baronet是什么意思 baronet的中文翻译、读音、例句

baronet是什么意思 baronet的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Baronet是英国贵族中最低级别的爵位,属于勋位爵位。

2. 起源:Baronet一词的起源可以追溯到17世纪,当时英国的国王詹姆斯一世通过特许状将这种爵位赠予了一些贵族,用于筹集资金。

3. 特点:Baronet并不是真正的爵位,因为它不属于英国封建等级制度中的等级体系,而是属于勋位爵位。Baronet可以继承,但他们不具备伯爵、子爵等更高级别爵位的特权。

4. 地位:Baronet在英国社会中的地位虽然不如其他爵位高贵,但也受到一定的尊重和地位的认可,因为Baronet的祖先往往是士绅阶层的名门望族。


1. The newly appointed baronet was the talk of the town.


2. The baronet's title is inherited through the male line.


3. The baronetcy was created specifically for the purpose of raising money for the crown.


4. The baronet will attend the annual ball hosted by the queen.


5. The baronet's grand estate has been in his family for generations.


1. 'baronet'是英国的词语,翻译为男爵,指的是英国贵族封号中的一种。

2. 男爵是英国贵族封号中的最低级别,比下一级别的子爵低,是爵位中最普遍的一种,一般由国王授予有功之臣或有显赫家族背景的人。

3. 英文例句:

- William inherited the title of baronet from his father.


- The baronetcy is one of the oldest titles in the British peerage.


- Sir John was created a baronet for his services to the arts.


- The baronet's estate was one of the largest in the country.


- The baronetcy was passed down through the family for generations.


- The baronet had a seat in the House of Lords.


- The baronet was known for his charitable works in the local community.


- The baronet's ancestor fought in the Battle of Waterloo.


- The baronet's wife was a renowned artist and philanthropist.






1. His father was made a baronet for his services to the country.


2. The title of baronet is hereditary, passing down through the male line.


3. The new baronet was welcomed into high society with much pomp and ceremony.





例句:With a cry of surprise I pointed him out to the baronet, but in the instant during which I had turned to grasp his arm the man was gone. (我不禁惊叫了一声,并把他指给准男爵看,可是就在我转身抓他手臂的时候,那人就不见了。)


例句:and if they could but keep Captain Wentworth from being made a baronet, she would not change situations with Anne. (只要能使温特沃思上校当不成准男爵,她就不愿意和安妮调个位置。)


例句:The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor. (准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。)


例句:Captain, this is my father, Sir Walter Elliot, baronet. (翻译:上校 这是我的父亲 沃尔特 埃利奥特从男爵)


1. The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor. (翻译:准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。)

2. Captain, this is my father, Sir Walter Elliot, baronet. (翻译:上校 这是我的父亲 沃尔特 埃利奥特从男爵)

3. Atame millionaire a mincing baronet. (翻译:一个被驯服的百万富翁或者一个装腔作势的准男爵)

4. He was created a baronet in 1715. (翻译:他于xx年被封为准男爵。)

5. The company and the splendor which he met there were not to the Baronet's taste. (翻译:遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。)

6. Red Hand - Usual mark for a baronet if borne on a small escutcheon. (翻译:红色的手-通常来说,如果这种符号安加在一面小型纹章盾上,那么它是准男爵的标记。)

7. Born in London in 1971, the baronet's daughter now works as creative director of the high-end stationery firm Smythson. (翻译:莎曼珊xx年生于伦敦,是男爵之女,现任英国高级文具公司Smythson的创意总监。)

8. The baronet was pale, but calm and self-possessed. (翻译:从男爵面色苍白,但镇静而沉着。)

9. I suggest that ever since April 1945 you've indulged in the unscrupulous pretense of being an English baronet. (翻译:我认为自从xx年xx月以来 你就沉溺于肆无忌惮的扮演 男爵这个角色)

10. He's good-looking, he's a baronet, and I must say the girl seems quite in love with him. (翻译:他很帅 他是准男爵 而且我不得不说那姑娘很爱他)

11. Wife of Sir Mark Loddon, seventh Baronet of Ingworth Hall? (翻译:马克洛登爵士之妻 英沃斯宅邸第七任爵士?)

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