cases是什么意思 cases的中文翻译、读音、例句

cases是什么意思 cases的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:cases 是 case 的复数形式,表示“情况、案件、箱子、草图、病例、单数形式的格和动词用法”等意思。



1. in many cases:在许多情况下

2. use cases:用例

3. edge cases:边缘情况

4. worst-case scenario:最坏的情况

5. basket case:心理上崩溃的人

6. lower case:小写字母

7. test cases:测试用例




1. In many cases, the symptoms are quite mild.


2. Developers use use cases to understand how users will interact with their software.


3. Edge cases are situations that rarely occur but are still worth considering.


4. In the worst-case scenario, the company could go bankrupt.


5. After losing his job, he became a basket case and needed professional help.


6. On this website, all text is displayed in lower case.


7. We need to design test cases that cover all possible scenarios.


cases的中文翻译为“案例”,拼音为“kè sī”,常用于以下场合:

1. 在商业或法律领域,指某种情况下的经验或解决方案。

例句:The lawyer presented several cases to support his argument. (律师提出了几个案例来支持他的观点。)

2. 在医学领域,指某种疾病的具体病例。

例句:The doctor examined the previous cases of the patient before making a diagnosis. (医生在做出诊断前查看了病人以往的病例。)

3. 在语法学或数学等领域,指某种词或数值的不同形态或变化。

例句:The teacher asked the students to give examples of different cases of the noun. (老师要求学生举例说明名词的不同形态。)




例句:Our-our cases with Ashbaugh? (我们代理的阿什宝的案子吗 \fn微软雅黑Our -our cases with Ashbaugh?)


例句:To try to make cases with you. (我差点被迫退休 to try to make cases with you.)


例句:The rate of new cases is increasing. (新案子越来越多了 The rate of new cases is increasing.)


例句:And excuses can always be found in individual cases. (翻译:这些案例各有各的借口 And excuses can always be found in individual cases.)


cases一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in cases([经] 箱装)、in such cases([网络] 在这种情况下;情形下;齐拉格)、digest of cases([法] 案例摘要, 判决要旨)等常见短语中出现较多。

in cases[经] 箱装
in such cases[网络] 在这种情况下;情形下;齐拉格
digest of cases[法] 案例摘要, 判决要旨
direct cases[网络] 直接案件
economic cases[法] 经济案件
edge cases[网络] 边界案例;边缘案例;边缘情况设计
dispatch cases公文包;公文递送箱
display casesun. 陈列框\n[网络] 案例展示;陈列柜;展示盒
dressing casesn. 化妆盒


1. The rate of new cases is increasing. (翻译:新案子越来越多了 The rate of new cases is increasing.)

2. And excuses can always be found in individual cases. (翻译:这些案例各有各的借口 And excuses can always be found in individual cases.)

3. If the day actually comes when you help me solve cases, (翻译:你要是哪天可以给我好好破案的话 If the day actually comes when you help me solve cases,)

4. I solved two major cases, and won tdraa awards for asoallanos. (翻译:两次立功 三次嘉奖 I solved two major cases, and won tdraa awards for asoallanos.)

5. Listen, you must solve all the cases within a week (翻译:you must solve all the cases within a week)

6. Results: 8 cases located in cerebellar hemisphere, 5 cases in vermis, 10 cases in fourth ventricle. (翻译:结果:肿瘤位于小脑半球8例,小脑蚓部5例,第四脑室10例。)

7. Do you fight dowry related cases? (翻译:你是不是打遗产之类的案子 Do you fight dowry related cases.)

8. Results Among the 80 cases, tubal pregnancy was found in 0 cases, ovarian pregnancy in cases, cornual pregnancy in cases. (翻译:果本组80例中发生输卵管妊娠0例,卵巢妊娠例,宫角妊娠例;)

9. I had my detectives check on similar unsolved cases (翻译:我派探员们去核实xx年来 I had my detectives check on similar unsolved cases)

10. This happened in some cases, but it did not happen in other cases. (翻译:这种情况时有发生, 但是也会出现截然不同的境况。)

11. Since you never get emotional about your cases. (翻译:因为你向来不会对自己的案子感情用事 Since you never get emotional about your cases.)

12. It as well lists the innumerable cases of laxity, corruption, evil practice and fraud which have flourished, unchecked, and in some cases for hundreds of years, in these same institutions. (翻译:此外还有不计其数的放纵 It as well lists the innumerable cases of laxity, 堕落 邪恶 以及欺诈行径 corruption, evil practice 恶行如此之猖獗 从未加以遏制 and fraud which have flourished, unchecked, and in some cases)

13. I used to help her profile some cases. (翻译:我曾帮她处理过几个案子 I used to help her profile some cases.)

14. Results: There were 13 cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans, 11 cases of diabetic extremital gangrene, 5 cases of thromboangiitis obliterans, and 3 cases of arterious embolism of lower extremities. (翻译:结果: 动脉硬化性闭塞症13例,糖尿病性肢端坏疽11例,血栓闭塞性脉管炎5例,下肢动脉栓塞3例。)

15. Riling up people, opening old cases. (翻译:到处惹人 翻旧案 Riling up people, opening old cases.)

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