tream是什么意思 tream的中文翻译、读音、例句

tream是什么意思 tream的中文翻译、读音、例句

'tream' 是一个单词,名词,指的是一个小溪流,也可以表示连续不断的一系列。


- a stream of water 一股水流

- a stream of thought 心流,思维流

- a stream of customers 一波顾客

- a stream of cars 一线车流



1. A stream of water flowed down from the mountain. 一股水流从山上流下。

2. She followed the stream and found a beautiful waterfall. 她顺着小溪走,发现了一个美丽的瀑布。

3. The river is too deep to cross, but we can cross the stream. 这条河太深了不能过,但是我们可以过小溪。

4. He was lost in thought and a stream of ideas flowed through his mind. 他陷入沉思,思维不断涌现。

5. A stream of customers came into the store during the sale. 促销期间有一波顾客来到了店里。

6. The traffic was slow due to the heavy stream of cars on the highway. 高速公路上车流量大,交通很慢。

7. She opened the faucet and waited for the stream of hot water to fill the bathtub. 她打开水龙头,等待热水流到浴缸里。




1. The stream flowed gently down the hill.(这股水流缓缓地流下山)

2. A stream of smoke rose from the chimney.(从烟囱里冒出一股烟)

3. The concert was streamed live on the internet.(音乐会通过网络进行了现场直播)

4. A stream of people poured out of the theater after the movie ended.(电影结束后,一串人涌出剧院)

5. The fisherman caught a large trout in the stream.(渔夫在小溪里钓到了一条大鳟鱼)

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