reeds是什么意思 reeds的中文翻译、读音、例句

reeds是什么意思 reeds的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:'reeds'是复数形式,指芦苇,一种常见的水生植物,常生长在湖泊、沼泽、河流附近。

2. 词性:'reeds'是名词,属于可数名词。

3. 常用场景:'reeds'是自然界中广泛分布的植物之一,通常在河流、沼泽、湖泊等湿地区域中生长。在一些音乐场景中,'reeds'也经常指呈现管乐器音色的簧片等零部件。

4. 词组搭配:

- reed bed:芦苇床,指由芦苇植物构成的一片区域

- reed flute:芦笛,即经常出现在中国传统音乐中的乐器

- reed warbler:芦莺,一种常见的鸟类,常出现在芦苇丛附近

5. 相关短语:

- tall reeds:高高的芦苇

- rustling reeds:沙沙作响的芦苇

6. 发音拼写:[riːdz]




1. The riverbank was lined with tall green reeds. (河岸边上排着高高的绿色芦苇。)

2. They used reeds to make baskets and mats. (他们用芦草制作篮子和垫子。)

3. The musician played a beautiful tune on his reed instrument. (那位音乐家在他的芦管乐器上演奏了一曲美妙的曲调。)




例句:If you both creep down to the reeds and then keep still as statues, maybe the moorhen will come back with her chicks and you can see them close up. (如果你俩轻手轻脚地爬进芦苇丛,一动也不动地趴在那里,也许黑水鸡会带着她的小鸡回来的,这样,你们就可以在离得很近的地方观察这些小动物了。)


例句:The middle one was dressed in white and olding white flags, which looked from a distance just like the flowers of a field full of reeds. (当中的都穿白色衣服,拿着白色的旗帜,远远望去就像遍地盛开着白色茶花。)


例句:The Reed Cave, named after the reeds as the materials of flutes that used to grow at its entrance, is the most fantastic cave in Guilin. (芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞。因洞口过去生长芦草用以做笛而得名。)


例句:They resembled lofty, ambulant, insectile bundles of reeds. (翻译:它们就像一束束高大的、移动的、带虫的芦苇。)


reeds一般作为名词、动词使用,如在double reeds([网络] 双簧)、ditch reeds(【植物】芦苇)、giant reeds(giant reed\n【植物】芦竹(Arundo donap))等常见短语中出现较多。

double reeds[网络] 双簧
ditch reeds【植物】芦苇
giant reedsgiant reed\n【植物】芦竹(Arundo donap)
Reeds Peak[地名] 里兹峰 ( 美 )
sand reeds[网络] 沙芦苇\n(sand reed 的复数)
single reeds[网络] 单一芦苇
vibrating reeds[力] 振簧;振动片
walter reeds沃尔特芦苇(歌曲名)


1. The Reed Cave, named after the reeds as the materials of flutes that used to grow at its entrance, is the most fantastic cave in Guilin. (翻译:芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞。因洞口过去生长芦草用以做笛而得名。)

2. They resembled lofty, ambulant, insectile bundles of reeds. (翻译:它们就像一束束高大的、移动的、带虫的芦苇。)

3. The Mole, greatly wondering, obeyed. 'I hear nothing myself, ' he said, 'but the wind playing in the reeds and rushes and osiers. ' (翻译:鼹鼠非常惊讶,不过他还是听从了。他说,“我什么也没听到,除了芦苇、灯芯草和柳树里的风声。”)

4. Suddenly, he noticed that the flowers in the reeds raised, wafting in the air. (翻译:忽然,他发现苇丛中的芦花纷纷扬起,在空中飘来飘去。)

5. However, ax the slightest rustle of the reeds or the sudden chirp of a bird, he leapt to his feet, his forehead glistening with sweat. (翻译:苇叶微动,或一只小鸟忽然叫了一声,使他急忙立起来,头上见了汗。)

6. Thinking of this, the peasant alertly stood up and peered persistently11 into the reeds, tying to find out what was hiding there. (翻译:这么想着,农夫提高了警惕,站起身来一个劲地向苇丛中张望,观察是什么东西隐蔽在那里。)

7. She sat where she could watch the light glowing on the mellow facade of the old palace and syrinxes peeping between the reeds. (翻译:她坐在一个地方,从那里她可以观察那古宫华美的正面上闪烁的光亮和草丛间时隐时现的小鸟。)

8. While she waits, she tells the children to look for some reeds, straw and dried dung to fuel the fire. (翻译:她本身在等待衣服干的时候,她的孩子们正遵循她的指示满地找芦苇,麦秆,干粪当作家里的柴火。)

9. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. (翻译:后来,赫密士看管他的牧群的时候发明了潘神销,是由芦苇制成。)

10. At the mouth of the Yellow River in Dongying, there are stretches of Suaeda Salsas and reeds, growing gracefully and energetically. (翻译:在东营的黄河入海口,还有成片的碱蓬与芦苇,鲜艳夺目、生机勃勃。)

11. Egrets splashed amongst the reeds and left their tracks across the sandbars. (翻译:白鹭在芦苇丛中溅起一片水花在沙洲上流下了它们的印记。)

12. You know, like, I-I stick the baby in a basket send it your way, like Moses in the reeds? (翻译:例如我把婴儿放进篮子 然后送到你那边 就像芦苇里的摩西一样?)

13. Textile machinery and accessories; reeds; part 2: metal reeds with plate baulk; dimensions and designation (翻译:纺织机械和附件;钢筘;第2部分:具有扳式摇动杆的金属筘;尺寸和标识)

14. Near Henglin were several acres of reeds. (翻译:恒岭附近有几亩芦苇地。)

15. The boats that have plied the lake for most of its human history were made from totora reeds. (翻译:在历史上大部分时间里,湖面上穿梭的船只,是用高香蒲芦苇制作的。)



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