dean是什么意思 dean的中文翻译、读音、例句

dean是什么意思 dean的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:名词

2. 含义:指在学院、系、学校或教堂等组织中担任管理职务的人。

3. 常用场景:在学术界、教育领域或宗教机构中经常使用此词。例如学院院长、系主任、学校校长、教堂长等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有dean of students(学生事务主任)、dean of faculty(教职员工主任)、dean's office(院长办公室)等。

5. 相关短语:与Dean相关的短语包括dean's list(院长荣誉榜)、dean's honor roll(院长荣誉名单)等。

6. 发音拼写:[di:n],重读音节在第一音节。




1. I'm going to a meeting with the dean this afternoon.(我今天下午要去见系主任。)

2. She's the dean of the School of Business.(她是商学院的院长。)

3. The dean will preside over the graduation ceremony.(系主任将主持毕业典礼。)

4. The dean of students oversees all student activities on campus.(学生事务主任负责校园内所有学生活动。)

5. The dean of the medical school is a renowned researcher.(医学院院长是一位著名的研究者。)

6. The dean's office is on the third floor of the building.(系办公室在这栋建筑物的三楼。)

7. The dean asked me to organize the next faculty meeting.(系主任让我组织下次教师会议。)

8. The dean of the college of arts and sciences is a well-respected scholar.(文理学院院长是一位备受尊敬的学者。)

9. The dean of admissions oversees the process of admitting new students to the university.(招生主任负责管理新生的录取程序。)




1. He is the dean of the School of Business.(他是商学院的院长。)

2. The dean of the Faculty of Arts will address the students at the opening ceremony.(文学院的系主任将在开幕式上向学生致辞。)

3. The dean of students is responsible for overseeing all student activities.(教务长负责监督所有学生活动。)

4. She was elected as the dean of the women's association.(她当选为妇女协会的主席。)

5. The dean of the political party is a respected leader.(这个政党的领袖备受尊敬。)




例句 you know nwhat that did to her? (Nbecause of you dean! and your demons!)


例句:Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Go! (赶快带你弟弟离开屋子 快 Dean 快跑)


例句:Take your brother outside as fast as you can! (赶快带你弟弟离开屋子 快 Dean 快跑)


例句:Dean, It's Jerry Panowski. (翻译:Dean 我是Jerry Panowski)


dean一般作为名词使用,如在East Dean([地名] 东迪恩 ( 英 ))、Forest of Dean([网络] 迪恩森林;迪恩森林区;迪安猎场)、Gloomy Dean([网络] 阴沉的院长)等常见短语中出现较多。

East Dean[地名] 东迪恩 ( 英 )
Forest of Dean[网络] 迪恩森林;迪恩森林区;迪安猎场
Gloomy Dean[网络] 阴沉的院长
James Dean詹姆斯·迪恩(好莱坞青春偶像)
Jimmy Dean[网络] 迪安;吉米·迪安;迪恩
rural deann. 乡村教区司铎
James Byron Dean[网络] 詹姆斯·迪恩;占士甸;詹姆士狄恩


1. Take your brother outside as fast as you can! (翻译:赶快带你弟弟离开屋子 快 Dean 快跑)

2. Dean, It's Jerry Panowski. (翻译:Dean 我是Jerry Panowski)

3. Dean Winchester. Back from Purgatory. (翻译:Dean Winchester 欢迎从炼狱回来)

4. So... what else did the doctor say about Dean? (翻译:那... 医生对Dean的病情说了些什么?)

5. Dean, Dean, Dean, ease up on the black-on-black crime, bro. (翻译:! 毙叭... 淮肞翴 窾暗短ㄆ摆,ρ)

6. Sam, Dean, good to see you again. (翻译:Dean. Good to see you again.)

7. Am I crazy or does that look like James Dean? (翻译:or does that look like james dean?)

8. Randy Dean, we know you're in there. (翻译:Randy Dean, 我们知道你在里面.)

9. Sam and Dean Winchester, you have the right to remain silent. (翻译:Sam,Dean Winchester,你们有权保持沉默)

10. I said, "Wait a minute, The Dean Collection is not just for The Dean Collection, The Dean Collection is for everyone." (翻译:我说,“ 等一下, 迪恩收藏不只是为了迪恩收藏, 也是为了所有人打造的。” )

11. I know what she's capable of, Dean. (翻译:Dean - - I wrote her.)

12. I think of Dean Moriarty, I think of Dean Moriarty. (翻译:我想到了迪安·莫瑞亚提 我想到了迪安·莫瑞亚提)

13. Well, Dean's more like my father than I am, but... (翻译:这个嘛 Dean比我更像我爸 但他...)

14. Take your brother outside as fast as you can. Go! (翻译:赶快带你弟弟离开屋子 快 Dean 快跑)

15. Well, Sam and Dean were just on their way out. (翻译:Sam and Dean were just on their way out.)

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