persevere是什么意思 persevere的中文翻译、读音、例句

persevere是什么意思 persevere的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和意义:persevere是动词,意为“坚持不懈,持之以恒”。

2. 词源和词形变化:persevere源自拉丁语perseverare,意为“坚持”;它的过去式为persevered,过去分词为persevered。

3. 同义词和反义词:同义词包括persist、continue、endure等;反义词包括give up、quit、surrender等。

4. 用法和搭配:persevere后面通常跟着介词in或with,表示坚持做某件事情;也可以跟着动名词形式,如persevering,表示持续坚持中。

5. 实际应用:persevere是一个很实用的单词,可以用于各种场合,如工作、学习、运动等。只有坚持不懈,才能取得成功。

1. She persevered with her piano lessons, even though it was difficult at first.(她坚持练习钢琴,尽管刚开始很难。)

2. The team persevered in the face of many challenges and finally won the competition.(队伍在面对许多挑战时坚持不懈,最终赢得了比赛。)

3. You need to persevere with your diet and exercise plan if you want to lose weight.(如果你想减肥,就需要坚持你的饮食和锻炼计划。)

4. Despite the setbacks, she persevered and eventually became a successful businesswoman.(尽管遇到了挫折,她仍然坚持不懈,最终成为了一名成功的商业女性。)

5. It is important to persevere in learning a new language, even when it seems difficult.(学习一门新语言时,即使感觉困难,坚持不懈也很重要。)



1. If you persevere, you will eventually achieve your goal.(如果你坚持不懈,最终会实现自己的目标。)

2. It takes courage to persevere through difficult times.(在困难时期坚持不懈需要勇气。)

3. She has a never-give-up attitude and always perseveres through challenges.(她拥有永不放弃的态度,总是在挑战中坚持不懈。)




例句:Being able to envision yourself achieving a goal will compel you to move forward and persevere during times of doubt. (能想象自己实现了一个目标将会迫使你朝目标前进;在有疑虑的时候让你坚持下去。)


例句:You have to persevere with difficult students. (对难教的学生你必须坚持诲人不倦的精神。)


例句:And what a challenge that was to persevere... (And what a challenge that was to persevere...)


例句:My life still can be improved in many ways, but I will persevere and place my life in the hands of my creator, Jesus Christ. (翻译:我的生命在许多方面仍然需要改进,要把我的生命一直放在我的创造者的手中,他就是耶稣基督。)


persevere一般作为动词使用,如在persevere at(坚持)、persevere in(坚持)、persevere with(坚持)等常见短语中出现较多。

persevere at坚持
persevere in坚持
persevere with坚持
persevere in doing[网络] 坚持不懈做某事;持之以恒;坚持不懈地做


1. And what a challenge that was to persevere... (翻译:And what a challenge that was to persevere...)

2. My life still can be improved in many ways, but I will persevere and place my life in the hands of my creator, Jesus Christ. (翻译:我的生命在许多方面仍然需要改进,要把我的生命一直放在我的创造者的手中,他就是耶稣基督。)

3. As you persevere you will learn to expect that the fear and the presence of God can abide with you through all the day. (翻译:当你这样保持下去的时候,你就要学习存敬畏的心活在神面前,并盼望整天都继续在这种情形里。)

4. But I'll persevere at their practice. (翻译:但是从明天开始 我也要努力参加练习 啊!)

5. So longs as you have a roof over your head, the rest you can persevere until you are able to save your way out of financial difficulty. (翻译:只要你头上有个屋顶,剩下的你就能坚持,直到你能够得到解决困难的方法。)

6. Cypress like Cedarwood helps initiates to remember that they are really strong enough within to persevere and transcend. (翻译:柏树就象雪松,帮助提升者记得自己内在其实是足够强大以坚持并超越的。)

7. That this life is a boot camp, that we must persevere through all the obstacles and hardships to earn our way into the next life. (翻译:生命像是新兵的训练营 我们必须持之以恒突破所有障碍 努力赢取我们进入来生的道路)

8. The same like mountaineering, every it conquers high mountains to be power that you persevere in happiness. (翻译:就好像登山一样,每一步征服高山喜悦就是你坚持下去的动力。)

9. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was most sinking, Love decided to ask for help. (翻译:爱想坚持到最后时刻。当海岛即将沉没时,爱心决定求助。)

10. when two people love each other... you persevere through obstacles. (翻译:而且 我认为 当两人相爱的时候 就应该克服困难)

11. Her intense independent consciousness causes her to persevere a faith: Pursues in the foundation of equality love and the marriage. (翻译:她强烈的独立意识使她坚守一个信念:追求平等基础上的爱情和婚姻。)

12. There may be various obstacles that I cannot steer clear of on my future road, but I'll just persevere in doing what I believe. (翻译:在我前进的路上,可能会有各种各样不可避免的障碍,但是我将坚持做我相信的事情。)

13. Persevere and you'll succeed. (翻译:只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。)

14. The fundamental Perspective as put forth by early free market economists, like Adam Smith, is that self interest and competition leads to social prosperity, as the act of competition creates incentive, which motivates people to persevere (翻译:正如早先的自由经济学家 亚当. 斯密提出的基本观点)

15. As my father, you taught me to persevere through the difficult trials in life. (翻译:身为我的父亲,你 教我坚持 完成的困难者 生活的试验。)



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