hoop是什么意思 hoop的中文翻译、读音、例句

hoop是什么意思 hoop的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:一种环形物体,通常由硬材料制成,用于游戏或装饰等。

2. 地理位置:在美国,有一个国家公园名为“Hoop National Park”,位于犹他州。

3. 历史:在过去的几个世纪中,穿过鼻子的铁环曾经是奴隶贸易的象征。

4. 流行文化:“hoop”在现代流行文化中仍然很受欢迎,经常出现在音乐视频,时尚杂志和社交媒体等各种场合中。

5. 运动:体育运动篮球中需用到“hoop”,篮球的得分靠将球投入篮筐。


1. They were playing with a hoop in the park.(他们在公园里玩着铁环。)

2. The park ranger explained that the hoop was used in traditional Native American games.(公园管理员解释说铁环是在传统的美洲土著游戏中使用的。)

3. The hoop was made of sturdy metal and had a diameter of approximately two feet.(这个铁环由坚固的金属制成,直径约两英尺。)

4. I saw a girl on the street with a hoop skirt, she looked so elegant.(我在街上看到一个穿着铁环裙的女孩,她看起来非常优雅。)

5. The basketball rolled off the back of the hoop and bounced onto the court.(篮球从篮筐后面滚落下来,弹到球场上。)




1. She tied a hoop around the barrel to keep it from falling apart.(她在桶上绑了一个箍,以防它散架。)

2. The children jumped through the hoop in the circus show.(孩子们在马戏团表演中跳过圈。)

3. The blacksmith made a large hoop to fit around the wooden wheel. (铁匠制作了一个大铁环来适应木质车轮。)




例句:A larger model Hula Hoop for the portly, a battery option for the lazy or spastic. (给肥胖者做个大码的 给懒人或大脑麻痹者加个电池装置)


例句:When I was four years old, my dad taught me the Taos Pueblo Hoop Dance, a traditional dance born hundreds of years ago in Southwestern USA. (我xx岁的时候, 爸爸教我跳陶斯印第安部落圈舞, 一种美国西南部的传统舞蹈, 有数百年的历史。)


例句:Golfer Sam Snead gyrates with a Hula Hoop on a golf course in Miami Springs, Florida, US, on Oct. (xx年xx月xx日,高球选手山姆.史尼德在美国佛州迈阿密泉市一个高尔夫球场上摇呼啦圈。)


例句:If you notice in the picture below of the Hoop Cabled Air Bag, the corners have no cables, and therefore the wsp cannot be raised. (翻译:如果您注意到下面关于纵横钢缆充气包的图片,就会发现转角处没有钢缆,所以压力值无法提高。)


hoop一般作为名词、动词使用,如在drum hoop([铁路] 轮箍)、eccentric hoop(un. 偏心环\n[网络] 偏心箍)、drift hoop([网络] 桅箍)等常见短语中出现较多。

drum hoop[铁路] 轮箍
eccentric hoopun. 偏心环\n[网络] 偏心箍
drift hoop[网络] 桅箍
embroidery hoop绣花圈
expansion hoop膨胀环箍
fixing hoopun. 固定卡箍
folding hoop折合箍
futtock hoopun. 联桅箍\n[网络] 装有挽缆插栓的桅箍
gathering hoop[网络] 聚集箍
guard hoop[网络] 保险环;保险弧环


1. Golfer Sam Snead gyrates with a Hula Hoop on a golf course in Miami Springs, Florida, US, on Oct. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,高球选手山姆.史尼德在美国佛州迈阿密泉市一个高尔夫球场上摇呼啦圈。)

2. If you notice in the picture below of the Hoop Cabled Air Bag, the corners have no cables, and therefore the wsp cannot be raised. (翻译:如果您注意到下面关于纵横钢缆充气包的图片,就会发现转角处没有钢缆,所以压力值无法提高。)

3. The president spoke after talks at the White House with NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. (翻译:奥巴马是在同北约秘书长夏侯雅伯在白宫对话后做出讲话的。)

4. You haven't come up with an idea since the Hoop and the reason is plain to see! (翻译:从那个圆环之后你一筹莫展 而原因非常明显!)

5. I'll never eat another barbecued beef Hula Hoop as long as I live. (翻译:我永远也不会吃其他的烧烤 牛肉呼啦圈,只要我活着。)

6. You see, Buzz it lacks the creative spark the unalloyed genius that made something like, say the Hula Hoop such a success. (翻译:你瞧,巴兹... ...它缺乏创造性的火花... ...纯粹的天才会制造像...)

7. Golfer Sam Snead gyrates with a Hula Hoop on a golf course in Miami Springs, Florida, US, on Oct. 28, 1958. (翻译:xx年xx月xx日,高球选手山姆。史尼德在美国佛州迈阿密泉市一个高尔夫球场上摇呼啦圈。)

8. Barnes is the brainy inventor of America's craziest craze: The Hula Hoop! (翻译:聪明的巴恩斯发明了 美国最为狂热的风潮:)

9. NATO Secretary-General Jaap DE Hoop Scheffer announced the decision. (翻译:北约秘书长夏侯雅伯宣布了这一决定。)

10. During a visit to Kabul last week, NATO Secretary General Jaap DE Hoop Scheffer took time to urge both countries to cooperate. (翻译:北约秘书长夏侯雅伯上星期访问喀布尔期间不失时机地敦促两国进行合作。)

11. You know, Dave some people might say it's kind of weird that a grown man would want a Hula-Hoop. (翻译:你知道, 戴夫... 有人会这样说... 一个大男人想要呼拉圈有点怪)

12. Hoop neck just, this pours to return interesting (翻译:this pours to return interesting)



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