intertwine是什么意思 intertwine的中文翻译、读音、例句

intertwine是什么意思 intertwine的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:交织、缠绕、纠缠不清。

2. 词性:动词。

3. 常用场景:intertwine 通常用于形容生物体、物体、概念等多种事物之间互相交织、缠绕、交错、交织在一起的状态。也可用于描述事件、情感、人际关系等互相缠绕不清的状态。

4. 词组搭配:

- intertwine with:与...交织、交错、缠绕在一起。

- closely intertwine:紧密地交织、缠绕。

- intimately intertwined:密切相互关联、交织在一起的。

- intertwined fate:相互命运交织的。

- intertwining plot:纷繁复杂的情节。

5. 相关短语:intertwined branches(交织的枝杈)、intertwined fingers(交叠的手指)

6. 发音:[in-ter-twuyn]。



1. The branches of the trees intertwined to form a natural archway. (树枝交织在一起形成了一个天然的拱门。)

2. The stories of the characters in the book are intricately intertwined. (这本书中的人物故事错综复杂地交织在一起。)

3. Love and hate are often intertwined in complex ways. (爱和恨常常以复杂的方式纠缠在一起。)




例句:Don't arrived in future then say whatever you the people to be born to intertwine in such a way all is my fault similar? (别到了以后才说什么 你的人生纠结成这样都怪我之类的)


例句:Several days of clashes in the south of the impoverished country has divided the Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities in the Ferghana valley where the two countries intertwine. (几天的冲突在该国南部贫困的费尔干纳山谷划分为吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦两国所在社区交织。)


例句:Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault's text, "Madness and Civilization." (福考特的文章《疯狂与文明》中交织着三种主要的叙述。)


例句:Surreal phenomena within the fictional village of Macondo intertwine seamlessly with events taking place in the real country of Colombia. (翻译:虚构的马孔多村庄内的超现实现象 与在哥伦比亚的真实发生的事件 无缝地交织在一起。)


1. Three major narratives intertwine within Foucault's text, "Madness and Civilization." (翻译:福考特的文章《疯狂与文明》中交织着三种主要的叙述。)

2. Surreal phenomena within the fictional village of Macondo intertwine seamlessly with events taking place in the real country of Colombia. (翻译:虚构的马孔多村庄内的超现实现象 与在哥伦比亚的真实发生的事件 无缝地交织在一起。)

3. Therefore, my lens aims to capture these 'Key Words' and juxtapose or intertwine the 'scene' of each key word. (翻译:由此,我的镜头瞄准了“关键词”及其与之并置或缠绕的一个个“关键词的景观”。)

4. Like a wave crashes into another, Our heartbeats intertwine (翻译:我们的心跳交织 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Our heartbeats intertwine)

5. But, as you can see, the extra dimensions fold in on themselves and intertwine in a very interesting shape, interesting structure. (翻译:但是你们可以看到 额外的维度嵌入他们之中 缠绕,呈现出一种引人入胜的形状,一个有趣的结构)

6. But, as you can see, the extra dimensions fold in on themselves and intertwine in a very interesting shape, interesting structure. (翻译:但是你们可以看到 额外的维度嵌入他们之中 缠绕,呈现出一种引人入胜的形状,一个有趣的结构 )

7. In Madrid, relief and rejoicing intertwine. (翻译:在马德里,轻松与欢快交织一片。)

8. An attempt was made to intertwine the amusing with the educational. (翻译:作出一种寓教于乐的尝试。)



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