netural是什么意思 netural的中文翻译、读音、例句

netural是什么意思 netural的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意义:'netural'意为中立的、中性的,与任何特定的颜色、情感或立场无关。


- The tone of the report was deliberately netural to avoid bias. (这份报告的语气故意保持中立,避免偏见。)

- The company's logo is designed with a netural color scheme to appeal to a wider audience. (公司的标志采用中性色彩设计,以吸引更广泛的受众。)

2. 化学意义:'netural'通常指化学物质的pH值为7,既不酸也不碱。


- The pH of pure water is considered netural at 7. (纯净水的pH值为7被认为是中性的。)

- Vinegar is an acid, with a pH value below 7, and therefore cannot be considered netural. (醋是酸性的,pH值低于7,因此不能被视为中性的。)

3. 逻辑意义:'netural'可以表示没有明显的倾向或偏见,包括人的态度、语言、说话方式等。


- The judge remained netural throughout the trial, despite the emotional testimony from both sides. (法官在整个审判过程中保持中立,尽管双方都发表了情感化的证言。)

- The news anchor presented the story in a netural tone, without expressing any personal opinion. (新闻主播以中立的语气呈现这个故事,没有表达任何个人观点。)

4. 电学意义:'netural'在电路中通常表示中性线,即电流通过后回流至电源供应系统。


- The electrician identified and repaired a fault in the netural wire, which had caused a short circuit. (电工找到并修复了中性线上的故障,导致了短路。)

- It is important to always turn off the power at the source before working on any netural or live wires. (在处理任何中性线或接线柱之前,一定要先从源头关掉电源。)

5. 社交意义:'netural'可以用来描述人在社交场合中的行为表现,通常指保持中立的姿态,避免激怒任何一方。


- The mediator remained netural and calm during the contentious negotiation, facilitating a productive outcome. (调解员在充满争议的谈判中保持中立和冷静,促进了富有成效的结果。)

- It's important to remain netural and professional when dealing with difficult customers, to avoid escalating the situation. (在处理棘手客户时,保持中立和专业是很重要的,以避免局势升级。)




1. The journalist tried to stay neutral while reporting on the political situation.


2. The color of the walls is neutral, so it will go well with any furniture.


3. The judge must remain neutral and make decisions based solely on the facts presented in court.





例句:Can higher version of. NET Framework be used for project targetting lower version? (可以更高版本的。NET框架可用于项目的目标低版本? )


netural一般作为名词使用,如在electrical netural axis([网络] 电中性轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

electrical netural axis[网络] 电中性轴


1. NET can realizes relaxedly then the operation of the database. (翻译:NET可以轻松地实现数据库的操作。)

2. My website is and I'm a storyteller. (翻译:我的网站是Ryantology. net, My website is Ryantology. net)

3. ASP.NET MVC 2 is now ready for production use. Microsoft's open source MVC framework is compatible with 3.5 and the soon to be 4. It compes with many new features including. (翻译:微软的开源mvc框架A SP.NET MVC 2已经发布了,它同时兼容。NET 3.5和即将发布的。NET 4。)

4. Many geographers say that the Ural Mountains form the dividing line between Europe and Asia. (翻译:许多地理学家认为,乌拉尔山脉是欧亚两洲的分界线,)

5. Death: Go to before it's too late. (翻译:死神:去”如果我死了.net“ 在一切都太迟以前。)

6. A guest post by Ben Kepes of, a blog that focuses on SaaS, cloud-computing and Web 2.0 for the real world. (翻译:作者为 . nz的Ben Kepes。 . nz是一个集中报道SaaS、云计算和Web 2.0的博客。)

7. Let's discover the way of extracting diamonds in the Russian region of Ural. (翻译:让我们一起去发现俄罗斯乌拉尔地区是如何开采钻石的。)

8. The more central Ural Mountains is a north-south range which divides Europe from Asia. (翻译:更中心的乌拉尔山脉是区分欧亚大陆的西北面的山脉。)

9. Death: Go to before it's too late. (翻译:死神:去”如果我死了.net“ 在一切都太迟以前。)

10. Safe Strategy and Measures of Campus Net and Net Users of SIPE (翻译:上海体育学院校园网及网络用户安全策略与措施)

11. Right-click on the website where you want to configure UrlRewriter. NET and select Properties. (翻译:右点击这个网站,只要你想配置urlrewriter.net并选择属性。)

12. You deserve it. lt' What have you got to lose? (翻译:你值得拥有,就在Fate. net,你还想错过吗?)

13. When asked about future plans for Spring.NET, Pollack said. (翻译:在被问到对Spring.NET的未来打算时,Pollack说到。)

14. -The net touches the water it makes contact and they jump into the net. (翻译:-网子触水... 接通电流 它们就跳进网子里)

15. So if you have the time, and I encourage you, please visit and go and have a play. (翻译:如果大伙有空,我建议你们 访问 去使用和体验 )

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