1. lunar calendars:农历日历
2. Gregorian calendars:公历日历
3. wall calendars:挂历
4. desk calendars:桌历
5. academic calendars:学术日历
6. national holiday calendars:国家假期日历
7. perpetual calendars:永久日历
短语:make a calendar(制作日历)
1. I marked the important dates on my calendar.(我在日历上标注了重要的日期。)
2. She has a calendar hanging on the wall of her bedroom.(她卧室的墙上挂着一张日历。)
3. The lunar calendar is still widely used in many Asian countries.(农历在很多亚洲国家仍然广泛使用。)
4. You can find cute desk calendars in most stationery stores.(你可以在大多数文具店找到可爱的桌历。)
5. The academic calendar for the next school year has been released.(下一学年的学术日历已经公布了。)
6. In China, the national holiday calendar includes both traditional festivals and modern holidays.(中国的国家假期日历包括传统节日和现代节日。)
7. The perpetual calendar is designed to show the dates for any year, past or future.(永久日历设计用于显示任何xx年,包括过去和未来。)
calendars 是复数形式,表示“日历”,通常指xx年当中的日子和日期以及重要的节日和纪念日等安排的表格或册子。
1. My grandparents always buy a new calendar for the new year.
2. Don't forget to mark your birthday on the calendar.
3. I use a digital calendar to keep track of my appointments.
例句:But human beings divide it into years, months, days and make calendars. (days 并制作出日历。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}and make calendars.)
例句:So by the time World War II finishes, Americans are using this on everything, whether it be catalogs, or atlases, or encyclopedias or charts and graphs, or calendars, or even political material. (到第二次世界大战结束时, 这种字体开始在美国变得无处不在, 无论是目录还是地图册, 或是百科全书,图表和图片, 或者日历,甚至政治材料都在用。)
例句:Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them. (全部回历与之间切换的能力他们公历日历。)
例句:Adara and her father check their PlumLife calendars every morning by computer, to see what tasks and activities are laid out for the day. (翻译:阿达拉和她父亲凯斯每天早上都会在电脑上查看PlumLife日历,看当天有什么任务和活动要做。)
calendars一般作为名词使用,如在ecclesiastical calendars(ecclesiastical calendar\n教会历(太阳太阴合历)[亦作 church calendar])、gregorian calendars(公历;格里高里历)、hindu calendars(印度历)等常见短语中出现较多。
ecclesiastical calendars | ecclesiastical calendar\n教会历(太阳太阴合历)[亦作 church calendar] |
gregorian calendars | 公历;格里高里历 |
hindu calendars | 印度历 |
jewish calendars | 犹太历;犹历(犹太人所用的一种阴阳历记日系统,从公元前xx年算起)[亦称作 Hebrew calendar] |
julian calendars | 公历;罗马儒略历 |
Legislative Calendars | [网络] 立法议事日程表 |
lunar calendars | n. 阴历 |
lunisolar calendars | [天] 阴阳历 |
muhammadan calendars | Muhammadan calendar\n= islamic calendar |
perpetual calendars | 万年历;万年台历 |
1. Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them. (翻译:全部回历与之间切换的能力他们公历日历。)
2. Adara and her father check their PlumLife calendars every morning by computer, to see what tasks and activities are laid out for the day. (翻译:阿达拉和她父亲凯斯每天早上都会在电脑上查看PlumLife日历,看当天有什么任务和活动要做。)
3. Of course, when people think of calendars, they often think of a visual representation of dates, rather than just a list of events. (翻译:当然,一提起日历,人们通常会想到日期的直观表示,而恰恰不是事件列表。)
4. We need event calendars, police registration, a data check on social security numbers, etc. (翻译:我们需要搜集那时候的活动宣传告示 调阅户籍登记材料,进行材料对比)
5. Cording: To insert or tie cord on hanging CARDS, calendars , book- mark , etc. (翻译:绑线:在吊牌、月历或书签等上面穿线打结。)
6. We want to buy Organizer, Notebook, Bags, Wallet, Diary, Writing Pads, Wallscroll Calenders Diaries and Calendars. (翻译:我们要采购笔记本电脑,箱包,钱包,日记,精美信纸。)
7. Mark your calendars for the next KPOP Idol-Off 2 match! (翻译:在你的日历记录即将进行的KPOP偶像关闭2竞赛!)
8. I'm generally shelved among Snoopy calendars and collections of wisecracks . (翻译:我的书通常被放在史努比和俏皮话集子中间。)
9. Except we have now changed calendars, and it's all happening in November. (翻译:可惜我们正在修改曰历 一切要发生在xx月了)
10. We will no longer consider the Senmyo calendar and concentrate on our Study of the Jyuji and Taito calendars. (翻译:宣明历退出历法研究 从现在开始 对授时历和大统历进行彻底比较吧)
11. And these calendars really started to lay out my program. (翻译:从这个日历里可以了解到我们的整个活动计划。)
12. Keys, calendars, erasers, and pens are utilities at the front desk. (翻译:钥匙、日历本、擦除器和钢笔都是前台需要用到的工具。)
13. Calendars have been enhanced with richer calendar views, expanded support for recurring events, and all-day events. (翻译:日历已得到增强,具有更丰富的日历视图,并扩展了对定期事件和全天事件的支持。)
14. Adam, please. Can you check her calendars, see if there's anywhere I can reach her? (翻译:Adam 拜托了 能翻翻她的行程表 看看我能在哪里找到她吗?)
15. In addition, it gave us access to the Law of Decay, the fundamental difference between the two calendars. (翻译:并且我们找到了导致两套历法出现差异的运算法 即 消长法)