1. 词义解释:prowess意为“英勇、勇气、能力、才华、技艺”等,常用于形容某种特定领域或者某个人在某个领域的高超能力或者杰出表现。
2. 词源解析:prowess源于法语proesce,意为“勇气、英勇”,后来演变为proesse,又经过一段时间的使用,最终变为了prowess。
3. 用法提示:prowess通常用于正式场合,可以用于形容人、事物或者现象,如一个运动员的体育才华,一部电影的制作能力,或者一种政治力量的实力等等。
1. The young boy showed great prowess on the soccer field, scoring twice and leading his team to victory.(这个小男孩在足球场上表现出了巨大的才华,打入了两个进球,领导他的团队赢得了胜利。)
2. The company's technological prowess is renowned in the industry, giving it a competitive advantage over its rivals.(该公司在技术方面的实力在业内有名,使它在竞争对手中具有竞争优势。)
3. The singer's vocal prowess was on full display during her concert, hitting every note perfectly and captivating the audience.(这位歌手的声乐才华在她的音乐会上得到了充分的展示,每个音符都完美地击中了,吸引了观众。)
4. The team's strategic prowess helped them win the championship, as they were able to outmaneuver their opponents in every game.(这个团队的战略才华帮助他们赢得了冠军,因为他们能够在每场比赛中策略性地击败对手。)
5. The country's economic prowess has been on full display in recent years, with strong growth, low unemployment, and rising exports.(这个国家在近年来的经济实力得到了充分的展示,经济增长强劲,失业率低,出口逐步增长。)
1. His athletic prowess is the reason he made the Olympic team.(他的运动实力是他被选入奥运会队伍的原因。)
2. She was impressed by his artistic prowess and creativity.(她对他的艺术技能和创造力印象深刻。)
3. He had a reputation for financial prowess and business acumen.(他以财务实力和商业头脑著称。)
例句:Technology had eliminated my disability, and allowed me a new climbing prowess. (技术消除了的我残疾 并赋予了我新的攀爬能力。)
例句:The Gnomes revolutionary Mechano-strider represents yet another marvel of their engineering prowess. (侏儒革命性的发明——机械鸟象征着他们在工程学上成就的又一伟大奇迹。)
例句:Over the years, he rose to the peak of the surfing world... his prowess matched only by his joy. (后来几年间 他在冲浪界所向披靡 他对冲浪的热爱磨练了他的技艺)
例句:The OTOY + lightweight client value proposition gets even better as server-side real-time rendering prowess increases to cinematic levels. (翻译:在OTOY+轻量级的客户价值主张甚至有更好的作为服务器端实时渲染的实力提高到电影的水平。)
1. Over the years, he rose to the peak of the surfing world... his prowess matched only by his joy. (翻译:后来几年间 他在冲浪界所向披靡 他对冲浪的热爱磨练了他的技艺)
2. The OTOY + lightweight client value proposition gets even better as server-side real-time rendering prowess increases to cinematic levels. (翻译:在OTOY+轻量级的客户价值主张甚至有更好的作为服务器端实时渲染的实力提高到电影的水平。)
3. Her prowess, her leadership, her intimate knowledge of Lycans. (翻译:她的实力,她的领导,以及她对狼人的深入了解)
4. Some aspire to loftier goalssuch as scientific prowess, fluency in a foreign language and a roughgrasp of history. (翻译:有些则有更宏伟的目标,比如要有些科研能力,熟练掌握一门外语,再略懂些历史。)
5. What scares a lot of Americans about China's growing prowess (翻译:而让美国人民恐惧的是 中国不断增长的实力)
6. My humble life is in debt to your exalted prowess... your dauntless courage, and your superb, swift sword. (翻译:我的小命全赖您的超群技艺 以及大无畏的勇气拯救)
7. Finding the perfect place to end the treasure hunt is a testimony to my intellectual prowess. (翻译:这可不是靠运气的好不? 寻找最合适结束这场寻宝活动的地方 可是哥们儿我非凡智力的最佳证据)
8. Through fortune, courage, and prowess, he personally captured traitor Zhuge Zhengwo, and preserved peace for his people! (翻译:圣上洪福齐天 英勇神武 亲擒逆贼诸葛正我 为民除祸)
9. Evidence based on olfactory prowess is inadmissible, in case you didn't know. (翻译:根据嗅觉发现的证据 是不能被接受的,容我提醒你)
10. Admission is charged for twice-daily demonstrations... of Leonard's stunning prowess. (翻译:收费入场,泽 ...令人惊异的本领。因人而点 看泽)
11. You know, you brag more about your masturbating prowess than any person I know. (翻译:你是我所有认识的人里最爱吹嘘自己 打飞机事迹的人)
12. Bank bosses peered enviously at the profits and risk-taking prowess of the venerable investment bank. (翻译:银行老板们艳羡的目光曾经死盯着德高望重的投资银行在盈利与冒险上的非凡才能。)
13. I seize command by physical prowess, and I keep it by beating my chest, and you make submissive gestures. (翻译:身强力壮就能掌握权力 通过捶胸来巩固权力 而你做出服从的姿态 )
14. Marcus had proved his prowess in the ring by pulverizing all challengers. (翻译:拳击台上,马科斯彻底击败了所有挑战者,从而证明了他高超的本领。)
15. You've been called here to answer Miss Sorrel's questions, not to give us a display of your intellectual prowess. (翻译:传唤你来是为了回答索雷尔律师的问题 不是让你来展示自己有多聪明)