acs是什么意思 acs的中文翻译、读音、例句

acs是什么意思 acs的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. ACS是美国化学学会(American Chemical Society)的缩写,其中包括了许多专业领域,如化学、化学工程、材料科学等。在该领域,ACS不仅代表了学会本身,也指涉了一种在科学界被广泛接受的标准和方法。


- The ACS journal published my research paper last month.

- ACS is hosting its annual meeting in San Francisco this year.

- She is a distinguished member of the ACS.

2. ACS也可以是美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)的缩写,它是一家非营利组织,致力于心血管健康和心脏病的研究、预防和治疗。


- In honor of American Heart Month, ACS is holding a fundraising event for heart disease research.

- The study was funded by ACS and focused on the correlation between diet and heart health.

- ACS offers a range of courses and certifications for healthcare professionals to stay up to date with the latest information and techniques.

3. 在计算机科学中,ACS可以指代Abstract Control Structure,代表了一种用于描述程序控制流程的形式化语言。


- The ACS of this program includes several nested loops and if-else statements.

- The algorithm was written using ACS notation to ensure accuracy and consistency.

- The ACS was difficult to understand at first, but after some practice, it became more intuitive.

4. 在医学领域中,ACS代表了急性冠状动脉综合征(Acute Coronary Syndrome),是一种心脏疾病的分类。


- Patients with ACS are typically hospitalized for close monitoring and treatment.

- The risk factors for developing ACS include smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

- ACS can be diagnosed through a variety of tests, including electrocardiograms and blood tests for cardiac enzymes.


1. 'ACS'是英语缩写,全称为'American Chemical Society',即美国化学学会。

2. ACS是一个非营利性的科学组织,成立于xx年,总部位于美国华盛顿特区。

3. ACS的宗旨是促进化学科学的发展和交流,支持化学教育和科学研究,以及推广化学领域的创新和应用。

4. ACS会员包括化学家、化学工程师、科学家、教育工作者、学生和其他相关人员。

5. ACS通过出版高质量的学术期刊、书籍和其他出版物,组织会议和培训活动等方式,为会员提供学术支持和职业发展机会。

6. ACS还与政府、工业、学术界和其他组织合作,推动化学技术的发展和应用,促进环境保护和社会进步。

7. 例句1:ACS发布了一份新的研究报告,探讨了新型材料在能源和环境领域的应用。(英语)

例句1翻译:The ACS has released a new research report, exploring the application of new materials in the energy and environment fields.(中文)

8. 例句2:ACS会员可以享受学术期刊的免费阅读权,这有助于他们了解最新的化学研究进展。(英语)

例句2翻译:ACS members can enjoy free access to academic journals, which helps them keep up-to-date with the latest developments in chemistry research.(中文)

9. 例句3:ACS会议是化学领域的重要活动之一,吸引了来自世界各地的专家和学者参加。(英语)

例句3翻译:ACS conferences are one of the important events in the field of chemistry, attracting experts and scholars from all over the world.(中文)


1. ACS


读音:/eɪ si ɛs/

例句:ACS需要紧急治疗,以避免持续的心肌缺血。 (ACS requires urgent treatment to avoid continued ischemia of the heart muscle.)

2. ACS

中文翻译:美国化学学会 (American Chemical Society)

读音:/eɪ si ɛs/

例句:ACS是世界上最大的科学组织之一,致力于推进化学科学的发展。 (ACS is one of the world's largest scientific organizations dedicated to advancing the chemical sciences.)

3. ACS

中文翻译:自适应控制系统 (Adaptive Control Systems)

读音:/eɪ si ɛs/

例句:ACS可以根据环境和系统变化自动调整参数,以提高性能和稳定性。 (ACS can automatically adjust parameters based on environmental and system changes to improve performance and stability.)

4. ACS

中文翻译:自动清洁系统 (Automated Cleaning System)

读音:/eɪ si ɛs/

例句:ACS可以减少清洗过程中的工作量和时间,并提高卫生标准。 (ACS can reduce the workload and time during cleaning and improve hygiene standards.)

5. ACS

中文翻译:高级计算服务 (Advanced Computing Services)

读音:/eɪ si ɛs/

例句:ACS可以提供高性能计算和数据处理服务,以支持各种科学和工程应用。 (ACS can provide high-performance computing and data processing services to support a variety of scientific and engineering applications.)

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