median cercus是什么意思 median cercus的中文翻译、读音、例句

median cercus是什么意思 median cercus的中文翻译、读音、例句

median cercus在中文中有"中尾丝"的意思,还有中尾丝的意思,在线读音是[mediancercus],median cercus来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到57个与median cercus相关的例句。

Median cercus的中文翻译


例句:their median income ranks 37th among the 50 states. (在50个州里,德州人均收入排在第37。)


median cercus一般作为名词使用,如在cercus(【动】尾发,尾毛;尾须;尾铗)、submedian cercus(亚中尾须)、folded median(折叠中位数)等常见短语中出现较多。

submedian cercus亚中尾须
folded median折叠中位数
golden medianun. 中庸之道
grand median[统计] 总中位数
lemma on median[数] 中位数引理
market median[网络] 市场中位数
median age年龄中位数
median amplitude中值振幅


1. Histograms, Percentiles, Mean, Median, Variance, etc. (翻译:质方图,百分位数,平均,中位数,变异…等。)

2. The median time to full donor myeloid cell and T cell chimerism was 4 and 8 weeks respectively. (翻译:全部供者粒细胞嵌合体形成中位时间为4周,全部供者T细胞形成中位时间为8周。)

3. Median per capita income has been flat since about 2000, adjusted for inflation. (翻译:从xx年开始,去除通货膨胀因素 人均收入中位数一直偏低 )

4. Nectar glands confluent and subtending bases of all stamens, median glands present, lateral ones annular. (翻译:蜜腺全部雄蕊的汇合和对着基部,中间的腺体宿存,侧生的环状。)

5. Relationship between MNCV and the Change of Limb Muscle Power Due to Median Nerve Injury (翻译:MNCV与正中神经损伤后肢体肌力变化的关系)

6. The median wage for a Web designer in 2008 was $75,150, according to the BLS. (翻译:根据BLS的调查显示,xx年网络设计师的中等工资是75,150美元。)

7. Selective Median Neurotomy for Relief of Spasticity Focalized to Wrists and to Fingers in Children with Cerebral Palsy (翻译:选择性正中神经分支部分切断术治疗脑瘫性腕、指痉挛)

8. Objective to investigate the skin incision of the median sternotomy. (翻译:目的探索胸骨正中劈开径路理想的皮肤切口。)

9. The comparative anatomic study of the median and paramedian infratentorial-supraeerebellar approaches (翻译:正中和旁正中幕下小脑上入路的解剖学比较研究)

10. The median pay for chief executives of S&P 500 companies fell 6.8% in 2008. (翻译:标准普尔500指数成份股公司首席执行官的薪酬中位值在xx年下降了6.8个百分点。)

11. Median of the antibodies against theca was three-fold higher in peritoneal effusion in infertile women. (翻译:中位数抗体膜是三倍高于腹腔积液的不孕妇女。)

12. Median glands absent; lateral ones semilunar or 1 on each side of lateral stamen. (翻译:中间的腺体无;在侧的雄蕊的每边的侧生的半月的或1。)

13. The median degree of consensus among NFPs on notification decisions was 78%. (翻译:国家中心就通报决定达成一致意见的中位数为78%。)

14. In the median sternotomy group, the procedure were performed in the conventional manner. (翻译:胸骨正中切口组手术过程按常规手术步骤进行。)

15. We start to see that it's got a median, so it's a two-lane bridge. (翻译:我们能看到中线,所以这是一座两车道的桥。)

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