1. 用法:Untold通常用来修饰抽象的概念、数量或程度,如“untold joy”(无尽的喜悦)、“untold suffering”(难以想象的痛苦)、“untold riches”(巨大的财富)等。
2. 同义词:Untold的近义词包括innumerable, countless, myriad, infinite等,它们都表示数量非常大或程度极其深重。
3. 派生词:Untold可以派生出动词untell,意为“无法讲述,难以表达”,以及名词untoldness,意为“无数,无尽”。
4. 常见用法:Untold常用来修饰疑问、惊讶或赞叹的感叹句,如“Untold wonders lie in store for us”(我们还有许多惊人的发现等待着我们)。
1. The untold story of her courage and determination inspired us all.(她的勇气和毅力的传奇故事激励着我们所有人。)
2. The impact of climate change on our planet is untold, and we must act now to save the environment.(气候变化对我们的星球造成了难以想象的影响,我们必须立即采取行动拯救环境。)
3. The untold truth about his past finally came to light, revealing a shocking secret.(他过去的难以言说的真相最终大白于天下,揭示了一个令人震惊的秘密。)
4. The joy of being reunited with his family after years of separation was untold.(多年分离后与家人团聚的喜悦是无尽的。)
5. The untold riches hidden deep within the forest were discovered by a brave explorer.(勇敢的探险家发现了隐藏在森林深处的无比巨大的财富。)
1. There are many untold stories of heroism during the war. (有许多未被讲述的战争英雄故事。)
2. The untold truth behind his success was his hard work and dedication. (他成功背后的不为人知的真相是他的努力和奉献。)
3. The impact of the pandemic on mental health is one of the untold stories of this crisis. (疫情对心理健康的影响是这场危机中未被讲述的故事之一。)
例句:I cannot change your past with its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories, but I can be there when you need me to care. (我不能改变你伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。)
例句:But critics say that by allying himself with the US, Gen Pao caused his people untold suffering - something that he himself recognised. (但批评者说,通过与美国结盟自己,将军报造成他无数人的痛苦-这是他自己承认。)
例句:For the next eight years, I saw friends die, I saw others go to prison and inflict untold pain on countless victims and their families' lives. (在接下来的xx年里, 我看到了朋友死去, 看到了他人进入监狱 并施加无法形容的痛苦 到无数个受害者 和他们家人的生活。)
例句:I love unearthing good stories, especially untold stories. (翻译:热爱发掘好故事,尤其是那些未曾被讲述过的。)
untold一般作为形容词使用,如在untold wealth(数不清的财富)等常见短语中出现较多。
untold wealth | 数不清的财富 |
1. For the next eight years, I saw friends die, I saw others go to prison and inflict untold pain on countless victims and their families' lives. (翻译:在接下来的xx年里, 我看到了朋友死去, 看到了他人进入监狱 并施加无法形容的痛苦 到无数个受害者 和他们家人的生活。)
2. I love unearthing good stories, especially untold stories. (翻译:热爱发掘好故事,尤其是那些未曾被讲述过的。)
3. The Pacific was stretching all around me as far as the eye could see, and the waves were rocking our boat forcefully, a sort of constant reminder of its untold power. (翻译:我目之所及,全是太平洋, 海浪剧烈地摇晃着我们的船只, 仿佛在不断地提醒我们: 海洋拥有巨大的力量。)
4. How many inventors and untold entrepreneurs live out this phenomenon? (翻译:有多少发明家和无名的企业家们 在现实中印证了这一现象? )
5. Straining the ocean for plastic would be beyond the budget of any country and it might kill untold amounts of sea life in the process. (翻译:把塑料从海水中过滤出来的成本 将超出任何国家的预算 过程中也可能导致海洋生物的死亡 )
6. Volcanic eruptions regularly convulsed the area at the time, entombing untold millions of reptiles, fish, snails and insects in ash. (翻译:但火山喷发震撼了大地,将数不清的爬行类、鱼类、腹足类和昆虫类动物埋入灰烬之中。)
7. If that truth remains hidden, the world will fall under the shadow of evil and untold number of innocents will suffer and die. (翻译:如果这真相被继续掩盖,那么世界 将在邪恶的阴影下沦落。而难以计数的无辜者将遭受痛苦和死亡。)
8. I've had many a laugh at her perplexities and untold troubles, which she vainly strove to hide from my mockery. (翻译:我总笑她那些困惑和说不出口的烦恼,我的嘲笑她可是躲不过的哩。)
9. Much of the world's untold suffering has been caused by this defilement being unduly encouraged and made a god of. (翻译:世间无数的痛苦都是因为不当的激汤和神化这个烦恼所引起的。)
10. Some of them: "American Idol: Kelly's Untold Story" ; "Shat Stars Really Eat" ; "Winona Finally, Her Story" . (翻译:其中有这样一些标题:“美国偶像:凯利鲜为人知的故事”、“明星吃什么”、“威诺娜,她的结局故事”。)
11. They've withstood untold natural perils and human encroachments, but now some of them are in jeopardy, and they can't just get up and get out of the way. (翻译:它们战胜了 难言的自然灾害和人类的侵害, 但是现在它们中的一些处于危机之中, 而它们不能简单地站起来,逃出去。)
12. The troops on both sides must live in the middle of this untold deafen suffering. (翻译:双方的部队都必须在这弥漫着死亡气氛的环境中挣扎求生。)
13. We still have a lot to learn about fireflies, but it looks like many stories will remain untold, because around the world, firefly populations are blinking out. (翻译:还有很多关于萤火虫的故事值得我们去发现, 但可能许多故事会永远保持着缄默, 因为萤火虫可能在眨眼间 就在世上灭绝。)
14. But, then, having the star quarterback convicted of murder does untold harm to the entire sports program. (翻译:但是 让明星四分卫的谋杀罪名坐实 会对整个运动项目造成无法言说的伤害)
15. An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete. (翻译:一枚奥运金牌能为一名运动员带来数不尽的财富。)