aam是什么意思 aam的中文翻译、读音、例句

aam是什么意思 aam的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:Aam Panna(一种饮料,以Aam为基础,拌入印度香料和糖浆)。

相关短语:Aam ka ped(芒果树)。


AAM是美国英语的缩写,全称为'Asset Allocation Model',意为资产配置模型。该词语常常用于金融领域,用于描述投资者在不同资产类别之间分配资金的策略。例如,投资者可以用AAM来决定将多少资金投入股票、债券、房地产等不同资产类别。


1. Our investment team uses an AAM approach to determine the best mix of assets for our clients.(我们的投资团队采用AAM方法来确定客户最佳资产组合。)

2. AAM provides a structured framework for allocating assets based on factors such as risk tolerance, return objectives, and investment horizon.(AAM为资产配置提供了结构化框架,基于风险容忍度、回报目标和投资周期等因素进行资产配置。)

3. AAM is a valuable tool for investors who want to achieve a diversified portfolio that can weather market fluctuations.(AAM是投资者实现分散化投资组合、应对市场波动的有价值工具。)

4. By using AAM, investors can ensure that their portfolios are aligned with their investment goals and risk profiles.(通过使用AAM,投资者可以确保其投资组合与其投资目标和风险特点相一致。)

5. AAM is not a one-size-fits-all approach and should be customized to each investor's unique financial circumstances.(AAM并非一刀切的方法,应根据每个投资者的独特财务状况进行定制。)

6. AAM can help investors avoid emotional decision-making and stick to a disciplined investment strategy.(AAM可以帮助投资者避免情绪化的决策,坚持纪律性的投资策略。)

7. The AAM model takes into account both quantitative and qualitative factors when determining asset allocation.(AAM模型在确定资产配置时考虑了定量和定性因素。)

8. AAM can be used to rebalance portfolios periodically, ensuring that asset allocation stays in line with investment goals.(AAM可用于定期重新平衡投资组合,确保资产配置与投资目标保持一致。)

9. While AAM can provide a solid foundation for investment decisions, it should be used in conjunction with other investment tools and strategies.(虽然AAM能够为投资决策提供坚实的基础,但也应与其他投资工具和策略结合使用。)




1. He is a famous aam rapper in the United States.(他是美国著名的阿姆说唱歌手。)

2. Some people criticize aam music for its explicit lyrics and violent themes.(一些人批评阿姆音乐因其前卫的歌词和暴力主题。)

3. Aam culture has had a significant impact on the music industry.(阿姆文化对音乐行业产生了重要影响。)




例句:AAM: It is not a question of if but when. (麦:那不是一个是否会发生的问题,而是何时发生的问题。)


例句:AAM: That is the plan. (麦:那是计划。)


例句:AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of Sanat Kumara. (麦:不,这是一个集体决议,但是最后决定主要是来自圣。库马拉。)


例句:The weapons are carried by a Xian JH-7A strike aircraft - the first time that platform has been seen with such sophisticated AAMs. (翻译:武器被一架西安JH-7A攻击战斗机携带-平台与如此尖端的AAM一起第一次被看到。)


1. AAM: No, it is a combination but primarily it is the final decision of Sanat Kumara. (翻译:麦:不,这是一个集体决议,但是最后决定主要是来自圣。库马拉。)

2. The weapons are carried by a Xian JH-7A strike aircraft - the first time that platform has been seen with such sophisticated AAMs. (翻译:武器被一架西安JH-7A攻击战斗机携带-平台与如此尖端的AAM一起第一次被看到。)

3. Me? Wrong? Aw come on, I'm not such a bad guy. Aam I? (翻译:我?错了?拜托,我不是什么坏蛋。我是吗?)

4. Apples were inoculated with spores of AAM after applying BTH as a foliar spray to peak branch and disease index was investigated. (翻译:BTH诱导苹果主枝顶梢,整株接种病原菌后,采用病情指数统计发病程度。)

5. It is also the only current AAM capable of conducting lock-on before-launch engagements from inside the JSF's internal weapons bay. (翻译:它也是当前唯一可以从JSF的内部武器舱进行发射前锁定的空对空导弹。)

6. AAM: Because that is the plan. (翻译:麦:因为那就是计划。)

7. The weapons are carried by a Xian JH-7A strike aircraft - the first time that platform has been seen with such sophisticated AAMs. (翻译:武器被一架西安JH-7A攻击战斗机携带-平台与如此尖端的AAM一起第一次被看到。)

8. Empress of Hindustan, Jodhaabai has arrived in Diwaan-E-Aam! (翻译:印度皇后Jodhaa陛下驾临Diwaan -E)

9. The attack process of active radar Air-to-air Missile (AAM) is divided into three phases: launch phase, midcourse phase and terminal phase. (翻译:主动雷达型空对空导弹的发射过程分为三个阶段:发射阶段,中制导阶段,末制导阶段。)

10. The two underwing stations could carry two PL-5 IR guided AAMs, unguided rocket pods or free-fall bombs. (翻译:二个机翼下挂点可以携带二枚PL-5IR制导AAM、非制导火箭吊舱或自由落体炸弹。)

11. AAM: It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless. (翻译:麦:无论如何,它都至少会在年末之前发生。)

12. AAM: It's already started. (翻译:AAM:已经开始了。)

13. AAM: The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the star brothers and sisters to arrive. (翻译:麦:神圣最后期限是指为星际兄弟姐妹的来临的准备工作一切就绪的时间点。)

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