foaming是什么意思 foaming的中文翻译、读音、例句

foaming是什么意思 foaming的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义方面

(1) Foaming是指液体或泡沫表面产生气泡或泡沫的现象,常出现在化学反应或日常清洁工作中。

(2) FOAM是"Fear Of Missing Out"的缩写,指对错过某些事情感到恐惧或焦虑的情绪。

2. 词性方面

(1) Foaming是动词现在分词,常用于形容剂或清洁剂中。

(2) FOAM是名词,常用于描述泡沫。

3. 派生词方面

(1) foamer是指喜欢冲浪的人,也可以指使用泡沫产品的人。

(2) foamable是指可以制造泡沫的物质。

(3) foaminess是指物质的泡沫性质。

4. 应用方面

(1) 在洗涤剂和清洁剂中,foaming剂会加速泡沫的产生,提高其清洁效果。

(2) 在化学反应中,foaming现象可能会对反应过程产生影响,需要注意控制。

(3) 在社交媒体中,FOAM常用于描述对某些消息、活动等的焦虑和恐惧。


1. The foaming cleanser removes dirt and oil from your face.


2. The reaction solution started foaming violently.


3. The surfer used a foamer to maintain his board.


4. I have a fear of missing out on the party, so I will definitely be there.


5. Her FOAM is getting worse as she scrolls through Instagram.




1. The waves were foaming against the rocks.


2. The shampoo is designed to leave your hair soft and foaming.





例句:The preparation of ADC foaming agent from biurea by dioxygen catalytic oxidation was investigated and discussed. (对用分子氧催化氧化联二脲制取ADC发泡剂进行了探讨。)


例句:having foaming ability to be able to save foamer, widely applied and strongly practical. (兼有起泡性,可节省起泡剂,应用广泛,实用性强。)


例句:It has the foaming characteristics, mildness, less resistant to hard water and excellent bio-degradable. (具有优秀的起泡性能,温和性,抗硬水性能及优良的生物降解性。)


例句:Effect of trace Methanol on Foaming Performance and Desulphurization Efficiency of MDEA Solutions (翻译:微量甲醇对MDEA溶液发泡性能及脱硫效率的影响)


foaming一般作为名词使用,如在foaming ability(发泡能力;发泡性)、foaming adjuvant(泡剂)、foaming agent([计] 泡沫剂\n[化] 起泡剂; 发泡剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

foaming ability发泡能力;发泡性
foaming adjuvant泡剂
foaming agent[计] 泡沫剂\n[化] 起泡剂; 发泡剂
foaming agents发泡剂
foaming beer[网络] 起沫的啤酒;起沫啤酒;溢泡沫的啤酒
foaming behaviour[网络] 起泡沫特性
foaming boost[纺] 泡沫增效
foaming booster[纺] 泡沫增效剂
foaming capacity[化] 发泡能力; 发泡率


1. It has the foaming characteristics, mildness, less resistant to hard water and excellent bio-degradable. (翻译:具有优秀的起泡性能,温和性,抗硬水性能及优良的生物降解性。)

2. Effect of trace Methanol on Foaming Performance and Desulphurization Efficiency of MDEA Solutions (翻译:微量甲醇对MDEA溶液发泡性能及脱硫效率的影响)

3. He had to fill bowl after bowl of the foaming milk for the hungry children. (翻译:他不得不为饥饿的孩子们装上一碗又一碗带着泡沫的鲜羊奶。)

4. In addition to the blowing agent, we will also keep a package bubbles, Filmer foaming stability, that is, an adhesive coating. (翻译:不兴发泡剂边,还给笼罩气泡、保留发泡安定的成膜剂,即涂料粘合剂。)

5. All but mariners plung'd in the foaming brine, and quit the vessel, Then all afire with me; (翻译:除水手外其他人都跳入大海中 弃了船后同我一起着火)

6. Blended from HVI paraffinic base oils and additives to prevent wear, oxidation, corrosion and foaming. (翻译:采用高黏度指数石蜡基油加入添加剂为配方,提供抗磨损,抗氧化,抗腐蚀及抗泡沫性能。)

7. The Gentle Cleanser for combination skin can be mixed with Instant Foaming Cleanser Fleur de Vigne before rinsing with water. (翻译:对混合性皮肤来说,可以搭配使用洁面慕丝清洁脸部,再用水清洗。)

8. Exfoliate or follow with a good foaming cleanser for a deeper clean. (翻译:去角质,或者用泡沫丰富的洗面奶再做一次深沉洁面。)

9. With the increasing of DOP contents, the tensile strength declined, but the impact strength as well as foaming ability were(improved). (翻译:随DOP的用量加大,制品的拉伸强度降低,冲击性能和发泡性能提高;)

10. So a certain kind of antifoaming agent is needed to lower the foam layer and prohibit from foaming. (翻译:因此需使用消泡剂来降低泡沫层的高度,并抑制泡沫的产生。)

11. The creature was foaming at the mouth. (翻译:这家伙在口吐白沫。)

12. But the ship dived like a swan between them, and then rose again on their lofty, foaming crests. (翻译:可是这船像天鹅似的,一忽儿投进洪涛里面,一忽儿又在高大的浪头上抬起头来。)

13. Not for me is the love that knows no restraint, but like the foaming wine that having burst its vessel in a moment would run to waste. (翻译:我不要那不懂节制的爱,那只不过像是冒着泡沫的酒,它会从杯中溢出,顷刻间化为乌有。)

14. The river tiber was no longer a foaming torrent overflowing the plains. (翻译:台伯河已不再是漫溢平原的泛起泡沫的急流。)

15. Absence of Nuisances . Rotation prevents clogging; provides efficient aeration; eliminates foaming and odor problems. (翻译:关于其他问题。旋转可以阻止堵塞,提供有效的充氧,去除泡沫和气味问题。)



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