maser是什么意思 maser的中文翻译、读音、例句

maser是什么意思 maser的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思: maser是一种使用微波辐射的原子或分子激射器,用于生产相干辐射等。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:在物理学和电子学领域中被广泛使用,特别是在无线通信和雷达系统中。

4. 词组搭配:

- Solid-state maser:固态激光器

- Hydrogen maser:氢原子激光器

- Atomic maser:原子激光器

- Maser beam:激光束

5. 相关短语:

- Maser frequency:激光器频率

- Maser emission:激光辐射

- Maser amplifier:激光放大器

- Maser oscillator:激光振荡器

6. 发音拼写:[ˈmeɪzə(r)]。



1. It is difficult to build and operate a hydrogen maser because it requires a highly controlled environment. (建造和运行氢质子微波放大器很困难,因为它需要高度控制的环境。)

2. The maser is used in radio astronomy to study the structure of the universe. (微波放大器在射电天文学中被用来研究宇宙的结构。)

3. The maser is an important component in many communication and navigation systems. (微波放大器是许多通信和导航系统中的重要组件。)

4. The maser is capable of producing highly coherent and intense radiation. (微波放大器能够产生高度相干和强烈的辐射。)

5. The maser is used in scientific research, military applications, and commercial applications. (微波放大器被用于科学研究、军事应用和商业应用。)

6. The world's most accurate clock is based on a hydrogen maser. (世界上最精确的钟表是基于氢质子微波放大器的。)

7. The maser was invented by Charles H. Townes and his colleagues in 1953. (微波放大器是由查尔斯·汤恩斯和他的同事在xx年发明的。)

8. The maser works by amplifying the radiation produced by a resonant cavity. (微波放大器通过放大共振腔产生的辐射来工作。)

9. The maser is a key technology for satellite communication, radar, and remote sensing. (微波放大器是卫星通信、雷达和遥感的关键技术。)





1. The maser is used in deep space communication.


2. The maser is a key component in radar and satellite communication.





例句:Our battle with Big-Foot Gaira enabled us to organize a troop to combat monsters with Maser Guns. (经过与巨大人形生物加以拉一战后 成立以镁射炮为自卫武器 的特生自卫队.)


例句:Basov: Russian physicist. He shared a 1964 Nobel Prize for developing the maser and laser principle of producing high-intensity radiation. (俄国物理学家,他提出了微波放大器和激光产生高强度辐射能原理,并为此于xx年获得诺贝尔奖。)


例句:Maser said Leo Raubal long considered such a lawsuit before his death in 1979. (马泽说,雷欧·劳巴尔于xx年去世,此前他一直在考虑就此事提起诉讼。)


例句:He said he visited MaSeR periodically to ensure that the material was fully recycled. (翻译:他说他曾定期去参观过MaSeR以保证那些原料被完全回收利用。)


maser一般作为名词使用,如在garnet maser(【电子学】石榴石微波激射器)、gas maser([电] 气微射)、gyrotron maser(陀螺振子微波激射器)等常见短语中出现较多。

garnet maser【电子学】石榴石微波激射器
gas maser[电] 气微射
gyrotron maser陀螺振子微波激射器
h maser氢微波激射器
helium maser氦氖脉塞
hydrogen maser氢微波激射器
hydroxyl maser[网络] 羟基微波激射;羟基微波激射器
infrared maser红外激射器;红外脉塞
inverse maser逆微波激射


1. Maser said Leo Raubal long considered such a lawsuit before his death in 1979. (翻译:马泽说,雷欧·劳巴尔于xx年去世,此前他一直在考虑就此事提起诉讼。)

2. He said he visited MaSeR periodically to ensure that the material was fully recycled. (翻译:他说他曾定期去参观过MaSeR以保证那些原料被完全回收利用。)

3. A new hydrogen maser for VLBI-network in China has been developed at Shanghai Observatory. (翻译:一种用来装备中国VLBI网络的新型氢脉泽标准已在上海天艺台研制成功。)

4. Last year the art critics praised Jonas as if he were a maser, but he turned out to be a nine day's wonder. (翻译:去年艺术评论家们还赞颂乔纳斯为大师呢,但后来证明它只是一个昙花一现的人物。)

5. Basov: Russian physicist. He Shared a 1964 Nobel Prize for developing the maser and laser principle of producing high-intensity radiation. (翻译:巴索夫:俄国物理学家,他提出了微波放大器和激光产生高强度辐射能原理,并为此于xx年获得诺贝尔奖。)

6. He said he visited MaSeR periodically to ensure that the material was fully recycled. (翻译:他说他曾定期去参观过MaSeR以保证那些原料被完全回收利用。)

7. Doctoral work, Cal Tech where you worked on the lanthanide-doped ruby maser dramatically increasing the sensitivity of radio telescopes. (翻译:在加州理工学院攻读博士 ...研究镧掺杂红宝石量子放大器... ...极大提高了射电望远镜的灵敏度)

8. We call it a mega-maser. (翻译:我们叫它巨型脉泽。)

9. Maser Guns can't injure Godzilla. (翻译:但要对付哥斯拉, 镁射炮根本起不了作用.)



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