sundown是什么意思 sundown的中文翻译、读音、例句

sundown是什么意思 sundown的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Sundown的含义及用法:


2. Sundown的音标及发音:


3. Sundown的例句:

(1)I'll meet you at the park before sundown. (日落前我会在公园见你。)

(2)The animals come out to hunt at sundown.(动物在日落时出来狩猎。)

(3)We should hurry before sundown or we'll get lost.(我们应该在日落前赶快走,否则会丢失方向。)

(4)The beach is beautiful at sundown.(日落时的海滩非常美丽。)

(5)The birds return to their nests at sundown.(鸟儿在日落时返回自己的窝。)



1. The sky turns vibrant shades of orange and pink at sundown.(天空在日落时变成了绚丽的橙色和粉色。)

2. Sundown is my favorite time of day – everything seems so peaceful.(日落是我一天中最喜欢的时光 – 一切都显得那么平和。)

3. We need to get back to the campsite before sundown.(我们需要在日落之前回到营地。)




例句:By sundown, only one squad... can call themselves U. C.A. NationalChampions2000. (日落前,只有一个队伍... 能成为xx年全国拉拉队大赛的冠军。)


例句:State of Mississippi wants this here ditch cleared by sundown. Got that? (密西西比州希望这里在日落前 被挖完,听懂了么?)


例句:- If they are not back by sundown, I'll find Jackson Slate myself and skin him and his friends alive! (难道他们不归,日落, drberjeg甚至板岩和他的朋友。)


例句:With any luck, we'll make Ramusan's palace by Sundown. (翻译:运气好的话,我们将 Ramusan的宫殿日落而息。)


sundown一般作为名词、动词使用,如在sundown syndrome([网络] 日落症候群;日落综合征;日落综合症)等常见短语中出现较多。

sundown syndrome[网络] 日落症候群;日落综合征;日落综合症


1. - If they are not back by sundown, I'll find Jackson Slate myself and skin him and his friends alive! (翻译:难道他们不归,日落, drberjeg甚至板岩和他的朋友。)

2. With any luck, we'll make Ramusan's palace by Sundown. (翻译:运气好的话,我们将 Ramusan的宫殿日落而息。)

3. I just had a run-in with a colonel from Operation Sundown. (翻译:我刚和一个来自秘密行动组的上校发生口角.)

4. You can cut them in two and the head will still hang on till sundown, I hear. (翻译:我听说就算把他们切成两半 他们也要等到太阳落山才松口)

5. Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 22 Tevet 5754. (翻译:或者,如果您以后出生的日落,然后日期是xx日提别5754。)

6. Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown... or I will keelhaul the lot of you! (翻译:日落前给我把这破船造好... 不然就让你们满地找牙!)

7. Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 25 Tevet 5749. (翻译:或者,如果你是太阳落山后,出生日期,然后是25提别月5749。)

8. Sundown Security, made out to Ed Butler? I don't get it. (翻译:日落保全公司支付给 艾德巴特勒 我看不懂)

9. You go down to that river there and catch me a mess of them river cats before sundown, (翻译:你现在去那条河那 在太阳落山前如果你能钓到鲶鱼的话)

10. They're also set to explode if not dismantled by sundown. (翻译:另外在太阳下山后 你们若没有拆除的话,炸弹也会爆炸)

11. Unless you ate him, we'll find the body before Sundown. (翻译:除非你吃了它 不然我们会在日落前找到尸体)

12. You were so excited, but after sundown you fell asleep. (翻译:你好激动啊, 但是太阳落山后,你就睡着了)

13. I only have until sundown before Tessa tries to stop me. (翻译:动作快点 我必须赶在太阳下山 Tessa出来阻止我之前)

14. Wait until just before sundown and then come over. (翻译:等到日落前你们再来。)

15. Or if you were born after sundown then the date is 25 Sivan 5754. (翻译:或者,如果您后出生之日起日落然后是xx日斯万5754。)



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