bpa是什么意思 bpa的中文翻译、读音、例句

bpa是什么意思 bpa的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:BPA-free(无BPA的),BPA level(BPA水平),BPA exposure(接触BPA),BPA toxicity(BPA毒性)等。




1. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a chemical that is used in a variety of consumer products, including food packaging, plastic bottles, and dental fillings.(双酚A(BPA)是一种化学物质,用于各种消费品,包括食品包装、塑料瓶和牙科填充物。)

2. Some studies have suggested that BPA may have negative effects on human health.(一些研究表明,BPA可能对人类健康产生负面影响。)

3. Always use BPA-free water bottles, even if it costs more.(始终使用无BPA的水瓶,即使它更贵。)

4. The FDA recommends limiting BPA exposure among infants and young children.(FDA建议限制婴儿和幼儿接触BPA。)

5. The study found a link between BPA exposure and obesity in children.(该研究发现,儿童接触BPA与肥胖有关。)

6. The researchers confirmed that BPA toxicity is a serious public health issue.(研究人员证实,BPA毒性是一个严重的公共卫生问题。)

7. Many manufacturers have switched to BPA-free products in response to public concerns.(许多制造商已经转向无BPA产品,以回应公众的担忧。)

bpa的中文翻译是双酚A,读音是shuāng fēn A。


1. 现代生活中,我们接触到的很多产品中都含有BPA。

2. 为了保护健康,我们应当尽量避免使用含有BPA的塑料制品。


The Chinese translation of 'bpa' is 双酚A (shuāng fēn A) and it is pronounced as such.

Example sentences:

1. Many products we use in modern life contain BPA.

2. In order to protect our health, we should try to avoid using plastic products that contain BPA.




例句:It has been reported that BPA was one of environmental endocrine disrupters. (研究表明,BPA具有内分泌干扰作用,是环境荷尔蒙物质。)


例句:Several environmental activists, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. , also have called for removing BPA from canned goods. (包括Sen.DianneFeinstern在内的一些环保主义者也一直在要求在罐装食品中去除BPA。)


例句:But just two weeks before that, the U.S. Senate refused to even debate the banning of BPA in babies' bottles and sippy cups. (但,也就是在两周前, 美国参议院竟拒绝 对禁止婴儿奶瓶和吸管杯 使用BPA之事展开辩论。)


例句:Established in 1997 and located in Cooperstown, NY, Brewery Ommegang specializes in Belgian-style ales, including BPA, Hennepin, wheat, and amber ales among other regular and seasonal brews. (翻译:成立于xx年,位于纽约州古柏,Ommegang啤酒厂专门在比利时风格的啤酒,包括双酚A,平县,小麦,和其他经常性及季节性啤酒之间的琥珀啤酒。)


1. But just two weeks before that, the U.S. Senate refused to even debate the banning of BPA in babies' bottles and sippy cups. (翻译:但,也就是在两周前, 美国参议院竟拒绝 对禁止婴儿奶瓶和吸管杯 使用BPA之事展开辩论。)

2. Established in 1997 and located in Cooperstown, NY, Brewery Ommegang specializes in Belgian-style ales, including BPA, Hennepin, wheat, and amber ales among other regular and seasonal brews. (翻译:成立于xx年,位于纽约州古柏,Ommegang啤酒厂专门在比利时风格的啤酒,包括双酚A,平县,小麦,和其他经常性及季节性啤酒之间的琥珀啤酒。)

3. PJC: So speaking of estrogen, one of the other compounds that Tyrone talks about in the film is something called bisphenol A, BPA, which has been in the news recently. (翻译:PJC:说到雌性激素, Tyrone在影片里提到的另一种叫做双酚A的化合物, 即BPA, 最近也有报道。)

4. There are traces of the worrisome chemical BPA in a wide variety of canned foods from supermarket shelves, found a new study. (翻译:一项新的研究发现,超市货架上的各种罐头食品中都存在着令人十分担忧的化学物质-BPA的踪迹。)

5. Levels of BPA vary over time. (翻译:BPA水平随时间变化。)

6. Canned foods had the highest levels of the chemical, with Del Monte Fresh Cut Green Beans at the top of the list, followed by three types of Progresso soups. (翻译:罐头食品中的BPA含量是最高的,其中戴尔·蒙特鲜切青豆位居榜首,其次是三种类型的普罗格雷索汤。)

7. A recent study found BPA in 93 percent of people six and older. (翻译:近期一项研究表明 在xx岁和xx岁以上的人群有93%体内都含有BPA)

8. It has all sort of lovely water bottle features like being leakproof, spill proof, BPA free and with a wide neck for loading with ice cubes. (翻译:它具备一切传统水壶的特性比如防渗漏、不含双酚为装冰块设计的宽瓶口等等。)

9. So some of you may know about the chemical Bisphenol A, BPA. (翻译:你们可能有人知道 一种叫双酚A或BPA的化学物质)

10. "The writing is on the wall for BPA, " said Mike Schade of the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. (翻译:“墙上的文件正是关于BPA的,”健康环境司法中心的迈克·谢德说。)

11. Both types of tissue were also able to metabolize BPA. (翻译:两种类型的组织都能够代谢双酚a。)

12. As most baby bottles and sippy cups are made with plastics containing BPA, our parental responsibilities increase. (翻译:由于大多数婴儿奶瓶是用含有BPA的塑料制成的,我们父母的责任增加了。)

13. The group represents BPA producers including Dow Chemical Co., Bayer and Momentive. (翻译:代表BPA生产商的团体中包括陶氏化学公司,拜耳药厂和迈图高新材料集团。)

14. The EWG, a national nonprofit organization, is undertaking additional studies to determine whether and to what degree BPA enters the body. (翻译:这家全国性的非盈利组织正在进行更多的研究,考察BPA是否和能多大程度上进入人体体内。)

15. After acclimation, the BPA was degraded by the sludge in the MBR. (翻译:经过一段时间的驯化培养,反应器污泥可以降解双酚a。)

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