As an English teacher, I would like to explain the word or abbreviation "SDGs" from at least five aspects and provide five examples in both Chinese and English.
1. Definition:
SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 goals established by the United Nations in 2015 to promote sustainable development worldwide.
英文例句:The SDGs provide a framework for countries to work together towards a more sustainable future. (SDGs为国家合作提供了一个促进可持续发展的框架。)
中文例句:SDGs意味着国际社会对于可持续发展的共同奋斗目标。(SDGs means a shared goal for sustainable development for the international community.)
2. Categories:
The 17 SDGs are divided into five categories, including People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.
英文例句:The SDGs aim to achieve a better world for all, by focusing on vital issues such as climate change, gender equality, and poverty reduction. (SDGs旨在通过关注气候变化、性别平等和贫困减少等关键问题,实现更美好的世界。)
中文例句:SDGs的17个目标分为五个类别,涵盖人民、星球、繁荣、和平和伙伴关系。(The 17 SDGs are categorized into five categories, including People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership.)
3. Importance:
The SDGs are essential to ensure a sustainable future for all life on Earth, by promoting economic, social, and environmental development.
英文例句:The SDGs are critical for the future of our planet, and achieving them would help create a world where everyone can thrive. (SDGs对我们星球的未来至关重要,实现它们将有助于创造一个每个人都能繁荣发展的世界。)
中文例句:SDGs是保障地球上所有生命可持续发展的关键,促进经济、社会和环境的发展。(The SDGs are essential to ensure a sustainable future for all life on Earth, by promoting economic, social, and environmental development.)
4. Challenges:
Achieving the SDGs is a challenging and complex process that requires collaboration and commitment from all countries and stakeholders.
英文例句:The SDGs represent a significant challenge for the international community, but they offer an opportunity to create a better world for future generations. (SDGs对国际社会来说是一个巨大的挑战,但它们为未来的世界创造了机会。)
中文例句:实现SDGs是一个具有挑战性和复杂性的过程,需要所有国家和利益相关者的合作和承诺。(Achieving the SDGs is a challenging and complex process that requires collaboration and commitment from all countries and stakeholders.)
5. Progress:
Since their establishment in 2015, progress has been made towards achieving the SDGs, but there is still much work to be done.
英文例句:While progress has been made towards achieving the SDGs, much more needs to be done to ensure a sustainable future for all. (虽然在实现SDGs上已经取得了进展,但仍需更多努力,保障地球上所有人的可持续发展。)
中文例句:自xx年设立SDGs以来,已经朝着实现这些目标取得了进展,但还有很多工作要做。(Since their establishment in 2015, progress has been made towards achieving the SDGs, but there is still much work to be done.)
"sdgs" 是 Sustainable Development Goals 的缩写,中文意为可持续发展目标。这是联合国在xx年通过的,旨在推动全球各国在未来xx年内实现可持续发展的17个目标。这些目标涵盖了减贫、零饥饿、健康、教育、性别平等、清洁水和卫生、可持续能源、经济增长、工业创新、减少不平等、可持续城镇化、气候变化、环境保护、和平与正义、全球伙伴关系等方面。读音为/sdʒiz/,无例句。
例句:So none of these countries are going to hit the SDGs. (可见,这些国家通通都 无法达到可持续性发展目标。)
例句:And we can then take these numbers in all the countries of the world to give ourselves a world forecast on achieving that total package of the SDGs. (接着我们可以拿全世界 所有国家的数据 来做一个世界性的预测, 预测可持续性发展目标的实现情况。)
例句:So, it's the first time we have a robust opportunity to really explore the futures of ability of attaining the SDGs within PBs. (所以,首次我们有了一个机遇 去真正探索在地球界限内 取得可持续发展的未来。)
例句:Every country needs a plan to implement the SDGs and deliver them for their citizens. (翻译:每一个国家都需要制定 一个计划来实施这一目标, 并为它们的公民们去达成这个目标。)
sdgs一般作为名词使用,如在SDGs([网络] 可持续发展目标;永续发展目标;山东高速)等常见短语中出现较多。
SDGs | [网络] 可持续发展目标;永续发展目标;山东高速 |
1. So, it's the first time we have a robust opportunity to really explore the futures of ability of attaining the SDGs within PBs. (翻译:所以,首次我们有了一个机遇 去真正探索在地球界限内 取得可持续发展的未来。)
2. Every country needs a plan to implement the SDGs and deliver them for their citizens. (翻译:每一个国家都需要制定 一个计划来实施这一目标, 并为它们的公民们去达成这个目标。)
3. So let's take a look now at the biggest countries in the world, the ones that will most affect whether or not we achieve the SDGs. (翻译:现在让我们来看看 世界上最大的那些国家, 那些会直接影响到我们能否 实现可持续性发展目标的国家。)
4. So there are reasons to be optimistic about SDGs 2 and 3. (翻译:所以,我们对可持续性发展目标 二和三可以抱持积极的态度。)
5. So the challenge for the SDGs is to try and sweep all these dots across to the right, to 100 by 2030. (翻译:所以,可持续性发展目标的挑战 就是要试着在 2030 年之前把 所有的点全部扫到最右的一百分。)
6. The biggest countries in the world; the dealbreakers for the SDGs. (翻译:世界上最大的国家是能否 达成可持续性发展目标的关键。)
7. Now, the SDGs are of course spectacularly complicated. (翻译:这个可持续性发展目标 的确不容易实现。)
8. On the x-axis are the Sustainable Development Goals; the further to the right, the more of the SDGs we fulfill. (翻译:X轴是可持续发展目标; 越向右代表 我们满足更多可持续发展目标。)
9. We need to achieve SDGs within PBs. (翻译:我们必须在地球界限内 实现可持续发展目标。)
10. And yes, I'm pleased to say that Denmark is forecast to achieve the SDGs by 2030. (翻译:是的,我很高兴的预测,丹麦能在 2030 年实现可持续性发展目标。)
11. Well, I'm going to put the SDGs on a scale of zero to 100. (翻译:我们可以把可持续性发展目标 放到0到100的尺度上来看。)
12. Now, the Social Progress Index doesn't look like the SDGs, but fundamentally, it's measuring the same concepts, and the Social Progress Index has the advantage that we have the data. (翻译:社会进步指数看起来 并不像可持续性发展目标, 但根本来说,它是在衡量同样的概念, 而社会进步指数有一个优势, 就是我们有相关的数据。)
13. The fact that the SDGs are focusing attention on the fact that we face a crisis in personal rights and inclusiveness is a positive. (翻译:可持续性发展目标关注于 我们所面临的人权和包容性危机, 这是一件好事。)
14. So this really led us to a quite disappointing conclusion, that we will actually, even if we go conventional futures, fail on the SDGs and transgress planetary boundaries. (翻译:所以这让我们得出了一个 非常令人失望的结论, 即使选择未来不变, 我们也会在可持续发展目标上失败, 并超过地球界限。)
15. This is covering concepts across a range of SDGs. (翻译:其中囊括了可持续性 发展目标中的不少概念。)