sinners是什么意思 sinners的中文翻译、读音、例句

sinners是什么意思 sinners的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和含义: 'Sinners'是一个名词,指的是那些做错事的人,他们违背了道德或宗教规定,并且需要面对惩罚或后果。

2. 用途和场景: 'Sinners'这个单词在宗教文化和道德观念中经常被使用,特别是在基督教和伊斯兰教中,用来指代那些犯了罪的人,需要忏悔和向神赎罪的人群。

3. 文学和艺术: 'Sinners'这个词在文学和艺术中也经常被使用,比如在小说、电影、音乐和绘画中,被用来形容那些有着复杂内心和矛盾情感,需要接受考验和改过才能实现救赎的角色和形象。


1. The Bible teaches us that all men are sinners and fall short of the glory of God.(圣经告诉我们,所有人都是罪人,都需要向上帝忏悔赎罪。)

2. He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.(掩盖罪恶的人不会得到幸福,但是谁能坦白承认并悔改,就能得到上帝的怜悯。)

3. The movie tells the story of a down-and-out sinner who discovers love and redemption in the least expected place.(这部电影讲述了一个走投无路的罪人,在最出人意料的地方寻找到了爱和救赎。)

4. The preacher warned the congregation that God hates sin, but loves sinners.(牧师警告大家,上帝讨厌罪恶,但是爱罪人。)

5. The famous painting depicts the scene of the Last Judgement, with sinners being cast down into hell and the righteous ascending to heaven.(这幅著名的画作描绘了最后审判的场景,罪人被扔进地狱,正义者上升天堂。)


1. All people are sinners and need to repent. 所有人都是罪人,需要忏悔。

2. The preacher's message of redemption was aimed at sinners. 传教士的救赎信息是针对罪人的。

3. He was considered a sinner because of his criminal past. 由于他的犯罪过去,他被视为罪人。

4. The sinners begged for forgiveness and promised to change their ways. 罪人恳求宽恕并承诺改过自新。




例句:The fifth circle is wrath, where sinners were drowned in swampy water, which is exactly what happened to the next victim. (五层是愤怒 罪人在泥潭里备受煎熬 五号受害者的遭遇一模一样)


例句:Holy Mary, mother of God pray for us sinners. (mother of God 为我们这些罪人祈祷 pray for us sinners.)


sinners一般作为名词使用,如在unrepentant sinners([法] 毫不悔改的罪人)等常见短语中出现较多。

unrepentant sinners[法] 毫不悔改的罪人


1. Nothing but God's own sovereign good pleasure compels Him to love sinners. (翻译:正是上帝自己至高无上的善良的乐趣迫使他去爱罪恶之人。)

2. Ninebladed not two or five or seven, but nine which he will wield on all wretched sinners, just like you, sir, there. (翻译:九个刃,不是两个,也不是五个, 也不是七个,而是九个。他会在所有的不幸的罪人的头上挥舞, 就象你,先生,那儿的那位一样。)

3. When sinners are saved, it is only and solely because God will do it to magnify his free, unpurchased, unsought grace. (翻译:罪人蒙救,只是因为上帝要彰显祂无价的、非买来的、非寻找可得的恩典。)

4. We're all sinners, brother, even nice girls like Keeley. (翻译:人非圣贤啊 兄弟 就算是凯莉那样的好女孩)

5. Because... we know that we are all sinners in here (翻译:因为... 我们知道,大家在这里都是罪人)

6. Nothing but God's own sovereign good pleasure compels Him to love sinners. (翻译:正是上帝自己至高无上的善良的乐趣迫使他去爱罪恶之人。)

7. The floating bodies of drowned sinners, of course. (翻译:当然是淹死的罪人的浮尸 The floating bodies of drowned sinners, of course.)

8. And now, sinners, close your eyes guilty and look up to heaven. (翻译:现在我希望你们所有的罪人闭上满是罪孽的双眼 然后抬头看天国)

9. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. (翻译:圣母玛丽亚! 上帝之母 为我们这群罪人祈祷吧)

10. - That we have made so that he/she calls us sinners? (翻译:- 我们有我们的工作,我们已经走了有罪吗?)

11. Crowds of "sinners" wander the land whipping themselves and others to please the Lord. (翻译:那些病人一路走一路鞭打自己 以祈求上帝的怜悯)

12. THE WORLD'S FILLED WITH SINNERS AND I'M SURE HE WAS ONE. (翻译:世界上充满了罪人 我敢肯定,他是其中一个。)

13. She asked the children to recite the Rosary for world peace and conversion of sinners. (翻译:她要求他们念诵玫瑰经,为世界和平及罪人悔改。)

14. I've not come to call the virtuous to repentance, but the sinners, and they might enter the kingdom of heaven before you... (翻译:我还没有 来人来电 良性 悔改 , 但是 罪人 , 他们可能 在你 进入 天国。)

15. In the "Inferno’s" circle of the Wrathful, Dante eagerly witnesses sinners tear Black Guelph Filippo Argenti limb from limb. (翻译:在《地狱篇》的愤怒狱中, 但丁迫切地见证罪囚 将黑党分子 菲力普 · 阿根提的身体肢解。)



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