round up是什么意思 round up的中文翻译、读音、例句

round up是什么意思 round up的中文翻译、读音、例句

首先,'round up'可以是一个动词短语,表示将一组东西或一群人聚集在一起。其次,'round up'也可以是缩写词,特别是在数字或金融领域中使用,表示将数值调整到最接近的整数或某个特定的数量。最后,'round up'还可以表示将某人送入警方或军队等机构进行逮捕或拘留。


1. The cowboys rounded up the cattle for branding. (牛仔们将牛群聚集起来进行标记。)

2. The police rounded up a group of suspects in connection with the robbery. (警察逮捕了一群与抢劫案有关的嫌疑人。)

3. Could you please round up the total cost to the nearest dollar? (你能把总费用调整到最接近的整数吗?)

4. The charity organization rounded up donations during the holiday season. (慈善组织在假期期间募集捐款。)

5. The accountant rounded up the sales figures to make them look better. (会计师把销售数字调整到更好看的数字。)

round up的意思是将数量或数字向上调整到最接近的整数或某个固定数值。常见用法包括:

1. 向上取整:将小数或分数四舍五入到下一个整数或最接近的固定数值。

2. 圆整:将数字调整到可被另一个数字整除的最接近的整数。

3. 集合:将人或物聚集在一起,尤指将人囚禁或抓捕。


读音:[raʊnd ʌp]


1. The store owner always rounds up the prices to the nearest dollar, so customers won't have to deal with small change. (商店老板总是将价格四舍五入到最接近的整数,这样顾客就不必处理零钱了。)

2. The charity organization rounded up donations from local businesses to support the homeless shelter. (慈善组织从当地企业集资,支持无家可归者收容所。)

3. The police rounded up several suspects for questioning about the robbery. (警方逮捕了几名嫌疑人就抢劫案进行询问。)

round up的意思是"使数目恰恰好、摘要",在日常中也代表"使集拢"的意思,单词读音音标为[roundup],round up常被用作名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到53个与round up相关的句子。

Round up的释义


例句:.88 if you just round up... (6.88如果你... .88 if you just round up...)


例句:Round up the dogs and move out! (We got a situation, everybody.)


例句:Guys, this round is on me. (Guys, this round is on me.)


例句:♪ And wrap it round this dance ♪ (翻译:♪ And wrap it round this dance ♪)


round up一般作为名词使用,如在round up to(v. 凑成整数)、round sth up([网络] 圆头)、round and round(旋转不息地)等常见短语中出现较多。

round up tov. 凑成整数
round sth up[网络] 圆头
round and round旋转不息地
in a round围成一圈
in the round全面地, 圆雕的
round in拉, 拉绳, 牵, 牵索
round intov. 成长,进展为
round on对…发怒,攻击


1. Guys, this round is on me. (翻译:Guys, this round is on me.)

2. ♪ And wrap it round this dance ♪ (翻译:♪ And wrap it round this dance ♪)

3. " My heart Goes round and round " (翻译:? My heart Goes round and round ?)

4. ♪ You are the moon rushed round ♪ (翻译:- You are the moon rushed round)

5. We look up and to the left and see vultures circling round and round. (翻译:我们抬头望去,看到左边 有秃鹫在一圈圈地盘旋。)

6. It is time for the second round: Style. (翻译:It is time for the second round:)

7. Ali picks it up, 40 seconds left in round five. (翻译:第五回合还剩40秒 阿里还坚挺 Ali picks it up, 40 seconds left in round five.)

8. Slowly, wheels go round and round (翻译:wheels go round and round)

9. The conversion stopped round about 2008, I think. (翻译:The conversion stopped round about 2008, I think.)

10. ♪ Turn around, round, round, round, round, round ♪ (翻译:转过去,去,去 turn around, round, round, 去,去,去 round, round, round)

11. ♪ Losing my head, spinning round and round. ♪ (翻译:思绪纠缠 情绪激昂* *Losing my head, spinning round and round)

12. Why do people always round up? (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}为什么人们总是分不清楚呢? {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Why do people always round up?)

13. One sort folds up instantly, the othersort goes round and round in circles. (翻译:一种卷起铺盖就走人 One sort folds up instantly, 另一种原地转圈 the othersort goes round and round in circles.)

14. If you want it in round figures... (翻译:If you want it in round figures...)

15. And we are off with the first round: (翻译:[all speak Spanish] And we are off with the first round:)

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