1. 词性及含义:
2. 用法及用例:
a. 在物理学和数学领域,'Unbound'通常指没有被束缚在某种力场中的粒子或者原子,例如'Unbound electron'(自由电子);
例句:Unbound electrons are responsible for electrical conductivity in metal.
b. 在出版和印刷领域,'Unbound'指书籍或者印刷品没有装订好的状态,通常是打印好了但是还没有裁剪或者装订成书的状态;
例句:The unbound sheets were stacked on the table, waiting to be trimmed and bound.
c. 在金融领域,'Unbound'通常指未被限制或者规定的投资产品或者交易方式;
例句:Unbound investment options may carry higher risk but can also earn higher returns.
3. 相关词汇:
a. 'Unbounded':与'Unbound'同义,但通常更常用于正式文章和学术论文中。
b. 'Unrestrained':含义类似,但更强调没有受到约束和限制的状态。
c. 'Unfettered':通常用于比喻和修辞手法中,指没有被束缚和束缚的人或者事物。
1. The unbound particles in the atmosphere can pose a risk to human health.(大气中的自由粒子可能对人体健康造成风险。)
2. The publisher sent me the unbound manuscript for review.(出版社给我寄来了未装订好的手稿供我审阅。)
3. The unbound investment options are attractive but require careful consideration.(无限制的投资选择虽然有吸引力,但需要谨慎考虑。)
4. The unbounded enthusiasm of the students was contagious.(学生们的无限热情非常有感染力。)
5. The unfettered imagination of the author led to a thrilling and unpredictable plot.(作者无拘无束的想象力导致了一个惊险、不可预测的情节。)
1. The novel is an unbound exploration of the human psyche. (这部小说是对人类心理的未限制探索。)
2. The pages of the book were unbound and scattered on the floor. (这本书的页码未绑定,散落在地板上。)
3. The artist wanted to create an unbound masterpiece that would break all convention. (这位艺术家想要创造一件未限制的杰作,打破所有传统。)
例句:Unbound by time or dust or rot. (不受时间,尘埃与腐烂的束缚。)
例句:The unbound DataGridView control is the data store, and its data is independent of any external source, such as a DataSet or an array. (未绑定的DataGridView控件是数据存储区,它的数据独立于任何外部源,如DataSet或数组。)
例句:Maybe the women have their feet unbound. (或许女人们不愿解放她们的脚 好,好,好 小孩子放脚好)
例句:Control containing both bound and unbound columns is sorted, the values in the unbound columns cannot be maintained automatically. (翻译:控件排序时,未绑定列中的值无法自动维护。)
unbound一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在prometheus unbound(na. 被释放了的普罗美修士\n[网络] 解放了的普罗米修斯;解放的普罗米修斯;被释的普罗米修斯)、unbound book([经] 不装订的帐簿, 活页帐)、unbound document(未加装订的文献,单篇文献资料)等常见短语中出现较多。
prometheus unbound | na. 被释放了的普罗美修士\n[网络] 解放了的普罗米修斯;解放的普罗米修斯;被释的普罗米修斯 |
unbound book | [经] 不装订的帐簿, 活页帐 |
unbound document | 未加装订的文献,单篇文献资料 |
unbound electron | 无束缚电子 |
unbound hair | 飘散的头发 |
unbound particle | 无束缚粒子,自由粒子 |
unbound state | [化] 游离状态; 未结合状态 |
unbound water | [化] 非结合水分 |
unbound control mode | 无约束控制方式 |
1. Maybe the women have their feet unbound. (翻译:或许女人们不愿解放她们的脚 好,好,好 小孩子放脚好)
2. Control containing both bound and unbound columns is sorted, the values in the unbound columns cannot be maintained automatically. (翻译:控件排序时,未绑定列中的值无法自动维护。)
3. Ailin's father accepts Ailin's desire to keep her feet unbound, despite the fact it will make it harder for her to marry. (翻译:爱林的父亲接受爱林的愿望,把自己的脚未绑定,尽管事实上它将使更难她求婚。)
4. Something seemed to have been unbound and released in him, very quietly. (翻译:他心里似乎有什么东西被非常平静地解开了。)
5. Kept carefully wrapped, this text, like most traditional Tibetan books, consists of unbound pages held between two boards, and has been printed from hand-carved wooden blocks. (翻译:这部被细心包裹起来的经书如同传统的西藏书籍一样, 是由两块板之间未装订的纸片组成, 并由手工雕刻的木块印制。)
6. She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind. (翻译:她解开头绳,让头发在风里自由地飘。)
7. Fel Blossoms are now unbound, but have an additional requirement of 275 herbalism to use. (翻译:野魔花现在属于非绑定物品,但需要275点草药学才能使用。)
8. The application is unbound from the logical server and made available in System View for binding to another logical server. (翻译:应用程序到逻辑服务器的绑定随即被解除,应用程序又可以在系统视图中绑定到其他逻辑服务器了。)
9. Is the name of the table and column or the alias data type from which the default is to be unbound. (翻译:要解除其默认值绑定的表和列或别名数据类型的名称。)
10. unbound mode is suitable for displaying relatively small amounts of data that you manage programmatically . you do not attach the. (翻译:未绑定模式适合于显示由程序管理的相对较少量的数据。)
11. Of experience and talent unbound and accelerating forward beyond the valley of our own experience and into every corner of the world. (翻译:在这里经验和才能可以不受束缚的突破每个人的经历,涌入世界的各个角落。)