词义:MRM是Management Resource Management的缩写,意为管理资源管理,是指一种管理方法,通过对企业资源的有效配置和协调来提高管理水平和经营效益。
发音拼写:/ˌɛm ɑr ˈɛm/
1. MRM是一种全面有效的管理方法,能够提高企业的经营效益。
MRM is a comprehensive and effective management method that can improve the operational efficiency of enterprises.
2. 她的公司采用了MRM方法来协调和利用资源。
Her company uses the MRM method to coordinate and utilize resources.
3. MRM可帮助企业在资源有限的情况下更好地管理和利用其资源。
MRM can help enterprises better manage and utilize their resources in limited resource situations.
4. 通过MRM方法,企业可以更好地掌控和管理其供应链。
Through the MRM method, enterprises can better control and manage their supply chain.
5. MRM是许多成功企业的关键因素之一。
MRM is one of the key factors of success for many successful companies.
读音:mister /'mɪstə/
例句:Mr. Smith is a kind and diligent teacher.(史密斯先生是一位善良勤奋的老师。)
例句:Sending an MRM domain message to the node. (将MR m域消息发送到节点。)
例句:The new WSDL importer simplified the definition of the SOAP Envelope as a MRM based message, thus allow the new Mapping node to be used. (新WSDL导入器将SOAP信封的定义简化为了基于MRM的消息,从而允许使用新的Mapping节点。)
例句:Each record can be a different length length if used in conjunction with XMLNSC or MRM TDS options. (如果与XMLNSC或MRMTDS选项结合使用,则每个记录可以具有不同的长度。)
例句:Configure the maximum size of the MRM log directory with the LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter. (翻译:使用LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders参数配置MRM日志目录的最大大小。)
1. Each record can be a different length length if used in conjunction with XMLNSC or MRM TDS options. (翻译:如果与XMLNSC或MRMTDS选项结合使用,则每个记录可以具有不同的长度。)
2. Configure the maximum size of the MRM log directory with the LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter. (翻译:使用LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders参数配置MRM日志目录的最大大小。)
3. Enhancements to the MRM domain. (翻译:对MR m域的增强。)
4. For the MRM and IDOC domains, a message dictionary is required at runtime. (翻译:对于MRM和idoc域,在运行时将需要消息字典。)
5. For more information about monitoring computers that are running MRM, see Monitoring Messaging Records Management. (翻译:有关监视运行MRM的计算机的详细信息,请参阅监视邮件记录管理。)
6. Trying to get an aspect of MRM to work before earlier steps in the setup process have been completed. (翻译:在设置过程早期步骤完成之前尝试运行MRM的某一部分。)
7. The overhaul follows MRM's decision earlier this year to centralise its China operations in Beijing, reducing its presence in Shanghai. (翻译:此次大规模的调整是继MRM于今年初决定在北京集中其中国业务减少在上海的业务后进行的。)
8. Settings that are applied to the managed folders in users'mailboxes to control the retention and journaling of messages for MRM. (翻译:应用到用户邮箱中的托管文件夹的设置,用以控制MRM的保留时间以及对邮件的日志记录操作。)
9. The BCT can result in the same effects as MRM in Chinese breast cancer patients with better cosmetic appearances. (翻译:保乳治疗可以取得改良根治同样的治疗效果。但是拥有较好的外形。)
10. The MRM domain is the most flexible domain. (翻译:MR m域是最灵活的域。)