accents是什么意思 accents的中文翻译、读音、例句

accents是什么意思 accents的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. accent mark:重音符号

2. regional accents:地方口音

3. foreign accent:外来口音

4. British accent:英式口音

5. American accent:美式口音


1. pick up an accent:学习一种口音

2. put on an accent:模仿某种口音

3. speak with an accent:带着口音说话



1. Her French accent is very good.


2. I find it difficult to understand regional accents.


3. He speaks English with a heavy foreign accent.


4. I love listening to British accents.


5. She has a strong American accent.


6. I need to pick up a British accent for my role in the play.


7. He put on a fake Scottish accent to make his friends laugh.





1. Her French accent is so good that she sounds like a native speaker.(她的法语口音很好,听起来像个母语人士。)

2. The emphasis should be on the first syllable, not the second.(重音应该放在第一个音节上,而不是第二个。)

3. The Southern accent is often associated with hospitality and friendliness.(南方口音常与热情好客和友好相联系。)




例句:Are you gonna make us pretend to be a bunch of lame characters with silly accents? (你要我们装成一群 操着奇怪口音的烂角色?)


例句:We might dismiss tales of buried treasure and comedy "mummerset" accents out of hand now that we're grown-ups. (现在我们已经大人了,我们可能会不屑一顾地掩埋藏宝和喜剧“玛迈塞特”口音的故事。)


例句:The research resulted in a demimondaine's boudoir vibe with accents of more sober Rive Droite propriety. (这项研究导致了风流社会的女人的闺房感应与更清楚的撕裂的口音。)


例句:These accents were seen as "common" and "ugly". (翻译:这些口音被视为“普通的”和“难听的”。)


accents一般作为名词、动词使用,如在grave accents(adj. 〈外〉【乐】沉重;极慢;认真的;庄重的\nn. 坟墓;墓穴;墓碑;墓石\nv. 对(船底)作清洗并涂上沥青等涂料;刻;铭记 (in, on);雕刻)、pitch accents(音高重音)、primary accents(主重音;表示主重音的符号(即')[亦作 primary stress])等常见短语中出现较多。

grave accentsadj. 〈外〉【乐】沉重;极慢;认真的;庄重的\nn. 坟墓;墓穴;墓碑;墓石\nv. 对(船底)作清洗并涂上沥青等涂料;刻;铭记 (in, on);雕刻
pitch accents音高重音
primary accents主重音;表示主重音的符号(即')[亦作 primary stress]
secondary accents【语音学】;次重音,第二重音;次重音音标
tonic accents【语音学】声调重音;= pitch accent
word accentsword accent\n= word stress


1. The research resulted in a demimondaine's boudoir vibe with accents of more sober Rive Droite propriety. (翻译:这项研究导致了风流社会的女人的闺房感应与更清楚的撕裂的口音。)

2. These accents were seen as "common" and "ugly". (翻译:这些口音被视为“普通的”和“难听的”。)

3. Acid wash with deep indigo accents and ombre washes bring fresh accents to the market. (翻译:带有深色靛蓝亮点的酸洗与渐变色洗水为零售市场带来新鲜元素。)

4. Regional accents are still acceptable but there is to be a blitz on incorrect grammar. (翻译:地方口音还可以接受,但错误语法必须要大力改进。)

5. This usually happens with umlauts and accents, because these characters were particular to the code page that was previously in use. (翻译:这通常发生在变音符号和重音符号,因为这些字符是此前使用的代码页特有的。)

6. All she could remember were Spanish accents-- one so heavy she could barely understand him. (翻译:她只能记得 那些西班牙口音 其中一个 口音很重 她几乎快听不懂了)

7. He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London. (翻译:他还大量使用当地色彩,从主角们的伦敦腔到伦敦东区的黑色街道。)

8. We know from their accents that they come from somewhere round here. (翻译:另外就是 通过他们的口音 我们知道他们就是这附近的人)

9. In a dictation, she always tells me where to put the accents. (翻译:每次做听写时, 她总能告诉我重音在哪儿。)

10. Indian accents can be characterized by the fact that speakers retroflex their consonants. (翻译:印度口音的特征是,讲话人用卷舌音读辅音。)

11. Steve Coogan, the star, may not be entirely representative of Northern accents, but the supporting cast certainly are. (翻译:明星史蒂夫·库根也许不是典型的北方口音,但电影里的配角绝对是。)

12. The sign was slow-moving, difficult to read and lacked Spanish accents and tildes. (翻译:它不但移动缓慢,很难看清楚,而且缺少西班牙语音和腭化符号。)

13. I need his accent for my archives because, really, it's one of the accents that I struggle with. (翻译:我想要录下他的声音 因为他的口音真的太赞了)

14. Combination upper consisting of kidskin leather with patent leather accents or soft calf leather with patent leather accents. (翻译:组合上部组成的小山羊皮皮革与漆皮重音符号或软小牛皮漆皮口音。)

15. Light-hearted accents of green tea and bergamot, an engaging bouquet of rose and jasmine, the pensive accords of musk and winter woods: Capucine, the very essence of happy, uninhibited femininity! (翻译:清心淡雅的绿茶和佛手柑味道,令人着迷的玫瑰和茉莉花束气息,还有让人陷入遐思的麝香味和冬日树林的感觉:这就是让人无比愉悦旱金莲,它会让您焕发无穷的女性魅力! )

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