workflow是什么意思 workflow的中文翻译、读音、例句

workflow是什么意思 workflow的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:workflow automation(工作流自动化)、workflow management(工作流管理)、workflow design(工作流设计)等。




1. Our team has streamlined the workflow to improve efficiency.

2. The new software enables us to automate our workflow and save time.

3. The workflow for approving expense claims has been updated.

4. We need to identify bottlenecks in the workflow and remove them.

5. The workflow between departments needs to be better coordinated.

6. A clear workflow can help to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

7. Workflow management software can help to keep track of tasks and deadlines.


1. 我们的团队已经简化了工作流程,以提高效率。

2. 新软件使我们能够自动化工作流程并节省时间。

3. 报销申请的审批工作流程已经更新。

4. 我们需要识别工作流程中的瓶颈并排除它们。

5. 部门之间的工作流程需要更好地协调。

6. 明确的工作流程有助于避免错误和误解。

7. 工作流程管理软件可以帮助跟踪任务和截止日期。




1. This workflow involves multiple departments and stakeholders.(这个工作流程涉及多个部门和利益相关者。)

2. We need to streamline our workflow to improve efficiency.(我们需要优化工作流程以提高效率。)

3. The software can automate routine tasks in the workflow.(这个软件可以自动化工作流程中的常规任务。)

4. The project manager designed a customized workflow for the team.(项目经理为团队设计了一个定制化的工作流程。)

5. The medical staff followed the standard workflow for diagnosis and treatment.(医护人员按照标准的诊疗工作流程进行治疗。)

6. The financial institution implemented a strict workflow for loan approval.(金融机构实施了严格的贷款批准工作流程。)

7. The manufacturing plant adopted a lean workflow to reduce waste and cost.(制造工厂采用精益工作流程以减少浪费和成本。)

8. The administrative staff used a digital workflow system to manage documents.(行政人员使用数字化工作流程系统管理文件。)

9. The customer service team followed a standard workflow for handling complaints.(客服团队按照标准的工作流程处理投诉。)

中文翻译:工作流程;读音:wərkˌfloʊ;例句:我们需要优化公司的工作流程以提高效率。(We need to optimize the workflow of the company to improve efficiency.)




例句:The CARESTREAM portfolio provides tools that can be tailored to unique workflow requirements. (CARESTREAM产品组合能够根据独特的工作流程需求提供可以定制的工具。)


例句:These additional elements would have to be added to the business object subtype and workflow container in SAP ERP. (这些额外的元素本应该添加到SAPERP中的业务对象子类型和工作流容器。)


例句:Diego Naya Lazo: In the strictest sense a workflow and a rule are pretty much the same. (DiegoNayaLazo:严格来说,工作流和规则几乎是等同的。)


例句:You harness the power of FXG by using it to streamline the application-development workflow. (翻译:通过使用FXG来简化应用程序开发工作流,您可以利用FXG的威力。)


workflow一般作为名词使用,如在digital workflow(数字化工作流程)、manage workflow([网络] 管理工作流程;工作流管理)、process workflow(工作流管理)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital workflow数字化工作流程
manage workflow[网络] 管理工作流程;工作流管理
process workflow工作流管理
tapeless workflow[网络] 无带工作流程
workflow action工作流程动作
workflow application工作流应用程序
workflow automation工作流自动化
workflow designer工作流程设计工具
workflow engine[网络] 工作流引擎;工作流程引擎;工作流引擎与服务


1. Diego Naya Lazo: In the strictest sense a workflow and a rule are pretty much the same. (翻译:DiegoNayaLazo:严格来说,工作流和规则几乎是等同的。)

2. You harness the power of FXG by using it to streamline the application-development workflow. (翻译:通过使用FXG来简化应用程序开发工作流,您可以利用FXG的威力。)

3. Once a workflow is deployed, an Oozie provides a command line utility [5] can be used to submit, start and manipulate a workflow. (翻译:完成了工作流的部署之后,我们可以使用Oozie提供的命令行工具[5],它可以用于提交、启动和操作工作流。)

4. And, what if IAs were included in that workflow? (翻译:而且,要是执行机构包含在该工作流中呢? )

5. Visualizing a workflow, especially when talking about something as nebulous as content, can be a little confusing. (翻译:观察某个工作流,有时会有一些困惑,特别是在讨论某些像内容这样笼统的东西的时候。)

6. Diego Naya Lazo: For example, JIRA, the popular issue tracker uses OSWorkflow as a workflow layer. (翻译:DiegoNayaLazo:比如JIRA,它是一个流行的问题跟踪系统,在该系统中,OSWorkflow作为工作流层被应用。)

7. And then there were the tricks for managing my workflow. (翻译:另外,我还学到了一些 管理我工作的小技巧。)

8. As much as this image looks "finished", the workflow was very much a loose and explorative process. (翻译:尽管这个图面看上去已经完成了,但是这一套工作方法是非常宽松而且探究性的。)

9. Then you can send a hyperlink representing this workflow policy to a user so he or she can fill out the form and a workflow can be launched. (翻译:然后您可以将代表此工作流策略的超链接发送给用户,以便其填写表格并启动工作流。)

10. This kind of workflow is now heading towards supporting people-based workflows as well. (翻译:这种工作流现在也在朝支持基于人的工作流的方向发展。)

11. And when people draw diagrams of Git workflow, they use drawings that look like this. (翻译:当人们绘制Git流程图的时候 就会像这样 )

12. Have your workflow call my workflow? (翻译:让您的工作流调用我的工作流。)

13. There are many variations to this, including intermixing the Partner workflow with this workflow. (翻译:这种工作流有许多变体,包括与Partner工作流结合使用。)

14. With aspect, actualized the modularity of workflow instance aspect, and implemented the dynamic interacting with original workflow model. (翻译:通过方面,在该建模方法中实现工作流活动实例方面模块化,并且完成了实例方面与原工作流模型之间的动态交互。)

15. Some people might be responsible for parts of the application delivery process, but not know the nuances of the workflow overall. (翻译:有些人可能对部分程序交付进程负责,但是他们不知道总体工作流程的细微差别。)



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