1. 来源和含义:
'wjk' 是一种常见的中文缩写词,源自于汉字拼音“王俊凯”,通常用于形容某个男性在外貌、才华或者人气等方面与王俊凯相似。'
2. 使用场景:
'wjk' 这个词汇主要用于社交媒体或者网络聊天中,尤其是对于那些热衷于明星或者娱乐圈的年轻人来说。
3. 类似词汇:
'wjk' 的类似词汇包括“小鲜肉”、“国民男神”等等,都是形容某个男性在外貌、才华或人气等方面极具吸引力的词汇。
4. 反义词汇:
'wjk' 的反义词汇可以是那些在外貌、才华或人气等方面与王俊凯相差甚远的男性,比如“丑男”、“毒瘤”等等。
1. 他长得好像王俊凯,真是个'wjk'!
He looks so much like Wang Junkai, such a 'wjk'!
2. 他的歌唱才华和王俊凯一样,也能当'wjk'了。
His singing talent is just like Wang Junkai's, he could also be a 'wjk'.
3. 她爱上了一个'wjk',每天都在刷王俊凯的资料。
She fell in love with a 'wjk' and spends every day checking Wang Junkai's information.
4. 这个男的被太多人吐槽,已经远远不是什么'wjk'了。
This boy has been criticized too many times, he's far from being a 'wjk' anymore.
5. 别看他长得不怎么样,但他的个性和才华却是真正的'wjk'。
Don't judge him by his appearance, his personality and talent are truly 'wjk'.
例句:William Somerset Maugham, British novelist. (英国小说家毛姆w s。)
例句:This motion picture is based upon true events in the life og Frank W. Dux. (此片基于FRANK W. DUX真实事迹)
例句:Are you a friend of Bill W? (你是比尔·W的朋友吗 Are you a friend of Bill W?)
1. Are you a friend of Bill W? (翻译:你是比尔·W的朋友吗 Are you a friend of Bill W?)
2. Anderson and All v. W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods. (翻译:-72 Anderson一众诉W. R.)
3. Ark Angel Zero Six, this is Alpha Whiskey. (翻译:AA -06, 这里是A -W说吧,AA)
4. Heating power: 300W of extraction instrument; (翻译:抽提仪加热功率:300W; )
5. How you will look at a job interview? (翻译:Bagaimaan会看到 - 一个W - 工作W¯¯安卡拉?)
6. W-W-Wait. We don't have a name. (翻译:等等 我们没有她的名字 也许我们需要帮助)
7. But w-w-what's she got to do with your case? (翻译:但她到底会怎... 怎么 对待你这个案子?)
8. The 5 years of the JK administration rocked Brazil. (翻译:儒塞利诺・库比契克行政的xx年震撼巴西。The 5 years of the JK administration rocked Brazil.)
9. Eponine... ѕhе knоwѕ hеr wаy аrоund. (翻译:爱波宁 Eponine... 她对这一带了如指掌 She knows her way around)
10. W-what are you doing here? (翻译:你怎么来了 W -what are you doing here?)
11. Why do you think Epperly's still alive? (翻译:你... 为什么觉得Epperly还活着? W...)
12. The elections for state governor turned JK into the heart of the civil resistance. (翻译:州长选举使儒塞利诺·库比契克变成公民抵抗的心脏。The elections for state governor turned JK into the heart of the civiI resistance.)
13. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)
14. W: Thank you. That way, PLS. (翻译:W:谢谢,请您走那边。)
15. JK left office feeling certain he would come back. (翻译:儒塞利诺・库比契克去职时感到他一定会回来。JK left office feeling certain he would come back.)