1. 拼写和发音:'leant'是过去式和过去分词的形式,它的基本形式是'lean',读音为/liːn/,强调第一个音节。'leant'在英式英语中较为常见,而在美式英语中常用的是'leaned'。
例句:I leant against the wall to rest my legs.(我倚在墙边休息我的腿。)
The tree leant over the river, providing shade for the fish below.(这棵树向着河弯曲,给下面的鱼提供了阴影。)
2. 含义和用法:'lean'是一个动词,表示倾斜、倚靠、减少或消瘦。'leant'则是它的过去式和过去分词形式,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作。它可以用于形容人、物体或情感。
例句:She leant heavily on her friend for support.(她倚在她的朋友身上,需要支撑。)
The building leant to one side after the earthquake.(地震后,这栋建筑物倾斜了。)
3. 同义词和反义词:'leant'的同义词包括'be inclined', 'tilt'和'slant'等,意思都是倾斜或倾向于某种方向。反义词可以是'rest', 'brace'或'straighten'等,表示保持平衡,支撑或调整方向。
例句:The bookshelf leant slightly to the left, but a bookend could help straighten it out.(书架稍微向左倾斜,但是放一本书的支撑可以帮助它调整方向。)
She leant towards the idea of studying abroad, but her parents wanted her to stay in the same city.(她倾向于到国外学习,但她的父母想让她留在同一个城市。)
4. 引申意义:'leant'也可以被用于比喻或引申意义,例如表示倾向于某种观点或想法,或者表示情感或关系等。
例句:He leant towards the more liberal side of politics, believing in more individual freedoms.(他倾向于政治的自由派一方,相信更多的个人自由。)
Over time, their friendship leant on shared experiences and deep conversations, rather than just fun times.(随着时间的推移,他们的友谊变得更多地依赖于分享的经验和深度对话,而不仅仅是好玩的时光。)
5. 应用场景:'leant'可以在口语、书面语、文学作品、新闻报道等各种场景中出现。它的使用频率不如'leaned',但在某些情况下它比后者更为恰当或自然。
例句:He leant on his cane as he watched the children play in the park.(他倚着拐杖看着孩子们在公园里玩耍。)
The old house leant against the hill, its roof covered in ivy.(这座古老的房子倚在山上,屋顶上长满了常春藤。)
1. The old man leant on his cane as he walked down the street. (那位老人手扶拐杖在路上走着。)
2. The Tower of Pisa has leant to one side for centuries. (比萨斜塔已经倾斜了几个世纪。)
3. She leant over to pick up the dropped pen. (她俯身去捡起掉在地上的笔。)
例句:He leant against the car, gulping in the cold air. (他倚着汽车大口大口地呼吸冷空气。)
例句:Hindley sat opposite, his head leant on his hand; perhaps meditating on the same subject. (辛德雷坐在对面,手托着头;或者也在冥想着同一件事。)
例句:My head lazily leant leftward, close to Mum. (头懒洋洋地歪向左边,靠近了母亲。)
例句:They leant over the gate by the highway, and inquired as to the meaning of the dance and the white-frocked maids. (翻译:他们斜靠在大路边的栅栏门上,询问妇女穿白袍跳舞的意思。)
leant一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在leant on(v. 依靠(靠在 ... 上; 对 ... 施加压力))、leant against(倚靠着......(leant是lean的过去式)\n斜靠着......(leant是lean的过去式))、leant time(n. 拮据时期)等常见短语中出现较多。
leant on | v. 依靠(靠在 ... 上; 对 ... 施加压力) |
leant against | 倚靠着......(leant是lean的过去式)\n斜靠着......(leant是lean的过去式) |
leant time | n. 拮据时期 |
leant towards | v. 倾向于 |
1. My head lazily leant leftward, close to Mum. (翻译:头懒洋洋地歪向左边,靠近了母亲。)
2. They leant over the gate by the highway, and inquired as to the meaning of the dance and the white-frocked maids. (翻译:他们斜靠在大路边的栅栏门上,询问妇女穿白袍跳舞的意思。)
3. The old lady leant on her stick as she talked. (翻译:老太太说话时拄着拐棍。)
4. He leant against the side, and held his fingers on the latch as if intending to open for himself. (翻译:他斜靠在屋边,手指握着门闩,好像打算自己要开门似的。)
5. I went inside, all excited, and I leant over the nave and saw that a huge ceremony was taking place in Notre Dame. (翻译:我激动地走进圣母院 俯身看着中庭 圣母院里正在举行... 一场盛大的仪式)
6. No one else leant over her, and whispered soothing words to her, or was near enough to hear the flutter of her beating heart. (翻译:没有其他任何人向她弯下身去,低声地对她说些安慰的话,或跟她挨得很近,可以听到她颤动的心房正在怦怦地跳动。)
7. Mr Herz broke a 2-2 tie to vote for the reporting-standards proposal that leant heavily towards fair value. (翻译:赫兹打破了委员会中投票的二比二僵局,让报告标准的提案向公允市值严重倾斜。)
8. It gave her a queer thrill to see him turn white when she held his head, to see him tremble when she leant on his arm. (翻译:她抱住他的脑袋时,看见他脸色转白,她倚在他手臂上时,看见他颤栗不止,这使她体验到一阵奇妙的快感。)
9. With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes. (翻译:伴着一声叹息,她往后一靠,闭上了眼睛。)
10. she leant against her father's knee, and Heathcliff was lying on the floor with his head in her lap. (翻译:她靠在父亲的膝前,希刺克厉夫躺在地板上,头枕着她的腿。)
11. I was a little anxious to hear, so I leant in to hear and my son said, "It's fantastic, because if one of them's sick, you've still got another one to cook for you." (翻译:我很急于听到答案, 所以我就靠近听我儿子说, “这种感觉很奇妙, 因为如果一个人病了, 你还有另一个妈妈给你做饭吃。” )
12. In 1996, the time of DOMA, the majority leant 68% to 27% the other way. (翻译:xx年是DOMA的时代,68%的多数派向27%的少数派倾斜。)
13. He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation. (翻译:他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。)
14. He leant aslant against the wall. (翻译:他身子歪斜着依靠在墙上。)
15. The UK leant towards the US proposal. (翻译:英国倾向于美国的提案。)