1. 医学:souffle 这个词在医学术语中也有出现,它指的是一种听诊现象,也就是通过听诊器听到的呼吸音的一种变异现象;
2. 音乐:这个词还可以指一种长音符,或者是声音的逐渐变弱,逐渐消失;
3. 缩写词:Souffle 也可以是一个缩写词,表示搜索引擎优化(SEO)方面的技巧和策略;
4. 形容词:souffle 这个单词也可以用作形容词,表示某物体积大而不紧实,感觉像是被充气了一样;
5. 烹饪:souffle 也可以指一种膨化型的烤食,类似于蛋奶糕。
1. The souffle was light and fluffy, and tasted amazing. (这个 souffle 很轻盈蓬松,味道非常好。)
2. The doctor detected a pulmonary souffle during the examination. (医生在检查中发现了呼吸音的变异现象。)
3. The singer ended the song with a souffle. (歌手以长音符结束了歌曲。)
4. I'm learning about souffle techniques to improve my website's SEO. (我正在学习 souffle 方面的技巧,以提高我的网站的 SEO。)
5. The pastry chef created a delicious chocolate souffle for dessert. (糕点师傅为甜品做了一份美味的巧克力 souffle。)
1. Je vais préparer un soufflé au fromage pour notre repas de ce soir.(我将为今晚的晚餐准备一份奶酪 soufflé。)
2. Les soufflés sont délicieux mais difficiles à réussir.(soufflés很好吃,但很难做成功。)
3. J'aime écouter du jazz soufflé par un saxophone.(我喜欢听萨克斯风演奏的爵士乐。)
4. Ce chemisier soufflé est vraiment élégant.(这件蓬松的衬衫非常优雅。)
5. Le vent souffle dans les arbres.(风在树上吹。)
6. Elle a soufflé les bougies de son gâteau d'anniversaire.(她吹灭了她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。)
7. J'ai soufflé mon café car il était trop chaud.(我吹了一下咖啡,因为太热了。)
8. Le chien souffle après avoir couru dans le parc.(狗在公园里跑完后喘着气。)
9. Nous avons soufflé des bulles avec du savon.(我们用肥皂吹出了泡泡。)
中文翻译: souffle(法式乳蛋糕或蛋奶酥)
1. The souffle was a perfect ending to the meal.(这份法式乳蛋糕是一个完美的餐后甜点。)
2. I've never been able to make a successful souffle.(我从来没有做过成功的法式乳蛋糕。)
3. The chef explained that the key to a perfect souffle is in the precise timing and temperature.(厨师解释说制作完美的法式乳蛋糕的关键在于精确的时间和温度掌控。)
例句:For the record that was nothing like baking a souffle. (你得知道... For the record... 这和烤蛋奶酥完全不一样 that was nothing like baking a souffle.)
例句:I had to stop her from ordering a second souffle! ({\fnKaiTi\fs22\fscy120\1cH3979FF}扂拸杨郯砦坴婬隆划戺傰济 I had to stop her from ordering a second souffle!)
例句:Ladies and gentlemen, lobster souffle. (女士们先生们 龙虾蛋奶酥 Ladies and gentlemen, lobster souffle.)
4.蛋奶酥 、吹气音
例句:Which would have been two and a half if They ordered the souffle when they sat down. (翻译:从他们坐下来 点了蛋奶酥算起 只有两个半小时)
souffle一般作为名词使用,如在electric souffle([医] 电气流)、fetal souffle([医] 胎儿杂音)、funic souffle([医] 脐带杂音)等常见短语中出现较多。
electric souffle | [医] 电气流 |
fetal souffle | [医] 胎儿杂音 |
funic souffle | [医] 脐带杂音 |
funicular souffle | 脐带杂音 |
placental souffle | [医] 胎盘杂音 |
splenic souffle | [医] 脾杂音 |
umbilical souffle | [医] 脐带杂音 |
1. Ladies and gentlemen, lobster souffle. (翻译:女士们先生们 龙虾蛋奶酥 Ladies and gentlemen, lobster souffle.)
2. Which would have been two and a half if They ordered the souffle when they sat down. (翻译:从他们坐下来 点了蛋奶酥算起 只有两个半小时)
3. Making a souffle is like a kiss on the first date: it's easy to get wrong, but getting it right really impresses women. (翻译:制作舒芙蕾就像初恋中的初吻:它是件很容易办砸的事,不过一旦成功就万事大吉了。)
4. He then turned to commercial films in 1960s, starring in Pierrot Le Fou, A Bout de Souffle, Ace of Aces, and Les Miserables. (翻译:上世纪xx年代,他开始转向商业片,主演的影片包括《狂人皮埃罗》、《筋疲力尽》、《王中王》和《新悲惨世界》等。)
5. The Sun will collapse like a souffle, shrinking a hundredfold to the size of the Earth. (翻译:太阳会像蛋奶酥一样的收缩塌陷 The Sun will collapse like a souffle 缩小到地球体积的几百倍 shrinking a hundredfold to the size of the Earth.)
6. They have the most divine souffle. (翻译:那的蛋奶酥美味极了 They have the most divine souffle.)
7. Um, if-if we want to order the souffle, we might want to get on that. (翻译:如果有人想吃蛋酥 Um, if... if we want to order the soufflé, 我们该点了 we might want to get on that.)
8. Yes, on the souffle. Give us a half of a minute on the rest. (翻译:先点奶酥,其他的给半分钟时间我们想一想。)
9. I think of my strawberry souffle . I did that at least 28 times before I finally conquered it. (翻译:我想到我的草莓蛋白牛奶酥,在最终攻克它之前,我至少做了28次。)
10. That's the same ship as souffle girl. (翻译:这是同样的 船舶的杂音女孩。是的...)
11. Very clearly. A woman happily in love, she burns the souffle. (翻译:很明显,爱情顺利的女人 会将蛋白牛奶酥烤焦)
12. - Kick it here. - A gorgonzola and pear souffle. (翻译:一个戈贡佐拉干酪和梨 踢这 A gorgonzola and pear souf é Kick it here.)
13. Just like taking a souffle out of the oven. (翻译:就跟从烤箱里取蛋奶酥一样 Just like taking a souffle out of the oven.)
14. Why, you haven't eaten a thing, Karin. Why don't you try the souffle? It's excellent. (翻译:怎么了,卡琳,你什么也没吃, 试试蛋奶酥,很美味)
15. Dishes such as the cheese souffle have been on the menu since the beginning. (翻译:乳酪蛋奶酥这样的菜肴从一开始就出现在菜单上。)