'blue vivid' 并不是一个常见的词汇或短语,也没有固定的词义。根据英文单词的常规用法,'blue' 指的是颜色,表示蓝色;'vivid' 指的是形容词,表示鲜明的、生动的、清晰的等含义。因此,可以将 'blue vivid' 翻译为“鲜明的蓝色”、“明亮的蓝色”、“清晰的蓝色”等。
下面是7个与 “blue vivid” 相关的中英文翻译例句:
1. The blue vivid sky makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. (明亮鲜明的蓝色天空让我感到放松和平静。)
2. The blue vivid dress looks great on her. (她穿上这件鲜明的蓝色裙子非常好看。)
3. The blue vivid sea was breathtakingly beautiful. (那鲜明的蓝色海洋美得惊人。)
4. The artist used a lot of blue vivid colors in his painting. (这位艺术家在画中使用了很多鲜明的蓝色。)
5. The blue vivid lighting creates a cozy and warm atmosphere. (鲜明的蓝色灯光营造出舒适和温馨的氛围。)
6. The blue vivid eyes of the little girl were full of wonder. (小女孩那双鲜明的蓝眼睛充满了好奇。)
7. She was wearing a blue vivid necklace that matched her outfit perfectly. (她戴着一条鲜明的蓝色项链,与她的衣服完美搭配。)
'Blue vivid'意为明亮的蓝色,是形容词短语。
读音:[bluː ˈvɪvɪd]
1. The sky was a deep blue vivid color on that clear day.
2. She painted the walls with a blue vivid shade to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.