloth Activities gem stone scissors cloth brush automatic source. (翻译:说明:跑跑卡丁车石头剪子布宝石活动自动刷石头剪子布宝石源码。)

3. Now heave like you mean it! (翻译:Alright, get a grip.)

4. ♪ to keep, the dull black scissors ♪ (翻译:? to keep, the dull black scissors ?)

5. I want a pair of scissors and a bottle of whiteout. (翻译:我想要一支剪刀和一瓶涂改液。)

6. I suggest Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock. (翻译:由于出法太少 相熟的玩家 有75%到80%的可能性会打平 我建议采用石头)

7. They took all knives and razors and scissors from his room. (翻译:把他房里所有的小刀,刮胡刀还有剪刀都拿走)

8. Hurry up and pack your grip. (翻译:从窗前闪开 快点 我可不想让他们现在上来)

9. Nyota tries to imitate Panbanisha by using the scissors himself. (翻译:Nyota想学Panbanisha用剪刀。)

10. It helped the junta consolidate its grip. (翻译:这帮助军人集团巩固了他们对局势的掌控。)

11. We'll circle it, then move in like scissors. (翻译:我们把他围起来 - 你从那边过去 我们来个剪刀行动)

12. No, I saw everything the scissors and the man (翻译:你确定不是想像出来的? 不是 我都看见了)

13. Basically, there's a protein that acts like a scissors and cuts the DNA, and there's an RNA molecule that directs the scissors to any point on the genome you want. (翻译:也就是一个扮演了DNA剪刀角色的 蛋白质, 在一个RNA分子的指示下 剪刀可以作用于任何目标基因组。)

14. You also bought Nick his very first pair of scissors. (翻译:你还给Nick买了他的第一把剪刀。You also bought Nick his very first pair of scissors.)

15. The grip of nationalism is tightest in banking . (翻译:民族主义黑旗举得最高之处莫过于银行业了。)


scissors grip作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、scissors、grips等。

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