implements是什么意思 implements的中文翻译、读音、例句

implements是什么意思 implements的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:implements通常作为动词使用,意思是"执行"、"实施"、"履行"、"执行计划"等,也可作为名词,表示"工具"、"装备"、"器具"等。

2. 词性:implements是一个动词,表示执行或履行某项任务或计划。

3. 常用场景:implements在工业、商业、管理、计算机等领域被广泛使用。在软件开发中,implements指实现接口或继承抽象类的过程。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有implement a plan(执行计划)、implement a strategy(实施战略)、implement a system(实现系统)、implement a project(履行项目)等。

5. 相关短语:常见的相关短语有implementation(实施)、implemented(执行的)、implementing(正在执行的)、implementation phase(实施阶段)等。

6. 发音拼写:implements的发音为/im-pluh-muhnts/,重音在第一个音节。拼写为i-m-p-l-e-m-e-n-t-s。


- We need to implement a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.


- The company has implemented a new training program to improve employees' skills.


- The new software was implemented last month after months of development.





1. The project manager will work with the team to implement the new software. (项目经理将与团队合作,实现新软件的使用。)

2. Our company is implementing a new policy to reduce plastic waste. (我们公司正在实行减少塑料浪费的新政策。)

3. The teacher implemented a new teaching method that helped the students understand the material better. (老师采用了一种新的教学方法,帮助学生更好地理解了材料。)

4. The government must implement measures to protect the environment. (政府必须采取措施保护环境。)




例句:In the case of a direct PDS, a collector typically implements some sort of API to access that data. (对于直接PDS,收集器通常实现一些API来访问该数据。)


例句:Animals such as Kohler's chimpanzees can solve problems by working out strategies such as the invention of implements. (像科勒的黑猩猩这样的动物可以通过制定策略来解决问题,比如发明工具。)


例句:Stone implements included adze, arrowhead and grinder. (石器包括锛、镞、砺石等。)


例句:It implements the Model - ViewModel - View - Controller pattern that seems to be popular in WPF. (翻译:它实现了模型-视图模型-视图-控制器这个看起来在WPF中很流行的模式。)


implements一般作为名词、动词使用,如在farm implements(农具)、harvesting implements(收割机)、implements of labor(劳动资料)等常见短语中出现较多。

farm implements农具
harvesting implements收割机
implements of labor劳动资料
implements of production生产工具
proper implements适当的工具
pruning implements修剪工具
sports implements[网络] 运动器具\n(sports implement 的复数)
tillage implements耕作农具
timber for implements器具材


1. Stone implements included adze, arrowhead and grinder. (翻译:石器包括锛、镞、砺石等。)

2. It implements the Model - ViewModel - View - Controller pattern that seems to be popular in WPF. (翻译:它实现了模型-视图模型-视图-控制器这个看起来在WPF中很流行的模式。)

3. The implements can talk back, telling the tractor that it's going too fast or needs to move to the left. (翻译:这些工具会回应,告诉拖拉机它开得太快了,或者需要向左移动。)

4. MTF implements some of the QVT concepts and is based on the EMF. (翻译:MTF实现了QVT的一些概念,并且是基于EMF的。)

5. This means that the policy that the Actor implements now includes an instruction to avoid the odor that's in the right half of the chamber. (翻译:这证明“执行者”实施的政策中 现在包括了躲开那种气味的指令 该种气味是从小室右边散发过来的。)

6. There is a plantation a mile here where many of the implements are of the type that just described. (翻译:我记得之前, 外面的谷仓中有些农具 您刚刚说, 您需要武器)

7. It implements JSTL 1.1 specifications from Sun. (翻译:它实现Sun的JSTL 1.1规范。)

8. What they want are implements to increase their production: something to fertilize the soil, something to protect their crop and to bring it to a market. (翻译:他们所需要的是实现 提高他们的产量 -- 一些肥化他们土壤的东西, 一些保护他们作物的东西,然后运输他们的产品进入市场。)

9. Cisco JTAPI implements the Sun JTAPI 1. 2 specification with additional Cisco extensions. (翻译:思科JTAPI实现太阳JTAPI额外思科扩展1.2规范。)

10. JPDA implements the ability to substitute modified code in a running application. (翻译:JPDA实现了在运行的应用程序中替换经过修改的代码的功能。)

11. MTF implements some of the QVT concepts and is based on the EMF. (翻译:MTF实现了QVT的一些概念,并且是基于EMF的。)

12. The two projects share code that implements WebKit's porting API in terms of Skia. (翻译:这两个项目在Skia方面分享实现WebKit移植应用程序接口的代码。)

13. It implements the Model - ViewModel - View - Controller pattern that seems to be popular in WPF. (翻译:它实现了模型-视图模型-视图-控制器这个看起来在WPF中很流行的模式。)

14. The Actor implements a policy that takes into account the state of the environment and the context in which we operate. (翻译:这个“执行者”执行一个政策 这政策会考虑到周遭环境的因素 以及我们生活的背景。)

15. He took the implements which I described to you in my letter from his breast. (翻译:他从他胸前取出我在信里跟你描述过的武器。)



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