cruelly是什么意思 cruelly的中文翻译、读音、例句

cruelly是什么意思 cruelly的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:cruelly wronged(被残忍地伤害),cruelly treated(受到残酷待遇),cruelly destroyed(被残忍地摧毁)




1. He was punished cruelly for his crime.(他因犯罪受到了残酷的惩罚。)

2. The animals were treated cruelly in the circus.(马戏团中的动物们受到了残酷的对待。)

3. She was cruelly mocked by her classmates for her appearance.(因为长相丑陋,她被同学们残酷地嘲笑。)

4. The war inflicted cruelly on the civilians.(这场战争对平民造成了残忍的伤害。)

5. The queen was known for her cruelly aggressive policies.(这位女王以其残酷的侵略政策而闻名。)




1. He was cruelly punished for a crime he didn't commit. (他因未犯罪却遭到了残酷的惩罚。)

2. The animal was treated cruelly by its owner. (这只动物受到了主人的残忍对待。)





例句:So Harper and Kohl were raised at a foie gras factory, and they were treated cruelly. (哈珀和科尔在一家鹅肝厂养大, 它们在那里受到残酷对待。)


例句:About two years ago it seems you cruelly killed a jay belonging to your brother Prosper. (大概两年前,好像你弄死了一只... 属于你弟弟普洛斯裴的鸟, 那个可怜家伙很喜欢那只鸟的)


1. Douglas was often cruelly tormented by jealous siblings. (翻译:道格拉斯过去常遭到嫉妒他的兄弟姐妹们的残忍折磨。)

2. To get sympathy from women While cruelly dumping them, (翻译:假装同性恋博取女人同情 然后残忍地甩掉她们)

3. I pray you'll never live to see a member of your family treated so cruelly. (翻译:我祈祷你永远不会活着看到 你的家庭成员 如此残酷的对待。)

4. "He would make an excellent prime minister, " comments one financial bigwig, cruelly. (翻译:一位金融资深人士无情地评论说:“他会是一个很好的总理的。”)

5. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. (翻译:与拍档或者爱人的关系陷入残酷竞争之中,会让我们感到背叛和背弃。)

6. 13 menbers are cruelly killed by soldiers and China sends police to patrol the river, some guys call it "invasion" ? (翻译:有13个人被军人残忍的杀害了,所以中国派警察去护航,怎么会有人把这叫做侵略?)

7. ... Months of preparation crammed into 18 minutes, raising the bar cruelly for the next generation of speakers, with the effects that we've seen this week. (翻译:几个月的准备 浓缩在18分钟里 毫不留情地给下一轮演讲者抬高了标杆 而结果我们也在这个星期里看到了)

8. "Your youth and your desire for happiness cruelly remind me of my age and the impossibility of happiness for me." (翻译:你的青春和你对幸福的渴望 让我想起自己早已年迈 我的幸福是多么遥不可期)

9. I won't complain anything, they were all drunk he treated my daughter cruelly, he must marry her, or.. (翻译:我不抱怨.他们喝多了 他欺负我的掌上明珠.他娶她,否则)

10. Having been handled with such manifest injustice and cruelly murdered, when they stand before the lord, he will wash away their sins and take them to the promised land. (翻译:他们遭遇了如此的 Having been handled with such 不公正和残忍的谋杀 Manifest injustice and cruelly murdered, 当他们站在上帝面前 When they stand before the lord,)

11. ... Months of preparation crammed into 18 minutes, raising the bar cruelly for the next generation of speakers, with the effects that we've seen this week. (翻译:几个月的准备 浓缩在18分钟里 毫不留情地给下一轮演讲者抬高了标杆 而结果我们也在这个星期里看到了 )

12. For nearly 70 years, the tragic loss of Bambi's mother has been cruelly introducing kids worldwide to the concept of death. (翻译:xx年来,Bambi丧母的悲剧一直残忍的将死亡的概念带给全世界的儿童。)

13. What could have induced him to behave so cruelly? (翻译:是什么致使他如此无情地对你 What could have induced him to behave so cruelly?)

14. Otherwise, you're cruelly tempting them with a glimpse of a world that's just beyond their soot-stained fingertips. (翻译:不然 是残忍地诱惑他们 瞥见那个不属于他们的世界)

15. Forgive me for being so cruelly sincere, but if anyone wanted this to end, it was me. (翻译:原谅我这样近似残酷的实际 如果有人最想要这一切结束,那就是我)

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