spiderweb是什么意思 spiderweb的中文翻译、读音、例句

spiderweb是什么意思 spiderweb的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和定义:spiderweb是一个名词,指的是蜘蛛网,也可以指像蜘蛛网一样的形状。


- The spiderweb looked delicate and beautiful in the morning dew.


- The abandoned house was covered in spiderwebs.


2. 构词方法:spiderweb是由spider(蜘蛛)和web(网)组成的合成词。


- The spiderweb was intricately woven by the spider.


- The spider's web was a perfect example of nature's beauty.


3. 派生词:spiderweb可以派生出spiderwebbing,指的是编织蜘蛛网的行为或过程。


- The spiderwebbing process is fascinating to watch.


- The spiderwebbing technique varies between different species of spiders.


4. 比喻用法:spiderweb也可以用来形容像蜘蛛网一样的形状,比如说线路的错综复杂。


- The map showed a spiderweb of crisscrossing roads.


- The intricate spiderweb of cables and wires confused the technician.


5. 神话和文化意义:蜘蛛和蜘蛛网在很多文化和神话中都有着特殊的意义。


- In some Native American cultures, the spiderweb is a symbol of creation and the interconnectedness of all things.


- In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena was said to have woven spiderwebs into her clothing as a symbol of her intelligence and skill.




1. The old house was abandoned for years, and a large spiderweb covered the front door. (这座老房子被废弃了很多年,大门上覆盖着一个大蜘蛛网。)

2. I walked through the forest and got my face caught in a spiderweb. (我走在森林里,脸被一个蜘蛛网缠住了。)




例句:Select the segments of the line and add the more vertexes . Then add more lines to complete the spiderweb. (选择这些线的片段并加入更多的顶点。然后加入更多的线来完成蜘蛛网。)


spiderweb一般作为名词使用,如在spiderweb antenna(蛛网天线)、spiderweb clot(【血液学】蛛网状凝块)等常见短语中出现较多。

spiderweb antenna蛛网天线
spiderweb clot【血液学】蛛网状凝块


1. Jagged cracks tore between the eruptions and a spiderweb pattern of glowing lava fissures spread over the world. (翻译:喷发形成的参差不齐的裂缝和如同蜘蛛网般的炽热的熔岩遍布整个世界。)

2. Located inside an actual office, this bed was designed to look like a giant net (or spiderweb) overlooking the bottom floor. (翻译:这个超级大网床是真实的存在于某办公室中的,远看就像是地板上的一个超级大的蜘蛛网。)

3. There is a spiderweb of roads and train tracks all around the country moving corn from where it's being grown to these CAFOs. (翻译:美国已经建立起了 全国性的铁路和公路网络 用于把玉米从原产地)

4. the underdress is dyed and boiled chiffon to make the fabric as thin as spiderweb silk before pleating (翻译:制作内裙的薄纱经过了染色并被煮沸过,以使织物在打褶前能象蛛网丝绸一样薄。)

5. The spiderweb of an irrigation network totals 16,000 km in length. (翻译:如蜘蛛网般的灌溉水路... 总长一万六千公里)

6. So in fact, the next time you walk into a spiderweb, you don't need to panic and go with your caveman reaction. (翻译:因此,事实上, 下一次你走入一张蜘蛛网的时候, 你不需要感到恐慌, 也不需要呈现你的穴居人反应。)

7. What about the, uh, spiderweb? (翻译:那这个蜘蛛网是怎么回事? What about the, uh, spiderweb?)

8. Hers personalized with a spiderweb and a spider, representing Anansi, a character in West African folklore. (翻译:她的个性化设计含有 蜘蛛网和蜘蛛的图案, 代表西非民间传说中的人物,阿南西。)

9. Well, next time you see a spiderweb, have a good look, make sure it's not a black widow spider, and then walk into it. (翻译:好吧,下次当你见到一张蜘蛛网的时候, 仔细端详一下, 确保它不是黑寡妇蜘蛛的网, 然后穿越它。)

10. Taking into account the victim's weight and the height of a standard stair riser and the amount of spiderweb fractures... 72 stairs and eight landings. (翻译:算上被害人的体重和一阶标准台阶的高度 - 以及蛛网状骨折的数量...)



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