hate是什么意思 hate的中文翻译、读音、例句

hate是什么意思 hate的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和词义:'Hate'是一个动词,表示非常不喜欢、憎恨或厌恶某个人或事物。


- I hate spiders.(我讨厌蜘蛛。)

- He hates his job.(他讨厌自己的工作。)

2. 使用场合:'Hate'可以在各种语境下使用,例如日常交流、文学作品、音乐歌词等。


- Why do you hate me?(你为什么讨厌我?)

- Romeo and Juliet hate each other's families.(罗密欧和朱丽叶相互憎恨彼此的家族。)

- "Love to hate Me" is a popular song by BLACKPINK.(《爱恨交错》是BLACKPINK的一首流行歌曲。)

3. 与其他词汇的搭配:'Hate'可以和其他词汇组成不同的短语或表达方式,例如'hate speech'、'hate crime'、'hate mail'等。


- The government is cracking down on hate speech.(政府正在打击仇恨言论。)

- The attack on the mosque was considered a hate crime.(对清真寺的袭击被认为是仇恨犯罪。)

- She received hate mail after speaking up for animal rights.(在为动物权利发声之后,她收到了仇恨信件。)

4. 反义词和同义词:'Hate'的反义词是'love',意为爱。同义词包括'detest'、'despise'、'loathe'。


- I love spending time with my family.(我喜欢和家人在一起。)

- He detests sushi.(他讨厌寿司。)

- She despises her ex-boyfriend.(她憎恶她的前男友。)



1. I hate the way she talks to me.


2. They hate each other, but they have to work together.


3. The hate between the two countries goes back centuries.


4. The singer received a lot of hate for her new album.


5. It's not healthy to hold on to hate for too long.




1. I hate spiders.(我憎恨蜘蛛。)

2. She hates it when people interrupt her.(她讨厌别人打断她。)

3. We hate how noisy the neighbors are.(我们讨厌邻居们的噪音。)

4. He hates the way his boss treats him.(他讨厌老板对他的态度。)

5. They hate to admit it, but they need help.(他们不愿意承认,但他们需要帮助。)

6. She hates the taste of cilantro.(她讨厌香菜的味道。)

7. He hates going to the dentist.(他讨厌去看牙医。)

8. I hate when people don't follow through on their promises.(我讨厌人们不守承诺。)

9. They hate each other so much that they can't even be in the same room.(他们非常憎恨对方,以至于不能在同一个房间里。)


读音:hèi tè


1. I hate when people are rude to others. (我讨厌人们对他人粗鲁无礼。)

2. She hates the cold weather. (她讨厌寒冷的天气。)

3. He hates it when his boss micromanages him. (他讨厌老板过度干涉他的工作。)

4. They hate the new policy at work. (他们讨厌公司的新政策。)

5. We should not hate others simply because they look different from us. (我们不应该仅仅因为别人长得不一样而憎恨他们。)




例句:You know, I hate all this. (我讨厌这一切 You know, I hate all this.)


例句:I hate, hate, hate this merger because I hate long-distance relationships. (我真... 是痛恨这次合并 因为我痛恨两地分居)


例句:- And then, they will forgive you. (- People are gonna hate me. - And then, they will forgive you.)


例句:It's no fun picking on you, Louis, you're so guilty. (翻译:-I really hate that.)


hate一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hate it([网络] 讨厌;憎恨;摄影之恨)、hate on(痛恨……)、hate that([网络] 恨吧;憎恨我吧)等常见短语中出现较多。

hate it[网络] 讨厌;憎恨;摄影之恨
hate on痛恨……
hate that[网络] 恨吧;憎恨我吧
to hate[网络] 恨;厌恶;讨厌
hate boners[网络] 讨厌的人
hate campaignn. 仇恨运动;诋毁运动
hate crimen. (尤指针对同性恋者和少数民族的)仇恨犯罪, 仇视性犯罪
hate crimesna. 出于仇视心理的犯罪行为\n[网络] 仇恨犯罪;出于仇恨的犯罪;仇恨罪行
hate doing[网络] 讨厌做某事;讨厌做过的事;不喜欢做


1. - And then, they will forgive you. (翻译:- People are gonna hate me. - And then, they will forgive you.)

2. It's no fun picking on you, Louis, you're so guilty. (翻译:-I really hate that.)

3. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. (翻译:我实在不愿意报忧 I hate to be the bearer of bad news.)

4. Would you hate me forever? (翻译:你会永远都恨我吗? Would you hate me forever?)

5. So guys like you can hack in. I hate government. (翻译:我真讨厌政府 I hate government.)

6. (whispers): These people hate miles amos. (翻译:这些人恨死了Miles Amos These people hate Miles Amos.)

7. You too, Ned. Look, I hate to call on Christmas. (翻译:I hate to call on Christmas.)

8. Taylor was right-- haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. (翻译:泰勒是对的... 黑我的人会不停地黒黑黑黑黑 Taylor was right... haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.)

9. Women want to scratch your eyes out. (翻译:People still hate you. Women want to scratch your eyes out.)

10. I hate it when he says that. (翻译:我讨厌他这么说 I hate it when he says that.)

11. She and my dad hate each other. (翻译:She and my dad hate each other.)

12. And I hate losing, Chavvie. (翻译:And l hate losing, Chavvie. I hate it.)

13. I hate capes I hate them! (翻译:我恨斗篷,我恨它们! )

14. I mean, I hate S.I.D. I'm thinking of quitting. (翻译:我讨厌这里 I hate this place.)

15. I hate violence, I hate war, and I hate racialism. (翻译:我不喜欢暴力,不喜欢战争,当然也不喜欢种族歧视。)



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