icma是什么意思 icma的中文翻译、读音、例句

icma是什么意思 icma的中文翻译、读音、例句

ICMA是“Institute of Cost and Management Accountants”的缩写,即成本与管理会计师学会,它是英国成本与管理会计师的主要职业机构。下面从三个方面来阐述ICMA。

1. 组织介绍:

ICMA是英国成本与管理会计师的主要职业机构,成立于xx年,总部位于英国伦敦,为全球70多个国家的 10万多名会员提供服务。ICMA的主要目标是培养、提高和促进成本和管理会计的实践和研究,以及促进其在经济和社会领域中的应用。

2. 职业认证:

ICMA会员需要通过专业资格认证,这个认证需要通过一系列严格的考试和工作经验的积累。获得ICMA认证的会员可以得到全方位的职业认可,包括国际通行的职业标准、职业道德、专业知识和技能等。 ICMA认证的会员可以在许多不同领域,如会计、财务、投资等领域中从事工作,并且具有广泛的就业机会。

3. 职业发展:



1. ICMA认证的会员可以在各种领域中找到工作,如会计、财务、投资等。

ICMA certified members can find jobs in a variety of fields, such as accounting, finance, investment, and so on.

2. ICMA为成本和管理会计的实践和研究提供培训和研讨会。

ICMA provides training and seminars for the practice and research of cost and management accounting.

3. ICMA会员需要通过一系列严格的考试和工作经验的积累来获得专业资格认证。

ICMA members need to pass a series of rigorous exams and accumulate work experience to obtain professional certification.

4. ICMA通过提供在线资源、专业论坛和研究等支持其会员的职业发展。

ICMA supports its members' career development by providing online resources, professional forums, and research.

5. ICMA由伦敦市政府和英国会计师协会等机构组成。

ICMA is composed of the City of London Corporation and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, among others.





例句:There are all kinds of the deicing salts, mainly divided into two kinds: traditional deicing salt such as sodium chloride and organic deicer such as CMA. (除冰剂的类型很多,主要分为以氯化物盐为主的传统型除冰剂和以CMA为代表的新型全有机型除冰剂。)


例句:¶ ooh, yeah, ooh i love you (Stay* *I want I want I want you to?)


例句:Mr. Lawson. Is something wrong? I got a voice mess getting older telling me to cma goody you could. (劳森师长,有什么事吗?我收到一个音信,让我给你打个电话。)


例句:I look in the mirror and I like what I see. (翻译:I look in the mirror and I like what I see.)


1. Mr. Lawson. Is something wrong? I got a voice mess getting older telling me to cma goody you could. (翻译:劳森师长,有什么事吗?我收到一个音信,让我给你打个电话。)

2. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. (翻译:I look in the mirror and I like what I see.)

3. If I rearrange that and I push that to (翻译:If I rearrange that and I push that to)

4. The CMA forecast Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and parts of Shaanxi would see more sand and dust in the air over the next 10 days. (翻译:中国气象局预计内蒙古、甘肃、宁夏和陕西部分地区在未来10天将继续遭遇扬沙和浮尘天气。)

5. I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it. (翻译:I have a speech that I wanna make to you, but I was afraid that I was gonna forget it.)

6. DCMA combines the conventional CMA and SR-CMA, and the switch process between CMA and SR-CMA is realized by decision circle ring which boundary is decided by the signal-to-noise radio. (翻译:该算法将常规CMA算法和SR-CMA算法相结合,通过判决圆环完成两种算法之间的切换,根据信噪比确定判决圆环的边界。)

7. This new algorithm has better converge and interference suppressors performance than what Matrix CMA algorithm has. (翻译:这种新算法比矩阵恒模算法表现出更快的收敛速度、更好地抑制噪声的性能。)

8. At first, AppFuse implemented all of these features with its own code and workarounds for CMA. (翻译:最初,AppFuse使用自己的代码和用于CMA的解决方案完全实现了这些特性。)

9. CMA-DFE blind equalization algorithm is widely used in time-varying channel. (翻译:CMA-DFE盲均衡算法在时变信道中有着广泛的应用。)

10. There might be an optimum particle size range for CA and CMA to achieve the maximum carbonation capability. (翻译:存在最佳的粒径范围使醋酸钙和醋酸钙镁的碳酸化能力最大。)

11. "Dangerous" music with video. Three... (翻译:♪ You and I, you and I ♪)

12. And I got out and I-- you know, I uploaded it and I sent it to the news stations. (翻译:{\3cH202020}And I got out and I... I uploaded it and I sent it to the news stations.)

13. I did everything I could, I swear to God! (翻译:I... I did everything I could, I swear to God!)

14. No, I-I-I can understand that. (翻译:I -I -I can understand that.)

15. President-elect of AOCR and the vice chairman of CMA, Professor DAI Jianping: : Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cerebral Ischemia (翻译:当选主席暨中华医学会副会长戴建平教授:脑缺血的早期诊断与治疗)



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