indisputable是什么意思 indisputable的中文翻译、读音、例句

indisputable是什么意思 indisputable的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义:Indisputable表示的是一种毋庸置疑的确定性,可以用于强调某个结论或事实确凿无疑。

2. 同义词:其他与indisputable含义相近的单词包括:undeniable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, unequivocal等。

3. 用法:Indisputable通常用于学术、法律或者正式的场合,表示某个结论或者论据已经证实是无可争辩的。

4. 派生词:indisputably是副词形式,用于修饰动词或形容词,表示“毋庸置疑地”。

5. 搭配:indisputable evidence(无可争辩的证据), indisputable fact(不容置疑的事实), indisputable truth(不可争议的真理)等。


1. The existence of gravity is indisputable. 重力的存在是毫无疑问的。

2. The evidence presented in court was indisputable, leading to the conviction of the accused. 法庭上呈现的证据是无可争辩的,导致被告被定罪。

3. It is indisputable that the economy has suffered during the pandemic. 不容置疑的是,在疫情期间经济受到了影响。

4. The scientific community agrees that climate change is indisputable. 科学界一致认为气候变化是不可争辩的。

5. The company's indisputable success in the market is due to its innovative approach to product design. 公司在市场上的无可争辩的成功归功于其创新的产品设计方法。


这个词语常常用于描述一些无法否定的事实或真相,例如:“The evidence presented in court is indisputable.”(在法庭上呈现的证据无可争辩)。它还可以用于描述一些普遍认可的观点或信念,例如:“It is an indisputable fact that smoking is harmful to your health.”(吸烟对健康有害是不容置疑的事实)。


1. The scientific community agrees that climate change is an indisputable phenomenon.(科学界普遍认为气候变化是一个不争之实)

2. The popularity of smartphones in modern society is an indisputable trend.(智能手机在现代社会中的普及是一个不可争辩的趋势)

3. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy is indisputable.(新冠疫情对全球经济的影响是不可争辩的)

4. It is indisputable that education is the key to improving one's future prospects.(教育是改善个人未来前途的关键,这点毋庸置疑)

5. The importance of physical exercise for maintaining good health is indisputable.(保持身体健康的重要性是不言自明的)

6. The fact that smoking is linked to lung cancer is indisputable.(吸烟与肺癌有关这个事实不可争议)

7. It is indisputable that the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.(互联网已经彻底改变了我们的交流方式和信息获取方式,这一点是不可争辩的)

8. The superiority of renewable energy sources over fossil fuels is indisputable.(可再生能源比化石燃料更优越,这个观点是不容置疑的)

9. The impact of social media on modern culture is indisputable.(社交媒体对现代文化的影响是不可争辩的)





1. The evidence presented in court was indisputable.


2. It is indisputable that exercise is good for your health.


3. The fact that climate change is happening is indisputable.





例句:Are you worried that these things came not from the founders, the people that wrote this book, but from... and this is indisputable... (你们有没有担心这些事情 并非来自其创立者 写这书的人,是从... 当然这是无可争辩的...)


例句:The beauty of the characters is indisputable, but these ideograms weren't too practical for daily use. (汉字的美丽,无可争议。不过这种表意文字在日常生活中并不是很实用。)


例句:In recent years, it was an indisputable fact that the regional economic gap has been rapidly expanding. (近年来,区域经济差距急剧扩大己是不争的事实。)


例句:Yiwu vehicles is an indisputable fact, believe that only through the expansion to be resolved, Yiwu, Yiwu, after all, too many migrants. (翻译:义乌车多是个不争的事实,相信只有义乌通过扩地可以解决,毕竟义乌外来人口太多了。)


indisputable一般作为形容词使用,如在indisputable fact([法]无可争议的事实)、indisputable facts(无可争议的事实\n不争的事实)等常见短语中出现较多。

indisputable fact[法]无可争议的事实
indisputable facts无可争议的事实\n不争的事实


1. In recent years, it was an indisputable fact that the regional economic gap has been rapidly expanding. (翻译:近年来,区域经济差距急剧扩大己是不争的事实。)

2. Yiwu vehicles is an indisputable fact, believe that only through the expansion to be resolved, Yiwu, Yiwu, after all, too many migrants. (翻译:义乌车多是个不争的事实,相信只有义乌通过扩地可以解决,毕竟义乌外来人口太多了。)

3. It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness. (翻译:无可争辩的是,鸟类携带着这种疾病。)

4. Par in parem imperium non habet " is an indisputable legal maxim in the world." (翻译:平等者之间无统治权,这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。)

5. Storm said he's innocent of all charges proffered against him in the press and that he has indisputable proof of this. (翻译:斯托说他是无辜的 根本没有做过媒体强加给他的罪行 ...而且他有有力的证据可以证明这一切)

6. Par in parem imperium non habet is an indisputable legal maxim in the world (翻译:平等者之间无统治权,这是国际上不容争辩的一项法律格言。)

7. That much is indisputable. (翻译:这点是毋庸置疑的。)

8. As I shall demonstrate later, the financial significance of Asia is indisputable. (翻译:我稍后会较详细分析,亚洲金融的重要性是无可置疑的。)

9. Generally, judicially noticed evidence is a straightforward fact, an indisputable issue, or a bit of common knowledge. (翻译:通常,司法认知的证据是一种简单明了的事实,是一种无可争辩的问题,或者是一些常识。)

10. There is a way, an indisputable way... to reveal the vampire. (翻译:有一个方法 一个绝无漏洞的方法... 可以找到吸血鬼)

11. Indisputable scientific evidence that on the night of January 20 Richard Kimble did in fact viciously attack and brutally murder his wife. (翻译:科学上的证据 百口莫辩 在xx月xx日的晚间 金波以毒手)

12. As aresult, many strong pressure and achieve the best rookie nature is indisputable. (翻译:于是乎,力压众多强手,获得最佳新秀自然也是无可争议。)

13. I'd like to stress that China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea including Xisha and Nansha islands. (翻译:我想强调,中国对包括西沙、南沙在内的南海诸岛拥有无可争辩的主权。)

14. Our code of conduct is indisputable. (翻译:我们的标准毋庸置疑 Our code of conduct is indisputable.)

15. But over the next few days... the defense will prove conclusively... that Mr. Gibbs never acted with intention... because of one indisputable fact. (翻译:但在接下来的几天... 国防 将最终证明... 吉布斯先生 从来没有演过有意向...)

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