letter of guarantee是什么意思 letter of guarantee的中文翻译、读音、例句

letter of guarantee是什么意思 letter of guarantee的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Letter of guarantee是一种保证函,即一份正式的书面文件,其中许诺在特定情况下支付或承担某种责任,以保证另一方的安全。

2. 词性:Letter of guarantee是一个名词短语。

3. 词组搭配:Letter of guarantee通常与下列词组搭配使用:issue a letter of guarantee(发出保函)、provide a letter of guarantee(提供保函)、bank letter of guarantee(银行保函)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/ˈletər əv ˌɡærənˈtiː/

6. 英语例句:

- We require a letter of guarantee from the bank in order to secure the loan.

- The seller must provide a letter of guarantee for the quality of the product.

- The contractor was asked to issue a letter of guarantee for the timely completion of the project.

- The landlord requested a letter of guarantee from the tenant's employer.

- The buyer requested a bank letter of guarantee to ensure that the seller would transfer the title of the property upon receipt of payment.

7. 中文例句:

- 为了获得贷款,我们需要银行出具一封保函。

- 卖方必须提供有关产品质量的保函。

- 承包商被要求出具一封关于按时完成项目的保函。

- 房东要求租户的雇主提供一封保证信。

- 买方要求银行出具一份保函,以确保卖方收到付款后能够过户。

letter of guarantee表示“保函”,是指一种由银行或其他金融机构发出的保证函,证明其客户能够完成一项任务或履行一笔交易,同时承担用于支付任何未支付金额的责任。


读音:[ˈletər əv ˌɡærənˈti:]


1. The seller requires a letter of guarantee from the buyer's bank before they will release the goods.


2. The construction company must provide a letter of guarantee to show they have the financial capacity to complete the project.


letter of guarantee的意思是"化、经",在英美地区还有"保证书"的意思,发音音标为[letterofguarantee],letter of guarantee常被用作名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到14个与letter of guarantee相关的例句。

Letter of guarantee的释义


例句:The risk guaranty money and the letter of guarantee shall be irrevocable and unilaterally drawable to the joint venture. (风险保证金、保函须以银行不可撤销、合营企业可以单方提款的形式提供。)


例句:Letter from the barricade.. (从街垒来的信 Letter from the barricade..)


例句:The letter from Abraham Lincoln. (亚伯拉罕·林肯写的信 The letter from Abraham Lincoln)


例句:The seller to the buyer's bank for the beneficiaries of the irrevocable letter of guarantee a Zhibao Jin, the amount of bonds to 10% of the total contract price. (翻译:卖方银行出具的以买方为受益人不可撤销的质保金保函一份,保函金额为合同总价的10%。)


letter of guarantee一般作为名词使用,如在guarantee letter((期权)担保书)、guarantee(保证 )、guarantee for(担保…使用一定时期)等常见短语中出现较多。

guarantee letter(期权)担保书
guarantee for担保…使用一定时期
to guarantee[网络] 保证;单靠背诵不能保证;保障
letter by letter一个字母一个字母地\n逐字地
letter an. (Lettera)人名;(意)莱泰拉
letter is[网络] 信口\n(letter i 的复数)
the letter[电影]情书


1. The letter from Abraham Lincoln. (翻译:亚伯拉罕·林肯写的信 The letter from Abraham Lincoln)

2. The seller to the buyer's bank for the beneficiaries of the irrevocable letter of guarantee a Zhibao Jin, the amount of bonds to 10% of the total contract price. (翻译:卖方银行出具的以买方为受益人不可撤销的质保金保函一份,保函金额为合同总价的10%。)

3. Checking for the letter, day 37. (翻译:查邮件 第37天 Checking for the letter, day 37.)

4. And we need to guarantee him a good night's sleep. (翻译:我们得保证他一夜好眠 We have to guarantee him a peaceful stay.)

5. Will not guarantee getting your daughter back. (翻译:并不能确保你女儿安全归来 will not guarantee getting your daughter back.)

6. - I did, and could you please tell him... (翻译:- 收到了,麻烦你告诉他... ... A letter?)

7. I can no longer guarantee your safety at the CJC. (翻译:那我就保证不了 I can no longer guarantee your safety 你在CJC的安全了 at the CJC.)

8. And I personally guarantee you will be prosecuted. (翻译:而且我个人保证 And I personally guarantee)

9. She left a letter for you. (翻译:她留了封信给你 She left a letter for you.)

10. Can you people guarantee that this will work? (翻译:你能保证这计划行得通吗? Can you people guarantee that this will work?)

11. Thank you. I understand that you wrote a letter of recommendation (翻译:我知道你给Aaron Shaw I understand that you wrote a letter of recommendation)

12. Letter... so you do know this is called a letter huh? (翻译:Letter... 你也知道这个叫做Letter啊)

13. A personal letter from the Prime Minister. (翻译:首相写来的私人信件 A personal letter from the Prime Minister.)

14. In 'She wrote a letter', the verb 'wrote' is transitive and the word 'letter' is the direct object. (翻译:在She wrote a letter一句中,动词wrote是及物动词,letter一词是直接宾语。)

15. Dear Casey, it was so good to read your letter. (翻译:it was so good to read your letter.)

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