spoken是什么意思 spoken的中文翻译、读音、例句

spoken是什么意思 spoken的中文翻译、读音、例句




短语:spoken language(口语)、spoken word(口头禅)



1. He has spoken openly about his struggles with depression.(他公开谈论了他抑郁症的挣扎。)

2. The spoken word is often more influential than the written word.(口头语言常常比书面语言更有影响力。)

3. She is well-spoken and always presents herself with confidence.(她口齿伶俐,总是自信地表现自己。)

4. I am still learning to improve my spoken English.(我仍在努力提高我的英语口语。)

5. His soft-spoken nature made him very approachable.(他柔和的声音让他非常易于接近。)

6. The majority of the population speaks a variant of the spoken language.(大多数人口讲一种口语的变体。)

7. The professor's spoken lectures were always engaging and thought-provoking.(教授的口头演讲总是引人入胜、发人深省。)




1. English is my second language, so my spoken English is not very fluent. (英语是我的第二语言,我的口语不是很流利。)

2. The spoken word can be very powerful and influential. (口头的话语可以很有力量和影响力。)




例句:Spoken like a true Animal Fairy. (讲起话来像个真的动物仙子了 Spoken like a true Animal Fairy.)


例句:Because I had spoken with her, okay? (你怎么知道? 因为我曾发言 和她在一起,好吗?)


例句:You and I have already spoken. (我们已经谈过了 You and I have already spoken.)


例句:Have you spoken to him in the last few days? (翻译:Have you spoken to him in the last few days? 没有 怎么了?)


spoken一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在spoken for((东西)为某人留下的; (人)与异性有密切关系的)、spoken of(na. 讲起;特别推荐说\n[网络] 后者)、spoken to(na. 向…说;说到;招呼;恳求\n[网络] 說出)等常见短语中出现较多。

spoken for(东西)为某人留下的; (人)与异性有密切关系的
spoken ofna. 讲起;特别推荐说\n[网络] 后者
spoken tona. 向…说;说到;招呼;恳求\n[网络] 說出
fair spoken甜言蜜语的,客气的,婉转的
free spokenadj. 直言不讳的\n[网络] 质白
plain spokenadj. 直言无隐的\n[网络] 坦白说话的
softly spoken[网络] 又一刻轻声低语
spoken chain言语链
spoken chinese汉语口语


1. You and I have already spoken. (翻译:我们已经谈过了 You and I have already spoken.)

2. Have you spoken to him in the last few days? (翻译:Have you spoken to him in the last few days? 没有 怎么了?)

3. Have I spoken to her since this summer? (翻译:Have I spoken to her since this summer? 暑假以后我跟她说过话吗?)

4. Have you spoken to him about it? (翻译:你跟他谈过这事了吗 Have you spoken to him about it?)

5. Has anyone spoken to Noorie? (翻译:有没有人和奴里说过? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Has anyone spoken to Noorie?)

6. children,culture,spoken word (翻译:children,culture,spoken word)

7. Have you spoken to him yet? (翻译:你和他谈过了吗 Have you spoken to him yet?)

8. Stinking Lizard has spoken! (翻译:肖松尼族就会处死阿帕哈奇和他的白人兄弟 我意已决,不要再来纠缠了)

9. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. (翻译:故说般若波罗蜜多咒。即说咒曰。)

10. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. (翻译:美国人民发出了自己的声音 这声音是如此的清晰响亮)

11. Have you spoken to any of the other parents? (翻译:先生曼宁! 你曾经和 我对任何其他家长呢?)

12. Colombian 1 linguist Fernando Avila says that the Spanish spoken here is even clearer than that spoken in Spain. (翻译:哥伦比亚语言学家费尔南多·阿维拉说在这里听到的西班牙语甚至比在西班牙听到的更清晰。)

13. The Masai of the Serengeti have spoken of animal possession for generations. (翻译:Serengeti时代的马赛人有好几代人 被动物控制着 The Masai of the Serengeti have spoken of animal possession for generations.)

14. He had spoken to Emma only briefly. (翻译:他和埃玛只讲了短短的几句话。)

15. And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore! " (翻译:只有一个字眼被说出那就是“勒诺!”细语一声,)



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