barnes是什么意思 barnes的中文翻译、读音、例句

barnes是什么意思 barnes的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义解释

'Barnes' 通常是一个英语姓氏,也可以指代某些地名、机构或产品品牌。此外,它也可以作为一些缩写词的一部分,表示不同的含义。

2. 地名

'Barnes' 是伦敦西南部的一个区域,位于泰晤士河南岸。这个地区以其优美的河流风光和历史建筑物而闻名。以下是几个例句:

- Barnes is a delightful riverside suburb of London, with a rich history and a vibrant community.


- The Barnes railway station is a major transportation hub in the area, connecting commuters with central London and other destinations.


- If you're looking for great restaurants and cafes, Barnes is the place to be.


3. 姓氏

'Barnes' 是一个常见的英语姓氏,它源于一位在古代欧洲从事谷仓工作的人,具有农民和工匠的意义。以下是几个例句:

- Mr. Barnes is one of our most dedicated teachers, with years of experience and a passion for teaching.


- I met a Barnes family on my trip to England, and they were very welcoming and kind to me.


- The famous novelist Julian Barnes has won numerous literary awards for his works, including the Man Booker Prize.


4. 缩写词

'BARNES' 可以作为某些缩写词的一部分,表示不同的含义。下面是几个例子:

- BARNES: Bio-Access Research Network


- BARNES: British Association of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry


- BARNES: British Association of Retinal Screening


5. 例句

- The BARNES system is a powerful tool for researchers who need to access biological data from remote locations.


- The BARNES conference is an annual event that brings together experts in remote sensing and photogrammetry from around the world.


- The BARNES program provides free retinal screenings to people at risk of developing eye diseases.


- Clare Barnes is a renowned artist who works in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture and installation.


- Barnes & Noble is a popular chain of bookstores in the United States, known for its wide selection of books and cozy atmosphere.





1. Mr. Barnes is the new manager of the company. (巴恩斯先生是这家公司的新经理。)

2. The book store is located on Barnes Road. (这家书店位于巴恩斯路上。)

3. I met Sarah Barnes at the party last night. (昨晚我在派对上遇到了莎拉·巴恩斯。)




例句:Anita Barnes. That's the one that's killing me. (Anita Barnes 她快把我烦死了)


例句:So which Zoe Barnes am I to trust? (所以 我要相信的 是哪个Zoe Barnes?)


barnes一般作为名词使用,如在Barnes(巴尔内斯 姓氏)等常见短语中出现较多。

Barnes巴尔内斯 姓氏


1. I, uh, I checked with corporal Barnes. (翻译:我去问过Barnes下士了 I, uh, I checked with Corporal Barnes.)

2. It's possible that Kidman sent Finizio to kill Barnes. (翻译:有可能Kidman派Finizio去杀了Barnes)

3. Does the name Anita Barnes mean anything to you? (翻译:Anita Barnes这个名字对你而言有什么意义吗?)

4. It's all right, Steve. Come on in, Ms. Barnes. (翻译:没关系 Steve 进来吧 Barnes小姐)

5. Okay. So why are you here, Ms. Barnes? (翻译:好吧 那你来 所为何事 Barnes小姐)

6. 42, wife of Navy Commander Ryan Barnes. (翻译:xx岁 海军司令Ryan Barnes的妻子)

7. Tommy Barnes' attorney. Pleasure. (翻译:Tommy Barnes的律师 很荣幸见到你们)

8. Mr. Barnes, where were you last night? (翻译:Barnes先生 你昨晚在哪里? 在这里)

9. No, man, Barnes just landed. The mountain is clear. (翻译:不,伙计,Barnes已经到了,山上清场了。)

10. Barnes's daughter Miranda was seven years old at the time. (翻译:Barnes的女儿Miranda当时xx岁)

11. Dexter, what if Barnes got a picture of you? (翻译:Dexter 万一Barnes拍到你的照片怎么办?)

12. He could tell the jurors why Barnes can't testify. (翻译:他可以告诉陪审团 为何Barnes不能作证)

13. Barnes counted many more by himself. (翻译:巴恩斯自己数的要多的多 Barnes counted many more by himself.)

14. By killing Nathan Barnes, you cheated him out of it. This is a live feed. (翻译:你杀了Nathan Barnes 就没人给他还钱了 By killing Nathan Barnes, you cheated him out of it.)

15. Do we know where Barnes was supposed to meet Kinky Kelly? (翻译:知道Barnes是去哪里见Kinky Kelly吗)

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