welt是什么意思 welt的中文翻译、读音、例句

welt是什么意思 welt的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:首先需要说明'welt'是一个名词。作为名词,它通常表示一个厚实的、长条形的物体,最常见的用法是指皮带上的厚线条,或者鞋子的压线。


- The belt had a wide welt running down the center.


- The boots had a welted seam for extra durability.


2. 材质:'welt'也可以指特定的材质,比如用于紧固物品的硬质帆布条。


- The backpack was reinforced with sturdy welts along the straps.


- The tent's zippers were protected by welts to keep out water and dirt.


3. 皮肤病:在医学上,'welt'可以指皮肤上的红肿、瘤块或者疙瘩,通常是由于过敏或者传染病引起的。


- Her arms were covered in itchy welts from the mosquito bites.


- The doctor diagnosed the rash on his leg as a welt caused by poison ivy.


4. 毒品:'welt'也可以用作毒品的代称,通常指吸食冰毒(Methamphetamine)所产生的兴奋效果。


- The trend of using welts in the club scene has caused concern for public health officials.


- She struggled with addiction to welts for years before seeking treatment.


5. 缩写:最后,'welt'也可以作为缩写词使用,表示World Englishes Learning and Teaching。这个缩写通常用于语言学研究领域。


- The symposium will feature presentations on the latest research in WELT.

(这个研讨会将介绍关于World Englishes Learning and Teaching最新的研究成果。)

- The WELT program offers training for teachers who work with multilingual students.




1. He had a welt on his leg from where he fell off his bike.


2. The leather belt had a thick welt running down the middle.


3. The pork roast was covered in fat and had a thick welt of skin around the edge.





例句:There is another example. A famous singer can sing very welt. (还有一个好例子,一个著名的歌手歌唱得非常好。)


例句:A German government spokeswoman on Sunday confirmed the remarks made to the Welt am Sonntag. (一德国政府发言人士周日证实了上述对德国周日世界报发表的谈话。)


例句:I got a welt on my head that makes me look like a fricking Star Trek character. (我头上肿起来一块 就像《星际迷航》中的怪人一样)


例句:At the last count, in a poll on the website of the conservative daily Die Welt, 87% of respondents applaud Mr Geissler's remark. (翻译:最新统计表明,根据保守阵营报纸《世界报》网站上的一项民意调查,87%的调查对象赞同盖斯勒的言论。)


welt一般作为名词、动词使用,如在die welt(世界报)、double welt(双咬口)、english welt(英式关边)等常见短语中出现较多。

die welt世界报
double welt双咬口
english welt英式关边
fender welt保护板的衬板
french welt法式关边
geanticlinal welt地背斜带, 地背斜岭
Goodyear welt[网络] 固特异缝法;固特异沿条;固特异工法
inturned welt袜子翻口,双层袜口
reverse welt翻口
roll welt英国式关边


1. I got a welt on my head that makes me look like a fricking Star Trek character. (翻译:我头上肿起来一块 就像《星际迷航》中的怪人一样)

2. At the last count, in a poll on the website of the conservative daily Die Welt, 87% of respondents applaud Mr Geissler's remark. (翻译:最新统计表明,根据保守阵营报纸《世界报》网站上的一项民意调查,87%的调查对象赞同盖斯勒的言论。)

3. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and touches the long welt where my forehead bounced off the steering wheel. (翻译:他从方向盘上腾出一只手,轻轻摸了摸我被方向盘撞的伤痕。)

4. His body , she later discovered, bore almost no bruises, but was full of strange, painful swellings, and there was a welt above one eye . (翻译:后来她发现,他身上几乎什么伤痕也没有,可是到处都是奇怪而又疼痛的肿块,在一只眼睛的上方有一条鞭痕。)

5. Little boy... yearling... infant, babe, baby... welt, chapped, sore, rapous... rapacious, wild, agrestic... domestic... bucolic, idyllic... (翻译:...男孩... ...xx岁... ...婴儿, 宝贝...)

6. Introduces the applying results of free bolt self-standing welt and coattail antiwear cast steel tiny lining tile in type of DTM ball crusher. (翻译:介绍无螺栓自固衬板及燕尾形耐磨铸钢小衬瓦在DT M型球磨机上的应用效果。)

7. The publisher of Bild and Die Welt recently recorded the most profitable first quarter in its history. (翻译:这位《图片报》和《世界报》的出版商最近第一季度的营利创造了历史记录。)

8. All inner pocket details and welt pockets have been eliminated. Patch pockets are easier to sew and offer a more casual look. (翻译:衣里不做口袋与手巾袋。缝纫贴袋更简易并给人一种轻松、随意的感觉。)

9. Not knowing what else to do, they cut open the welt. (翻译:三兄弟不知所措,于是, 他们切开了他背部肿胀的地方, )

10. Rumors that Intel would buy Infineon's cellular chip business gained fuel on Friday as Germany's Die Welt claimed that a deal is close. (翻译:据德国《世界报》本周五披露,Intel将收购英飞凌公司的手机芯片业务部门。)



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