demise是什么意思 demise的中文翻译、读音、例句

demise是什么意思 demise的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'demise' 意为死亡,去世,消亡,终止。



1. meet one's demise:遭遇不幸,遭受毁灭性打击。

2. pronounce someone's demise:宣布某人去世。

3. the demise of something:某物的消亡或终止。

4. impending demise:即将面临的死亡或结束。

5. premature demise:过早的死亡。

6. sudden demise:突然的去世。

7. untimely demise:不幸的去世。




1. His sudden demise was a shock to all of us.(他的突然去世对我们所有人来说都是一个震惊。)

2. The company's demise was due to poor financial management.(该公司的消亡是由于糟糕的财务管理所致。)

3. She was overcome with grief at her husband's demise.(她因丈夫的去世而悲痛欲绝。)

4. The demise of the old political regime was welcomed by the majority of the population.(旧政治制度的消亡受到了大多数人的欢迎。)

5. The impending demise of the bookstore chain has caused concern in the publishing industry.(书店连锁的即将消亡在出版业引起了关注。)

6. The untimely demise of the young actress was a tragedy for the entire film industry.(年轻女演员的不幸去世是整个电影业的悲剧。)

7. Despite his failing health, the businessman refused to believe that his demise was imminent.(尽管他的健康状况每况愈下,这位商人还是不愿相信他即将去世。)




1. The demise of the company was caused by poor management and a lack of financial resources.

2. The sudden demise of the young athlete shocked the world.

3. The demise of the old factory is a sad reminder of the decline of the local economy.




例句:Wasn't it a coincidence, my stuff vanished with Rookie's demise? (文哥,哪有这么巧的 花仔祥一死我的东西就不见了)


例句:Oh boy, even socialist regimes wait until their demise before they admit such insincerity. (别担心,我已经社会化 足以支持这样的诚意)


例句:Fenner, 95, says climate change will be the main factor in the demise of humanity. (已经xx岁高龄的Fenner说,气候变化将是人类灭绝的主要因素。)


例句:Tonight, Joker met his demise. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}今天晚上,小丑死了 Tonight, Joker met his demise.)


1. Fenner, 95, says climate change will be the main factor in the demise of humanity. (翻译:已经xx岁高龄的Fenner说,气候变化将是人类灭绝的主要因素。)

2. Tonight, Joker met his demise. (翻译:{\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}今天晚上,小丑死了 Tonight, Joker met his demise.)

3. Last time I checked, Klaus was plotting your eternal demise. (翻译:我记得上回 Klaus不是在谋划让你永远消失呢吗)

4. How was it that she was unable to see her own demise, huh? (翻译:它是如何,她是无法 看到自己的灭亡,是吧?)

5. These animals and their demise occurs in the tuna fisheries. (翻译:这些动物它们的终结 同样发生在金枪鱼的捕捞地区。)

6. Debt is created deliberately and that would be your demise, if the Illuminati had their way. (翻译:债务是被故意创造的,如果以光照派的方式,这会成为你们的死结。)

7. Mona Vanderwaal retained me to handle her affairs in the event of her demise. (翻译:Mona Vanderwaal让我来帮她处理善后)

8. If, as so bad ah go on to explode the dam will be the demise of the (翻译:情况不妙 要是炸弹持续引爆 水库就会溃决)

9. It was that attack that finally sowed the seeds for Gaddafi's demise. (翻译:正是这次报复事件为卡扎菲埋下了灭亡的种子。)

10. She was the only witness present at the scene of your son's untimely demise. (翻译:她是唯一的... ... 在你儿子出事现场的目击者)

11. 2 weeks or 2 minutes, despite their demise their love is immortal...eternal (翻译:无论2周或2分钟 虽然他们死了 但他们的爱是永恒的)

12. It was reason enough for some to believe she was the one behind Hephaistion's sudden demise. (翻译:亚历山大死后没多久,她毒死了斯塔蒂娜 有足够的理由可以相信...)

13. ...would be the best one to read about the demise of Lockhart-Gardner. (翻译:应该是见证Lockhart/Gardner倒闭 的最佳人选)

14. If palms were still present and important 27 million years ago at Chilga, when was their demise? (翻译:如果棕榈树2700万年前仍存在于Chilga并且重要,它们是什么时候灭亡的?)

15. And once I begin the sequence of combat, it can only end with your demise. (翻译:如果我一开始动手 唯一的结果就是你的死亡)

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