warm是什么意思 warm的中文翻译、读音、例句

warm是什么意思 warm的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:'warm'可以作为形容词,表示暖和的,温暖的,温暖地;也可以作为动词,表示使温暖。'WARM'还可以是一种缩写词,在计算机领域中,代表“写一次,运行多次”。

2. 用法:作为形容词,'warm'通常用来形容天气、气温、环境等,也可用来形容人的心情、态度等;作为动词,'warm'常常与'up'一起使用,表示活动前暖身;作为缩写词,'WARM'通常用于编程中,表示编译器预处理的操作。

3. 搭配:'warm'常见的搭配有:warm weather(温暖的天气)、warm welcome(热情的欢迎)、warm-hearted(热心的)、warm up(暖身)、warm smile(温暖的微笑)等。

4. 反义词:'warm'的反义词为'cold'或'cool'。


1. It’s so warm today that I can wear only a T-shirt.(今天气温很暖和,我只需要穿一件T恤。)

2. Thank you for your warm welcome.(感谢你们热情的欢迎。)

3. She has a warm personality and is easy to get along with.(她性格热情,容易相处。)

4. Let’s warm up before we start running.(我们开始跑步之前,先暖身一下。)

5. The WARM feature helps to reduce the time required for program execution.(WARM功能有助于减少程序执行所需的时间。)


1. The sun is shining and it’s really warm outside.(阳光明媚,外面很暖和。)

2. We received a very warm welcome from the local people.(当地人给了我们热情的欢迎。)

3. She has a warm smile that lights up the whole room.(她有温暖的微笑,照亮整个房间。)

4. I always warm up for at least 10 minutes before I start exercising.(我总是在开始运动之前至少暖身10分钟。)

5. Using the WARM feature can significantly reduce the time it takes to compile the code.(使用WARM功能可以显著地减少编译代码的时间。)




1. The sun is warm today. (今天阳光温暖。)

2. I feel warm and cozy in my bed. (我在床上感到温暖舒适。)

3. A warm fire crackled in the fireplace. (壁炉里发出温暖的火焰声。)

4. She gave me a warm hug to show how much she cared. (她给了我一个温暖的拥抱来表达她的关心。)

5. The soup was warm and delicious. (汤很温暖味道很好。)




例句:Sun, sand, warm, blue water... (阳光 沙滩 温暖而蔚蓝的海水... Sun, sand, warm, blue water...)


例句:? Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you. ? (Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you)


例句:Yes, we regard it as a warm and gracious compliment. (对 我们认为这是一种慷慨赞誉 Yes, we regard it as a warm and gracious compliment.)


例句://www.ted.com/talks/jane_chen_a_warm_embrace_that_saves_lives.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/jane_chen_a_warm_embrace_that_saves_lives.html)


warm一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in the warm(在暖和的地方)、to be warm(天气热)、warm to(同情, 爱好)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the warm在暖和的地方
to be warm天气热
warm to同情, 爱好
warm with(在烈酒里)掺热水加糖
get a warm取暖
get warm激昂起来
give a warm热一热,烘一烘,烤一烤
global warmn. 全球温化
got warm激昂起来
have a warm取暖


1. Yes, we regard it as a warm and gracious compliment. (翻译:对 我们认为这是一种慷慨赞誉 Yes, we regard it as a warm and gracious compliment.)

://www.ted.com/talks/jane_chen_a_warm_embrace_that_saves_lives.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/jane_chen_a_warm_embrace_that_saves_lives.html)

3. I could warm up the soup if you want. (翻译:你想吃我可以帮你热下这个汤 I could warm up the soup if you want.)

4. Tell Dahl to keep it warm for me. (翻译:Tell Dahl to keep it warm for me. 告诉Dahl 随时为我准备好)

5. I mean, there are so many warm mammories... (翻译:there are so many warm mammories...)

6. And may the ray... ray of sunshine warm your souls. (翻译:And may the ray... ray of sunshine warm your souls.)

7. ♫Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you ? (翻译:Life is cold but I was warm when I kissed you)

8. This gonna get you in trouble? (翻译:这应该能让我保保暖了 These should keep me warm.)

9. Where warm waves softly caress the ever-happy sands (翻译:Where warm waves softly caress the ever -happy sands)

10. The weather was unseasonably warm. (翻译:当时天气真是好得出奇 The weather was unseasonably warm.)

11. She wrapped it in tinfoil to keep it warm. (翻译:她用锡纸包着来保暖 She wrapped it in tinfoil to keep it warm.)

12. Take him back, then warm up. (翻译:带他回去 然后准备一下 Take him back, then warm up.)

13. Which, by the way, with a little warm milk are very tasty. (翻译:with a little warm milk are very tasty.)

14. She wants to keep them warm, protect them and keep them warm. (翻译:因为她希望保持蛋的温度 保护它们并让它们保持温暖 )

15. Guys, I just peed a little to keep warm. (翻译:各位 为了保暖 我刚撒了点尿 Guys, I just peed a little to keep warm.)



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