to be continue是什么意思 to be continue的中文翻译、读音、例句

to be continue是什么意思 to be continue的中文翻译、读音、例句


关于'to be continued'这个单词或者缩写词,以下是从三个方面的介绍和例句:


'to be continued'是一个动词短语,含义是“将继续进行、接着来”、“未完待续”的意思,表示一个故事、一个讨论或者一段话题暂时没有结束,将在未来继续进行下去。


1. 电视连续剧或者电影有多个季度或者集数,每一集或者季度结束时都会在结尾处显示“to be continued”,告诉观众故事会在下一集或者季度中继续发展。

例句:At the end of the movie, the words "to be continued" appeared on the screen, leaving the audience wanting more.

2. 在小说或者漫画中,作者打算把故事剧情分散到多个章节或者卷中,每章结尾处都会添加“to be continued”提示,告诉读者故事会在下一章节继续展开。

例句:As I reached the end of the latest chapter, I was disappointed to see the words "to be continued" at the bottom of the page.

3. 在一次会议或者讨论中,如果时间不够或者主题还没有完全讨论完毕,可能会说“to be continued”来表示下次会继续讨论这个话题。

例句:We didn't have enough time to finish talking about the project, so we agreed that it would be continued at the next meeting.


1. “To be continued”可以缩写成“TBC”,用于快速记录和提醒。

例句:We haven't decided on the location for the party yet, but it's TBC.

2. “To be continued”也可以用其他类似的表达来代替,例如“Stay tuned”、“More to come”等等。

例句:That was just the first part of the presentation, stay tuned for the rest.


1. This is not the end, it's only "to be continued." (这不是结局,只有“未完待续”。)

2. The story ends with a cliffhanger, leaving the audience wondering what will happen next. "To be continued" appears on the screen. (故事以悬疑结局结束,让观众好奇接下来会发生什么。屏幕上出现“未完待续”字样。)

3. The project was discussed at length, but there were still some unresolved issues, so it was decided that it would be continued at the next meeting. ("to be continued"被用来表示下次会议中将继续讨论这个项目。)

4. The comic book ended with a major plot twist, and readers were eagerly anticipating the next issue, which was promised to be continued the following month. (漫画以一个重要的情节转折结束,读者们迫不及待地期待下一期,承诺会在下个月续写。)

5. The movie was so popular that a sequel was announced, and it ended with a teaser trailer and the words "to be continued," leaving fans excited for what was to come. (电影非常受欢迎,官方宣布会有续集,电影结尾播放了一个预告片,屏幕上显示“未完待续”字样,让影迷们兴奋不已。)


读音:tóu bì kǎi shǐ (可同时读作“jì xù”)


1. 故事没有结束,下一章写在下一页:“to be continued”。

The story is not finished, the next chapter is written on the next page: "to be continued."

2. 这场比赛暂停时间到了,下半场马上开始,“to be continued”。

The break time of the game is over, the second half will start soon, "to be continued."

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