edges是什么意思 edges的中文翻译、读音、例句

edges是什么意思 edges的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:edges是英语中的一个名词,意思是“边缘”,常常用于描述物体的外形轮廓,如“the edges of a book”(一本书的边缘)。

2. 词性:edges是一个名词,没有其他词性变化。

3. 常用场景:edges经常出现在描述物体形态、构造的语境中,例如边缘模糊的照片、切割食品时要注意边缘是否平整等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:sharp edges(锋利的边缘)、rough edges(粗糙的边缘)、rounded edges(圆润的边缘)等。

5. 相关短语:常见的相关短语有:over the edge(超出边缘)、on edge(紧张不安)、keep one's edge(保持锋利)、blunt the edge(使钝)等。

6. 发音拼写:edges的发音为 ['eʤɪz],其中['e]读作音标中的/e/,['ʤ]读作音标中的/j/,['ɪz]读作音标中的/ɪz/。




1. The house is located on the edges of the forest. (这栋房子位于森林的边缘。)

2. She decided to round off the edges of the table to make it safer for her small children. (她决定修圆桌子的边角,让孩子们更安全。)

3. The company's main edges over its competitors are its quick response time and excellent customer service. (该公司的主要优势在于快速响应时间和优质客户服务,超过了竞争对手。)




例句:Pit Edges A CD disk contains a long string of pits written helically on the disk . The edges of the pits correspond to binary " 1 " s . (CD上有一条很长的坑形串列,它以螺旋线方式排列于盘面。坑形的边沿对应于二进制“1”。)


例句:And if you let time go by, it kind of softens and smooths the edges. (如果就让它这样过去, 时间就会模糊和抹平那些特别的细节。)


例句:I just lost so much time fixing the edges. (接缝全都凸显出来了 弥补接缝花了太多时间)


例句:Too soon the jagged edges pierce and blood is drawn (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫矛盾突起 反目成仇♫)


edges一般作为名词使用,如在edges in(挤进)、directed edges([网络] 有向棱;边缘)、edges and corners(棱角)等常见短语中出现较多。

edges in挤进
directed edges[网络] 有向棱;边缘
edges and corners棱角
edges of plate钢板的边缘
divinity edges护边封面(软封面的一种)
drip edges[建] 滴水檐
fat edges肥边
fore edgesfore edge\n【印刷】(书的)前切口
hard edges铸件毛刺


1. I just lost so much time fixing the edges. (翻译:接缝全都凸显出来了 弥补接缝花了太多时间)

2. Too soon the jagged edges pierce and blood is drawn (翻译:{\cHE0B000}♫矛盾突起 反目成仇♫)

3. The carpenter was cutting off the edges of his hateful heart. (翻译:木匠是将自己的怨恨之心 削成了圆圆的样子)

4. He traces the edges of the individual networks and then color codes them. (翻译:他追踪个人网络的分界线 然后用颜色来编码他们。)

5. We all find ways to soften the edges. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}我们各有方法去抚平伤痛 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}We all find ways to soften the edges.)

6. Smoothed the edges of the map, redid the Alps and all rivers. (翻译:地图的边缘进行了圆滑处理,重做了所有的高山和河流。)

7. We can't define Will only by his maddest edges. (翻译:我们不能仅凭威尔 最失控的一面去判定他这个人)

8. We shall consider partitions of the edges of graphs and hypergraphs. (翻译:我们将考虑图和超图的边的划分。)

9. Some are very narrow, some are wide, some are shaded at the edges. (翻译:有的很窄,有的很宽, 有的边缘很模糊。)

10. And so what you see is that is pushing innovation to the edges. (翻译:那么你明白了 是什么把革新推到了边缘。)

11. Men and lads, stain all your edges on me! (翻译:成人和儿童们 让你们的剑上都沾着我的血吧)

12. Then we generalize the mixed hypergraph with complete C-edges and circular D-edges. (翻译:然后我们就推广到一般完全C边及循环D边的超图。)

13. if two edges of a graph are incident to the same pair of vertices , then these two edges are called parallel edges. (翻译:如果一个图的两条边关联于同一对顶点,则这两条边称为平行边。)

14. Called the Colour of Hair, the stools feature seats with curved edges, and uprights that extend down from two edges. (翻译:该凳子又称为头发的颜色,其特点是弯曲的水平边缘,以及从两边向下延伸的立柱。)

15. The gate edges are radiused through the packing area. (翻译:闸板边缘以辐射状通过填料区域。)



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